Imprès des de Indymedia Barcelona :
Independent Media Center
04 jul 2008
Creat: 04 jul 2008

G8 Summit in Japan

Between July 7th and 9th will take place in Japan, in the Hokkaido island, the G8 summit, a group formed by the State's Heads of Canada, France, Germany, Japan, Italy, the United States, United Kingdom and Rusia. They meet again to decide our future based on their interests. The global economy, the climate change and the Africa development will be some of the priority subjects in the Summit.

related news ::: First feature from Japan, looking for the G8... :: June 29 - Demonstration in Tokyo against the G8 :: Esperanto anarchists persecuted in the G8 :: Detained during the preparations :: [G8-2001] a race against the clock

Japan G8 videos ::: G8 2008 Japan Trailer :: Clownsarmy in Heiligendamm -- Preparing for G8 2008 :: No G8 Japan 2008 - Lake Toya promo

+info ::: Counter-Summit agenda :: Location :: Media net :: G8 day by day :: NO G8 action Japan :: G8 Action Network :: >>>globalization

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