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Una carta al Pueblo espanol
16 mar 2004
This is a letter to the People of Spain. Forgive the language but I want the gringos y los huevones ingleses to understand it, but it comes from the bottom of my heart as I thank you for a ray of hope that, together with the return of Aristide to the Caribbean, marks a historical pause (actually a slap in his face) of Bush and his defeatable march towards hell on Earth. Thank you!!This is a letter to the People of Spain. Forgive the language but I want the gringos y los huevones ingleses to understand it, but it comes from the bottom of my heart as I thank you for a ray of hope that, together with the return of Aristide to the Caribbean, marks a historical pause (actually a slap in his face) of Bush and his defeatable march towards hell on Earth. Thank you!!
A letter to the People of Spain
author: An Ashamed American

Dear People of Spain:

Thank you for a historically wise vote and a courageous affirmation of the true meaning of democracy. Please, do not accept even the hint of lessons on democracy from this grave of democracy that is neither united nor states! You must start teaching Americans and British how to recuperate self-respect and then go on to teach them how to learn the original spirit of democracy, which neither of them have ever really understood. You have become the world's leading people and have assumed a responsibility in global politics that may yet save it from the evil and destruction and despair that most of the world's leaders have created. Hold your heads high yet bow very low when faced with the task that lies ahead for you. Ave Espana, carajo!!! Esta es la oportunidad para recuperar el baston del mando perdido en 1588!!

The first place where you have to check in order to ensure that your wonderful vote is not squandered away to the fascists and the hell-born is to see that what you think your new leaders are is actually the people they become. Leaders all around the world have taken to betraying their people after a few months or years when the money and the power of the stupid satan in the White House wears away their conscience. Support them ALL of the time if they maintain the goodness of your vote and whip the hell out of them if they start to deviate. The temptation and the threats and the 1,000 ways in which the legions of hell from Langley and Whitehall can make your leaders feel lonely and vulnerable so that they buckle under is truly awesome and can only be neutralized if ALL OF YOU help to oust these evil bastards from your land and maintain a close and recorded watch on them. Your government cannot do it alone it needs the support of the voters who spoke so brilliantly.

The second way is to protect all of the party and others who are working to make your success last. Do not look towards the French or even the Germans for they have both betrayed their people and the world and the press is just playing a mind-numbing game with us all. There are actually very few world leaders around right now – Aristide, whose people need assistance to replace him into power, Lula, Kirchner, Chavez, Castro a few more in Africa and that's pretty much all of it. The rest are like puppets on a string; shameful players who strut and fret their slimy little hour on the world stage and then will never be heard of again. The strength for your survival, therefore, has to come from inside the country and the nation and be based on values other than the dollar and its power. The main source of evil and temptation for your values and for your victory will come from the American corporations, the Spanish counterparts and from the American Embassy. This is also where you will find the killers and corruptors and rapists of babies and genocidal psychopaths and all manner of despicable abomination that mankind has produced.

You have to make these evil Americans leave your country. Identify them and distinguish them from the rest of decent people there; the people in the embassy and in CNN and in the companies that offer safety and security services, and in mysterious American companies and groups and in religious sects and in many of the groups that sprung up during Aznar's reign are ALL enemies. Do not believe for a minute that most English and Australians related to their embassies are any better. Now that they are out of the power loop they will play a different fiddle but their music is still poison. There is nothing to be gained by showing tolerance with the most evil ones; they are abominations and there is no reason to have them in your country when most of them are not even citizens and secretly despise everything about you courage and conviction. Each one of you can play a part in cleansing your country of the filth that Aznar brought in from the US: don't sell them, don't service their homes, don't pay attention to them, don't make their time in your country pleasant, if you catch them breaking the law or corrupting, jail them or execute them. Wash the stench from your country.

Do not misunderstand me; I too know there are good Americans but they are far fewer than they themselves think and not enough to justify dangerous exercises at discernment while trying to maintain and protect your historical victory. You have become the world's principal light and you must shine to all the people in the world to let them know that evil has not won absolutely everything – that people united and courageous still make all the difference if their values have not been globalized. Your vote against war is principled and profound. You need to teach us all how to arrive at clear thinking and slam into the face of the corporate media, an able lieutenant of the greatest evil in the White House. This evil that made all the recent wars and is probably the really guilty one for the terrible pain you just suffered needs to be confronted but first you must gather your strength and unite with the 6 billion people who knowingly or not rejoice over your splendid victory.

Believe nothing coming from this fascist racist country. We will beguile you and tempt you with millions of lies, inventions of scandals, of divisions, of fear and of weakness. Do not cease your aggression against the US media every time you see them because no matter what they tell you they are your enemy. Above all, teach us, get more people to understand you and copy you and emulate you – get more people on your side and show them how to ACT instead of just giving you their blabla support. Show them how to march in the rain for what they believe in; show them to cast their leaders out for betraying them; show them how to discern between the truth and the illusions that the satans create with money; show them that dignity and courage and respect and peace have not been banished from the planet by the evil ones and that they are still worth fighting for. Thak you!! Keep it going and growing and getting stronger through the difficult days!! When we awaken out of our terribly long slumber of selfishness and greed, show us the way back into the fold of humanity which you so ably lead right now!! Que Viva Espana! Que muera el Gringo de la embajada y de la corporacion!! Que Viva el renacimiento del imperio del sol!!


Re: Una carta al Pueblo espanol
16 mar 2004
Me da miedo que desde el otro lado del charco quieran resucitar el "Imperio donde nunca se ponia el sol".
Y peor lo de "Ave Espana", que es ave de mal agüero.
Re: Una carta al Pueblo espanol
16 mar 2004
gringos... recuperar el bastón de mando perdido... el renacimiento del imperio del sol (poniente?)...1588...

I akest sonat d'on surt?
Re: Una carta al Pueblo espanol
17 mar 2004
de sol a sol?
no queremos más imperios: españa no es ni una, ni grande, lo de libre ... está por hacer ...
Re: Una carta al Pueblo espanol
17 mar 2004
Joder ¿habeis leido la carta? Os quedais con el final, que mas bien parece que hable del Imperio,je,je... Pero aparte de un intento de escribir en español ¿gringo? el tipo dice lo que siente... Me anima pensar que el ejemplo de lo que ha pasado en este pais, esta acojonando al gobierno Yankee e Ingles... y a lso media del Imperio Americano (algunos) Y que en teoria animara a los que tienen que votar en breve en muchos paises...Ayer en Francia, ya hablaban desde el gobierno ¡que ellos siempre diran la verdad! JOER, como esta el patio... Han de declarar que diran la verdad y se quedan tan anchos.. Yo creo que es positivo que el mensaje, llegue a los que al final y aunque nos quieran hacer creer lo contrario: tienen el poder, el votante, por lo tanto el consumidor, o clientes como nos llaman desde el poder....;))
Re: Una carta al Pueblo espanol
17 mar 2004
Lo siento se ha colado antes el mensaje de arriba, que este...
He leido la carta y el tipo realmente suena a zumbao anti-americano.. (eso de diabolico, encarcelarlos o ¿ejecutarlos?¡) pues como que da miedo... Digo que el tipo dice lo que siente, aunque no lo comparto. Las acusaciones son de un odio visceral... Esperemos que los votantes del Imperio del Sol, no sean todos iguales... mi mensaje anterior era para resaltar el hecho de que si cunde el ejemplo, algo puede cambiar en el mundo... para bien, por supuesto.

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