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Scandal of British Sponsored Orgy of Child Rape Murder in Ireland
16 oct 2010
The Armed Forces Minister, of Great Britain, Mr Archie Hamilton made an extraordinary statement to the British Parliament at the end of January 1990. It concerned the activities of Britain's top undercover agent, born in British Occupied Ireland, Mr Colin Wallace. The Armed Forces minister admitted, that several serious long standing key allegations, consistently made by Mr Wallace against MI-5 and the British were true and factual. Up to this time, Mr. Wallace had been undermined by his former bosses in the British Ministry of Defence, the British police and the media mafia in both scum states in Ireland, as a 'Walter Mitty' character. Now the British minister finally ate humble pie, finally vindicated the man who had told the truth all along, while officialdom and the media mafia of Ireland had lied, justas they do today in a totally corrupt, dysfunctional island of political compromised child rape enablers, sponsored by British neo-colonialists.
The Armed Forces Minister, of Great Britain, Mr Archie Hamilton made an extraordinary statement to the British Parliament at the end of January 1990. It concerned the activities of Britain's top undercover agent, born in British Occupied Ireland, Mr Colin Wallace. The Armed Forces minister admitted, that several serious long standing key allegations, consistently made by Mr Wallace against MI-5 and the British were true and factual. Up to this time, Mr. Wallace had been undermined by his former bosses in the British Ministry of Defence, the British police and the media mafia in both scum states in Ireland, as a 'Walter Mitty' character. Now the British minister finally ate humble pie, finally vindicated the man who had told the truth all along, while officialdom and the media mafia of Ireland had lied, justas they do today in a totally corrupt, dysfunctional island of political compromised child rape enablers, sponsored by British neo-colonialists.

Colin Wallace was born of British settler stock in Randalstown, Co.Antrim, educated at the Ballymena Academy. He became officer in the Territorial Army and a member of the hated Ulster `B' Specials. Before the start of the troubles In 1968, he was a full-time Public relationsOfficer, for the Army in British Occupied Ireland. When civil disturbances broke out after civil rights marches that year and British troops were deployed to shoot the demonstrators off the streets in August 1969, he was regarded as a key asset and a point of reference for the British. He stayed full time at Army HQ the onlyIrish born officer in the barracks. He was constantly needed because of his considerable local knowledge.

In the course of his work as a key element of British intelligence in Occupied Ireland, Colin Wallace being a local, had considerable knowledge of what became known later as the Kincora Child rape and satanic ritual scandal. Kincora was a home for young boys in Loyalist East Belfast run by William McGrath, Joseph Mains and Raymond Semple. Alongside the child rape home in Loyalist West Belfast, British intelligence were monitoring child rape in Nationalist West Belfast, the most notable being the Adams family which continued for more than fifty years as the child rape, handed down from Adams Snr to his son. Child rape at that time was an excellent tool of blackmail for the British, as the crime was immediately punishable by the community with death. Under British sponsorship, it became a crime encouraged by the British and their proteges, corrupting the paramilitary leadership of both loyalist and republican paramilitaries East and West Belfast.

William McGrath became leader of Tara, a loyalist paramilitary organization and a leading light in a private Orange Lodge, LOL 1303.Colin Wallace warned the British authorities regarding Kincora yearsbefore it came to light but unknown to him the British were actuallycultivating it. Mr Wallace learned later that McGrath was working for British undercover intelligence MI-5 and that their Security Services ignored the child rape torture of the boys at Kincora boys home, toprotect their political investment in child rape as a political tool of leverage or blackmail. William McGrath was always boasting of how much he knew about the Adams family, satanic rituals, British nobility, other republican leaders of the IRA in west Belfast and leading politicians an establishment in the South of Ireland involved in 'systemic' child rape and widespread satanic rituals with both human and animal sacrifices, that included children.

Part of Wallace's brief was to discredit the IRA and other loyalist groups. However in 1973 when the British intelligence service MI-6,which is normally responsible for overseas intelligence, was replacedby MI-5 normally responsible for internal intelligence, matters took a dramatic change. A campaign of high secrecy was launched by the name of Clockwork Orange. The project in its infancy was meant to expose child rape, bestiality and other deviancies of leading republican figure around the Adam's family in West Belfast and also UVF members in East Belfast, but it spread out of control to cover all the top political figures in Ireland and Great Britain, as MI-5 realized that the tool of child rape rampant in the British establishment on both islands, gave them unlimited power in all of the UK and Ireland.

A war between the intelligence services ensued as their unlimitedpower snowballed out of control. Leading figures around Adams and aleading republican working for MI-6 Derry were involved in thisinternal war, with many casualties on all sides of the divide. British police and soldiers were sacrificed as the war among theBritish intelligence community spun out of control. Leading politicIans like Robert Bradford, Airey Neave and Lord Mountbattenwere all sacrificed victims of the British internal intelligenceservices blood letting. Wallace was asked to smear Labour politicians,leading Socialists, Tory UK Prime Minister Edward Heath and others inthe Tory Party. In October 1974 he refused to participate further inClockwork Orange, after which his world was turned upside down.Politicians like Margaret Thatcher became so paranoid she had to use the services of Non UK agencies to effect policy. Tony Blair of New Labour was one of their political creations, where liars were the new Political elite and PC.

Colin Wallace was sacked after being accused of leaking information to the media. After moving to work in England, the husband of a friend was found dead. Wallace was accused of murder and sentenced to ten years' imprisonment for manslaughter. Wallace proclaimed his innocence to no avail. He was framed to silence and destroy his credibility as the Intelligence Services got out of control establishing a Police State as result of techniques learned in British Occupied Ireland. MI5 and MI6 are now accountable to no one !

The events above describe primarily what happened in East Belfast,which was mirrored almost exactly in Nationalist, republican West Belfast. It culminated in the blackmail of leading politicians on bothside into a one party Police State with an 'executive' the puppets of the British Intelligence service MI-5 with MI-6 allowed to control the drug trade in both Republican and Loyalist estates, now flooded with narcotics from other British war zones. The Drug dealers are given complete immunity in return for for counter-revolutionary activity.The 'Paedo Party Executive' of the one party state hire mercenarythugs, to murder, kidnap and intimidate traditional Irish republicanswho oppose process of rape, not just of children but the whole islandof Ireland in an orgy of corrupt dysfunction in two scum statescompliant to British bullying of its smaller neighbour.

The 'Peace Process' now known on the street a the 'Paedo Process' was built on British sponsored child rape to continue its occupation inIreland and as justification for the employment of thousands of'securocrats' of a British Police State experiment in Ireland nowbeing gradually being enforced in all of the UK. Meanwhile Ireland is sinking in both of its scum states under a mountain of corruption andrape, enabled by politically legislated liars, gombeens, crony politicians and fixers of British compliance.

There is much more of this story above, yet to be told. I personallyhave been kidnapped by 'Paedo Party' agents of the British in anattempt to silence me. I have been warned of an accident if I continue writing on this matter. The 'Paedo Process' is as I described above,another product of perfidious Albion's rape not just of children butof the island of Ireland as whole, which has continued now for 800 years. It has no moral basis in justice, certainly not social justice for the Irish people of no property impoverished by Imperialism and is certainly no basis for REAL peace in Ireland. The war is not over, traditional Irish republicans have not gone away.Join the Cause for Justice and Real Peace @ -
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