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G7 Summit 2015. Boikot!
12 nov 2014
The Pavillon at the Retreat

The perfect location for exclusive Events and Meetings.
Everything possible. From Weddings to the G7 Summit 2015.
G7 Summit 2015

I regard German Chancellor Angela Merkel’s decision to invite the heads of state and government of the U.S., France, Britain, Italy, Canada and Japan to Schloss Elmau for the G7 Summit in early June 2015, as an immense honor for Schloss Elmau and its staff.

Schloss Elmau offers ideal conditions for a successful summit and participants are sure to be delighted with its stunningly beautiful location and architecture. Because of the necessary security precautions, however, no bookings can be accepted from May 22nd to June 10th, 2015.

Dietmar Mueller-Elmau

For more information regarding the G7 Summit please contact Mrs. Gabriele Frei (gabriele.frei ARROBA
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Re: G7 Summit 2015. Boikot!
13 nov 2014
¿hay contra-cumbre?

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