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Notícies :: ecologia : educació i societat
"BañosdelCarmen" Global Environmental Assesment: A symbiodibersity Approach
25 nov 2008
After to support what it actualy is "global" in global sense, we enjoy ourself using all the new "western" modern science adding more and more theories and discoveries with the speed that you freely choose, forming in this way a very big Naica's Cristal where, superated a certain "critical mass", you find easily what, without any doubt, must be considered Extra Pure and Virgin Global Science (in global sense).
Tesis para "contramestre" por la Facultad de Ciencias del Mar de Cádiz, que se defenderá públicamente el próximo 9 de diciembre (crisis mediante).
For a global assesment you need tu use a global hiperdimension of variables.
For the moment we would prefer to use a qualitative approach, for an easier understanding.
In the qualitative variable we would call "knowledge", we would have an axis were it is possible to put all the unities that integrate the fuzzy set we call "knowledge".
In a diversity sense, any field of knowledge could be considered as a "species" (in a memethic sense).
In this way, in front of our window (of our mind), you would see a landscape of knowledge (or wisdomscape), that is not composed of organisms, but of fields of knowledge (or disciplines).
Well, o.k., may be it is already now the exact moment to say (actualy to repeat), that almost all new western modern science is, not only rarely touched in a very high percentage of our classrooms, but, what is more interesting, neither interrelated among them.
If we take in account that in this times we are living our life, we are assisting historicaly to the re-encounter between two significant subsets of the set we were calling "knowledge".
This two very significant subsets of the "knowledge" fuzzy set are:
1)Quantum physics and
2) Very old knowledge systems of the "East".
Because when we say that these two "disparate" subsets of "knowledge" converge in a significant way, it is because we have have the pleasure to demostrate that questions.
Because, as the subset "culture" is considered as a transdisciplinary and multiple way, as Michelle Cocks proposes, we could imagine, in a mind-jump, all of our "fields of knwledge", as cultures.
In this way we have a very easy approach for the biocultural diversity proposal from UUNN.
But this "small" "mental-jump" which we have made for integrate the concept of western modern science with "tribal" or indigenous cultures, is very well based.
(we use "tribal" to facilitate the comprehension of this convergence, because "tribal" and "tribunal" have the same origin, and remember that scientific knowledge have to pass many "trbunals" or referees)
The ecological fights in Ibiza have been called "Indigenous fights" by a catalan anthropologist.
In other aspect, under a wide way of seeing, the thesis of Michelle may be interpreted also for this cuestion.
If culture is a multimensional variable, in a fuzzy-qualitative way, according to our own way of life, we could easily to approach to our own "timescape".
For example, if we record with a video the different places were we pass 24 h of our cotidian life, we would have an idea of our actual ecosystem.
We can add to this recording the cotidian sounds.
We could also add the flavors, and all the recordable sensing.
In this way, each of us may fuzzily say the "indigenous" moments of our life.
Well, for us, that enjoy and learn very much (every day) en los "Baños del Carmen" we cannot prevent to adopt a "POPSY" (Positive psicology) position, or point of view, in different parts of this Thesis.
Mainly because "POPSY" may be easy applied in any field of knowledge, for the easy reason that endorphins irremediably help (better: impulse) in learning and in general in life.
SAHARASIA is the title of the book that defends the south desertic paleartic as the places of historical origins of patriarcal violence (it is a new news for us)
Anyway "Los Baños del Carmen" are a ludic site in all the extensions of this term.
For you would easily have an idea of this original place, imagine that along one year, at least, one eco-social group were meeting every sunday around a fire, in a forest on the sea.
And remember that "La Ciudad del Paraíso" have half million people.
Well, we will follow this draft for the thesis in the commentaries(actualy a "subset" from the thesis, like an essay-appendix)...

BIEN, seguiremos escribiendo este borrador de tesis (realmente es una pequeña parte de la misma, que irá al final como un "ensayo-apéndice")
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Re: "BañosdelCarmen" Global Environmental Assesment: A symbiodibersity Approach
26 nov 2008
Global Science is a recent term mainly applied to approach Earth Systems, that is the dynamic process of crossing transversally all the scientific disciplines which explain the Earth, or Gaia System, as a global ecosystem.
Global Science is thus connected with Global Education, specialy the focus by Edward Selby and colleagues.
Unfortunately, educational and research systems are still dominated by reductionism, resulting in a cartesian approach where disciplines "are sacred" and thus almost independent among themselves.
This situation creates a multipolar territory of knowledge analogous to the multiple composed insect' eye, but whitout almost any interconnection among the individual eyes, that is, among the different scientific and educational disciplines.
All that permit to have a better view of the paradoxal position of this new integrational approach that we call Global Science.
If almost all people from modern educated societies see the world as the infinite addiction of so many pieces of knowledge without significant interrelationships among themselves, It wouldn't anything but easy to try to travel in oppossite direction, that is, in the integration direction.
All this problems have been studied by different authors. We could choose Michel Serres ("El Paso del Noroeste") because of his crude vision about the impossibility to efectively re-connect, after a history of reductionism, both social and natural sciences.
Thus we see, among this big scientific problem, two different levels in the barriers constructed by reductionism.
The barrier between natural and social sciences, and the barrier among disciplines or fields of knowledge, because of specialization and hiperspecialization.
The territory of knowledge has being transforming towards a archipelago where the islands are increasing in number and in distance among them, and decreasing in surface.

This archipelago landscape of knowledge, present two important and basic challenges for actual societies.
Firstly, to know the different islands, mainly the most significant ones.
Secondly, to build the interconnections among these islands of knowledge.

It is also very important to take in account that "our experience is actualy our own boss". According with our experience (more specialist or more generalist) this will be decisive for our understanding.
Because if you are a "robinson" living in a small island, for you would be very difficult to understand iformation of another, very different island.
Primera Parte de esta Tesis
28 nov 2008
La primera parte de esta Tesis se llama:
"Integración del conocimiento y sus limitaciones en el caso de los Baños del Carmen (T.M. de Málaga)"
Y está disponible en:
Esta Tesis está inspirada en la "Ciencia con la Gente", de ravetz y functowics; una ciencia que se construye, permanentemente: Desde-la-Gente, y Con-la-Gente.
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28 nov 2008
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