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EU constitution could open borders to foreign private hospitals and schools
09 ago 2003
The draft EU constitution could lead to the establishment of foreign-owned private health care and educational services.
The draft would give the EU the right to negotiate trade deals on behalf of the member-states' educational and health care services. This means that the public services of the individual member-states could face more international competition.

Under the plan
health care companies or private schools run by American or Asian companies, for instance, could be allowed to operate within the EU, provided that they obey local laws and regulations.

The countries might also lose the right to subsidise domestic providers of services, such as local authorities, unless the same support is given to private companies.

The new EU constitution is expected to come into force in 2006.


Re: EU constitution could open borders to foreign private hospitals and schools
09 ago 2003
oh God, all the holy saints, all the blessèd prophets, Mary mother of God, Joseph the carpenter of God, all the Angels and Archangels, all the poster saints, all the decent dead, all the magic of my grandmother grant me patience!

They already do.
General Eisenhower met General Franco
and the result was American owned schools in España. The first opened in Barcelona in 1954.
called "the american school".

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