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Is Virology a Pseudoscience?
29 set 2024
Brief article by Dr. Mark Sircus exposing yet again the false science of Virology.

Is Virology a Pseudoscience?

by Dr. Mark Sircus
September 18, 2024
from DrSircus Website


Nothing changes in medicine in the same way that little to nothing changes in politics...

Caitlin Johnstone writes,

"Every few years, the US empire has this weird little festival where it pretends the government is changing hands and will now begin operating in a way that is meaningfully different from the way it was operating before.

But then exploitation continues, injustice continues, the ecocide continues, the wars continue, the militarism continues, the imperialism continues, the propaganda indoctrination continues, and the authoritarianism and oppression continue.

The behavior of the empire is no more changed by getting a new president than a corporation is changed by getting a new secretary at the front desk of its main office."

Many would think Johnstone exaggerates to a degree, and if Trump gets back into the White House, we shall see, but it is an accurate model of what happens in pharmaceutical companies as,

the EPA

the FDA,

the CDC

In an area of life where science is supposed to dominate, one would think things would be different, but they are not.

Virology itself is a "Pseudoscience"

The following is one of hundreds of examples where official narratives are challenged scientifically, but nothing changes.

In a 40-minute video titled "Official Evidence that Virology is a Pseudoscience," Canadian researcher Christine Massey explains how she and others have issued Freedom of Information requests to hundreds of scientific institutions in 40 different countries,

"asking for any records of anyone in the world ever finding this alleged [SARS-CoV-2] virus in the bodily fluid or tissue or excrement of any people anywhere on earth by anyone ever."

"To date, we have responses from 216 different institutions in 40 different countries.

And so far, no one has been able to provide us with even one record," and further, "they can't cite any record," she said.

"So they have all admitted that they don't have a sample of the alleged virus and they don't even know of anyone else who ever did obtain a sample of this alleged virus."

Such a sample would be necessary,

"in order to sequence and characterize a particle and study it with controlled experiments, which is the foundation of the scientific method," she continued.

"And if nobody has a sample of the alleged virus, then nobody can have conducted any science."

Massey, a former cancer biostatistician holding a Master of Science degree, provides complete documentation of her research, including a list of the organizations she contacted, which include,

the World Health Organization (WHO)

the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)

the National Research Council of Canada

Public Health of England,

...and hundreds more...

She additionally provides a long list of their respective responses.

Dr. Michael Yeadon, who formerly served as Pfizer's vice president and chief scientist for allergy and respiratory, agrees that there is no sufficient evidence that the COVID-19 virus or any other virus exists.

Thus, there was no pandemic but rather the killing of many with,

"a monstrous, long-planned attack on helpless civilians by coordinated, lethal, central planning."

Viruses - Virology - Virologists

A year and a half ago, I wrote,

"Buy into the mainstream virologist view, and you get locked into vaccines and antivirals...

You go with Big Pharma, which in the age of Covid means constant vaccination with genetic material, or you refuse to vaccinate.

What idea a person upholds about viruses will determine one's treatment choices, though, throughout the age of COVID-19, you had governments and politicians trying their best to force you down one treatment approach to the point of rejecting all others."

Viral Doubters

Dr. Stefan Lanka, virologist and molecular biologist, said,

"So for a long time, I studied virology, from the end to the beginning, from the beginning to the end, to be absolutely sure that there was no such thing as HIV.

And it was easy for me to be sure about this because I realized that the whole group of viruses to which HIV is said to belong, the retroviruses - as well as other viruses that are claimed to be very dangerous - in fact, do not exist at all."


Dr. Stefan Lanka

For Video CLICK image...

Dr. Lanka reminds us,

"Those side effects which are noted on the instruction slips accompanying packages of Tamiflu are almost identical to the symptoms of serious influenza.

Thus, on a large scale, medicines are now being stored that cause precisely the same symptoms as those that appear in an actual so-called influenza.

If Tamiflu is administered to sick persons, then this is likely to cause far more serious symptoms than those of a serious influenza.

If a pandemic is stated to exist, then many people will take this medicine at the same time. In that case, we will actually have unequivocal symptoms of a Tamiflu epidemic.

The deaths caused by Tamiflu are to be expected, and this will then be presented as evidence of the dangerous nature of the bird (or now swine) flu."

"We live with an uncountable number of retroviruses. They're everywhere - and they probably have been here as long as the human race," says Dr. Kary Mullis.

Dr. Lanka adds,

"It is being maintained that these short pieces of genetic material, which in the sense of genetics are not complete and which do not even suffice for defining a gene, together would make up the entire gene substance of an influenza virus."

The viral story hit the mainstream when Harper Magazine (March 2006 issue) ran a 13-page article titled "Out of Control - AIDS and the Corruption of Medical Science," which focused much attention on Dr. Peter Duesberg, a professor of molecular and cell biology at the University of California, Berkeley, and a leading AIDS dissident.


The orthodox view of HIV as a direct killer of
human immune cells has been thrown out.
How could HIV kill so many T cells if one could not
detect significant numbers of free HIV in a patient's blood?
Dr. Peter Duesberg

Dr. Deusberg insists that there is no proof that HIV causes AIDS, and he is in a position to know.

There are many scientists and medical people around the world who do not believe a word from the CDC on AIDS.

Most people do not see that it is almost impossible to isolate live virus from AIDS patients, a crucial point that Duesberg has been making for nearly twenty years.

"Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) is not the cause of AIDS because it fails to meet the postulates of Koch and Henle, as well as six cardinal rules of virology," wrote Deusberg in HIV Is Not the Cause of AIDS.
Mira també:

This work is in the public domain
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