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Notícies :: corrupció i poder
Demoncide - Covid-19 lies - Pedophilia
21 gen 2023
In the artical posted 19 gen 2023, the word pedophilia in the title is misspelled. We have made that correction. Please accept our apology.

Subject of complaint: Demoncide. The killing of members of a country's civilian population as a
result of its government's policy, including by direct action, indifference, and neglect.
Demoncide.pdf (198,8 KiB)
In the United States of America

Citizen’s arrest. A private citizen as contrasted with a police officer, may under certain circumstances make an arrest, generally for a felony or misdemeanor amounting to breach of the peace. A private person may arrest another. 1. For a public offense committed or attempted in his presence. 2. When the person arrested has committed a felony, although not in his presence. 3. When a felony has been in fact committed, and he has reasonable cause for believing the person arrested to have committed it. Calif Penal Code, §, 837.

All information has been discovered long before the five year period established in 18 U.S. Code § 1091 – Genocide.

This work is in the public domain


Re: Demoncide - Covid-19 lies - Pedophilia
24 gen 2023
If all money is removed from politics, each politician were to receive only the minimum wage for the state they represent, no special interest groups, no lobbyist, we would end up with people who can relate to the vast majority of people living in America. We may very well end up with only the people who have that interest as their only goal. It is difficult to believe politicians have and can have a view that is of the greatest benefit to the people, when all politicians have made a great portion of their living off the peoples taxes.

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