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14 d'Agost: la Costa Est dels EEUU han caigut en el major caos de la seua història
per jk |
15 ago 2003
Pareix que en les societats del primer mon, si es para l'energia eléctrica ni s'hi pot fer res més... |
A LES 16h de la tarda als EEUU (22:00h ací a la península), una averia en la central del Niàgara deixava sense electricitat a varies ciutats de la costa Est dels EEUU i Canadà. Entre les ciutats afectades es troven New York, Cleveland, Toledo, Detroit, Toronto, Otawa i l'estat s'encer de Massachusets.
Al produïr-se l'apagó, la gent va eixir als carrers. En les imatges d'arxiu podeu veure a persones i cotxes barretjant-se al pont de Brooklyn, tractant d'anar a les seues cases.
Pareix que ha sigut un éxode total. La gent estava preocupada per si era l'anunci d'una bomba nuclears, uns altres rumors apuntaven al terrorisme, ..., i tras tot els malentessos el president del pais, George W. Bush va eixir per la televisió per tal de informar de que no es tractava d'un atac terrorista, sino de un incendi en la Central.
Aquest apagó de llum té un famós precedent, el 9 de novembre de 1965. Nit d'oscuritat que va néixer una llegenda de luxuria, el Baby Boom, que més tard es va desmentir.
Pareix que ara ja podem començar a veure que el debat de es molt interessant.
Més naturisme i menys Capitalisme. |
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Re: 14 d'Agost: la Costa Est dels EEUU han caigut en el major caos de la seua història
per h.marx |
15 ago 2003
En todo caso, estas imágenes de gente pringando en las grandes urbes del mundo post-industrial deberían hacernos reflexionar sobre las privatizaciones salvajes del sector eléctrico. A estas alturas, negar que la ultracompetencia por los (últimos) recursos con los que devaciar los bolsillos del ciudadano puede ser utilizada con fines terroristas -como lo que ha pasado en NYork-, es estar ciego.
Por tanto las líneas de actución contra estos métodos terroristas, es la de siempre:
1-expropiar estas empresas, estatalizarlas o, si se quiere, sovietizarlas (control anti-capitalista por parte de comités de trabajadores).
2- Y, ante todo, educar a las poblaciones en la necesidad de obtener la energía del sol, del hidrógeno, del viento....y esa educación pasaría sobretodo por la voluntad de que en cada comunidad de vecinos, zona o conglomerado, se instalanran los artilugios necesarios para ello. Se impediría el monopolio capitalista y los apagones terroristas propugnados por los enormes trusts. No sería mala cosa que toda esta nueva infraestructura evolucionista la pagaran los monopolistas por decreto-ley: sus fortunas se descentralizarían en favor del bien general....pero para que ello ocurra hace falta otra revolución, obviamente. |
Re: 14 d'Agost: la Costa Est dels EEUU han caigut en el major caos de la seua història
per Anrique |
15 ago 2003
marx, coincidint amb el seu pensament "de progrés" oblida una tercera línia d'actuació, des del meu punt de vista la més interessant:
3-Acabar amb el consum com a símbol de llibertat i especialment amb el consum d'energia. El creixement no és res més que tenir mes a prop el suïcidi |
Re: 14 d'Agost: la Costa Est dels EEUU han caigut en el major caos de la seua història
per Irene |
15 ago 2003
Añadiéndome a esta tercera línea, no puedo dejar de pensar en los incidendios de Cataluña; y en esas urbanizaciones amenazadas por el fuego. Fruto de un irracional consumo de la naturaleza y que ocasionan un irracional consumo de energía y agua. No la solidadridad con los afectados no puede esconder lo equivocado que es nuestro modelo de desarrolloo y bienestar. |
Al-Qaida reivindica el mega-apagó americà (ang
per L'Islam està arrivant !!! |
19 ago 2003
Full Text: Al-Qaida Claims Responsibility For American Blackout
This communiqué claiming to be from Al-qaida appeared on the Arabic on-line group Global Islamic Media, who have published al-Qaida statements in the past. As always, we caution readers that the contents of this report can not be verified.
In The Name Of God, The Merciful, The Mercy-Giving
Operation Sudden Lightning In The Land Of The Tyrant Of The Age
"If you are suffering, they are suffering even as you suffer," [Qur'an, 4:104]
Before we begin this communiqué, we would like to remind the Muslims that just five days after our second communiqué was issued the American enemy could find no way to avoid acknowledging openly, via one of the networks - namely "Wan News" - that Indonesian security sources, which had refused to disclose their identities, had confirmed that a group of agents of the American Central Intelligence Agency (C.I.A.) were in the Mariott Hotel in order to take part in secret interrogations of Mujahid prisoners and that the timing of the explosion there coincided with the moment when that sinful group was leaving the hotel.
This is what we had stated in our communiqué, a fact that proves the credibility of our communiqués. God is greatest! And praise be to God!
