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Notícies :: guerra
Combatientes chiíes tienen rehenes del ejército español (Pravda reporta)
10 abr 2004
04-10-2004 12:19

Iraq: the more hostages, the closer the end of occupation?

Supporters of a radical Shiite leader Murkad Al-Sadr say they are keeping several Spanish soldiers hostages and "perhaps, one American soldier"
Based on the latest information, servicemen of the coalition forces have been taken hostages in Iraqi town of Nadjef, located south of Baghdad.

Insurgents plan to exchange the hostages on one of the Shiite leaders-Mustafa Al-Yakubi, who has been arrested April 3 by International coalition forces, reports RBC.

One of the leaders of the insurgents Amar Al-Husseini has already declared the following: "We arrested hostages from the coalition forces; majority of them are Spanish and also, perhaps, one American soldier. We want to exchange them on Mustafa Al-Yakubi."

The soldiers of the coalition forces have been captured in the town of El-Kufe, which is no longer under the coalition's control. Shiite militants captured administrations buildings, police stations, warehouses and other buildings built by American troops. The buildings are completely looted.

Italian secret services SISMI made public the report containing threats of kidnapping foreign citizens in Iraq. The report of SISMI director Nikkolo Pollari states that those victims can later be as a mean for ransom in order to make occupational coalition forces to leave Iraq.
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Un grupo armado iraquí amenaza con asesinar a 30 secuestrados extranjeros, entre ellos varios españoles
10 abr 2004

Un desconocido grupo armado, que se hace llamar las "Brigadas del mártir jeque Yasin", amenazó hoy --en un mensaje de vídeo difundido por la cadena de televisión por satélite árabe Al Arabiya-- con matar a "treinta secuestrados" extranjeros, entre ellos algunos españoles, que asegura tener retenidos.

"Nosotros, Brigadas del mártir y héroe jeque Yasín --el líder espiritual de Hamás asesinado por el Ejército israelí en marzo--, anunciamos tener 30 secuestrados, entre ellos japoneses, búlgaros, americanos, israelíes, españoles, coreanos, italianos y de otras" nacionalidades, declaró un portavoz del grupo en un mensaje de vídeo filmado entre hombres armados, todos ellos con pasamontañas.

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