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Anunci :: ecologia
Occupy the Machine- Together we can halt the destruction of our only home
22 nov 2011
Our planet is dying, and there is no mistaking the cause... Industrial civilization must me confronted as the machine of death that it truly is. The Occupy Movement has the makings of a revolutionary struggle, but it will only succeed if we can properly align our actions with an honest assessment of the predicament we face.
From, included in the latest (s)edition of the Stimulator comes:

Occupy the Machine - Stop the 1%, Literally Our Bodies Will Be our Demand

Imagine if we could stop the 1%, literally, not symbolically. It's time to put our bodies between fossil fuels and what's left of the planet, while there's still time left.

The focus on financial inequality versus the devastation of the earth is a false split. The 1% would have no wealth to steal without exploiting humans AND without exploiting the land. Without the landbase no one has anything, not the 99% and not the 1%. How much will it matter if our homes are not foreclosed if the Earth is unlivable due to runaway climate change? There's only one home for all of us and we are almost done destroying it. Announcing, Occupy the Machine. We invite all occupiers to read the Occupy the Machine Open Letter, give feedback, and if you feel moved to do so, present it at an Occupy General Assembly or committee meeting near you. (Thanks Frank Lopez!)
Mira també:

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Re: Occupy the Machine- Together we can halt the destruction of our only home
23 nov 2011
Re: Occupy the Machine- Together we can halt the destruction of our only home
23 nov 2011

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