In compliance with orders of the Commander of the Mujahids, Usamah bin Ladin (may God preserve him), to strike America's economic links, the Abu Hafs al-Misri Brigades struck at two important electricity generating targets in the region of the American East, including the most important economic cities of America and of Canada, (its ally in the war against Islam), the cities of Toronto and New York, and the regions around them. This strike resulted in a cut off of electricity from more than fifty million persons. For security reasons, it is not possible to clarify the manner in which the sabotage of these two points was carried out, in case the mujahids might need to use the same innovative method again soon, if God wills.
In fulfillment of the promise of the Shaykh of the Mujahids, Usamah bin Ladin (may God preserve him), in an earlier declaration that he would present a gift to the Iraqi people, here is the gift, presented to the Americans at a time of preparedness and expectation. This is to let the criminal Bush and his gang know that the penalty will be suited to their action. The soldiers of God cut off power to the above named cities, plunging the lives of Americans into darkness, just as the criminals had plunged the lives of the Muslim peoples of Iraq, Afghanistan, and Palestine into darkness. The Americans lived one black day that they will never forget. The lived a day of terror, alarm, and fear so that they might come to know that the penalty will suit the action. This act had its clear effect on this people in spite of all their security agencies that receive unimaginable amounts of funding squeezed out of the hearts' blood of the Americans. The above named cities endured a state of chaos and tumult. There was looting and theft. Cities were robbed just as Baghdad, the capital of the Caliphs, was robbed; and just as chaos was spread in Afghanistan and Palestine, in order that the American people would have a taste from the same cup.
We heard the surprise expressed in the statement by the American and Canadian enemy, where there are universities of science that teach nuclear physics and where there are space agencies, etc., we heard them say that it was slandered lightning that had destroyed the two targets. We are supposed to be obedient and believe this drivel, but God knows that the lightning and lightning bolts are innocent of that, just as the wolf was innocent of the blood of Joseph the son of Jacob. If the cut off of electricity had been limited to one or two cities, their lie would be believable to most people. But reality has demonstrated that the cut off of electricity affected the whole East of America and a whole section of Canada. . . . .
Among the benefits of this strike are (and the news media have perhaps mentioned what we are going to say here):
1. It showed that America will not live in security until the conditions that were mentioned in the first and second communiqués have been met. Among them are the release of all prisoners, including Shaykh Umar Abd ar-Rahman, and the departure of [enemy forces] from the land of the Muslims, including Jerusalem, the Arabian Peninsula, and Kashmir.
2. It brought dread to their hearts, just as they do to the Muslims.
3. It cut off electricity from fifty million people in America and Canada causing material and moral losses. It is not just our brothers and sisters in Palestine,Iraq, Afghanistan, etc., who should suffer from such things. The American people must taste the same punishment.
4. It struck at the chief stronghold of the American economy (the world stock exchange).
5. It was a message delivered to the United Nations against Islam, whose headquarters is in New York.
6. It was a message to all investors that America has become an insecure country for their money, for as is known, the American economy is totally dependent on investor confidence.
7. It shut down seven major airports, which constituted a blow to the airline companies.
8. It put nine nuclear reactors out of action, something that has never happened before and is regarded as a powerful blow to the economy since the nine reactors are located in the states of New York, New Jersey, Ohio, and Michigan.
9. It shut down transport - trains, cars, trucks, etc., - which resulted in heavy losses.
10. It put the Internet, which is the chief thing that they depend on in commercial transactions, out of action.
11. It put the world banks, whose headquarters are in New York, out of action.
12. It caused huge losses to insurance companies.
13. It caused losses due to the extensive deployments of police and security personnel.
14. Economists confirmed that the cut off of electricity in America and Canada will cost the American treasury at least US$10 billion. And just so that the hearts of American officials might burn, the cost of the mujahids' operation to sabotage the power generating lines cost only $7,000. So go choke to death in your rage!
15. It caused the decline of the American dollar in relation to other currencies.
We say to the Muslims that this is not the strike that has been expected. This is something called a war of skirmishes (to wear down the enemy). The American vipers are massive and big and must be worn down and broken up in order to facilitate their destruction.
We say to the people of Afghanistan and Kashmir that the gift of the Shaykh of the Mujahids, Usamah bin Ladin, is on its way to the White House. Then there will be the gift in honor of al-Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem. And how will you come to know the nature of the gift for al-Aqsa; when and where will it come?? Wait to see the answer!!
"And on that day the Believers will rejoice at God's help to victory. He helps to victory whomever He wills, He is the Mighty, the Mercy-giving" [Qur'an,30:4-5]
God is Greatest!
God is Greatest!
Islam is coming!
To bring might to the mighty and contempt to the contemptible!
The Abu Hafs al-Misri Brigades (al-Qa'idah)
Friday, 17 Jumada ath-Thani 1424H 15 August 2003CE) |
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