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Cartes de recolzament als veins i veines de Bon Pastor
per solidarixs |
12 set 2007
Durant els ultims dies el Patronat i l'Ajuntament han rebut moltes cartes de solidaritat d'arreu del mon demanant justicia per Bon Pastor. Si voleu escriure alguna cosa, aqui estan les direccions per escriure:
rgarciabragado ARROBA bcn.cat, gmumbru ARROBA bcn.cat, pmhb ARROBA pmhb.org, jhereu ARROBA mail.bcn.es, sia.dmah ARROBA gencat.net, fbaltasar ARROBA gencat.net, bonpastor ARROBA lists.riseup.net, barcelona ARROBA diarioadn.com |
A la atención de: Sr. Ramón García-Bragados Acín (President del Patronat Municipal de l'Habitatge), Sra. Gema Mumbrú Moliné (Regidora del Districte de Sant Andreu), Sr. Jordi Hereu i Boher (Alcalde de Barcelona), Sr. Francesc Baltasar i Albesa (Conseller d'Habitatge de la Generalitat).
Estimados señores,
como colectivo latinoamericano de creación cultural y artística preocupados por el reflejo y registro de las emergencias sociales de nuestro entorno, manifiestamos nuestra preocupación al conocer la situación de indefensión que están sufriendo algunas familias del barrio de Casas Baratas de Bon Pastor (distrito de Sant Andreu) delante de las crecientes presiones para abandonar sus viviendas y trasladarse a pisos de nueva construcción.
El derribo integral del barrio de casas baratas nos recuerda soluciones igualmente drásticas que en otros momentos históricos, otros tipos de
gobierno han tenido que adoptar para eludir sus responsabilidades hacia los sectores menos favorecidos de la sociedad.
Nos dirigimos a las autoridades de una ciudad que en más de una ocasión ha declarado apostar por un desarrollo basado en valores como la sostenibilidad humana y el respeto por el patrimonio cultural.
El patrimonio histórico que las casas baratas implican para la memoria de las clases populares de Barcelona, es un elemento digno de respeto y conservación.
Por lo tanto, expresamos todo nuestro apoyo a los vecinos y vecinas afectadas, y pedimos a las autoridades competentes de elaborar una solución que respete no sólo los derechos básicos de los habitantes del barrio, sino también el valor inqüestionable, arquitectónico y social, que las casas baratas representan en sí mismas.
Colectivo Naves
Barcelona, septiembre 2007
Dear Sirs:
In my position as Regional Steward of South Asia region of Berkana Exchange, USA in the interest of preserving human diversity and popular culture, I must express the concern of this organization at the defenseless situation of some families in the low-income housing district neighborhood of Casas
Baratas de Bon Pastor, Sant Andreu district, in the face of the growing pressure on them to abandon their houses and move into newly-built flats.
The complete demolition of the 748 houses in this low-income housing district recalls equally drastic "solutions" that, at other historical moments, other types of government have adopted to evade their responsibilities towards the less fortunate sectors of society.
We now address ourselves to the authorities of a city that has on more than one occasion declared its support for an urban development that is based on values such as human sustainability and respect for its cultural heritage. The historical heritage that the low-income houses represent in the memories of the working class of Barcelona, is a cultural element worthy of respect and conservation.
Therefore, we express our support for the residents and their neighbors who are affected by the demolition, and ask the relevant authorities to come to a solution that respects not only the basic rights of the residents of the district, but also the unquestionable architectural and social value that the low-income houses represent in themselves.
Nitin Paranjape
Regional Steward- South Asia
Berkana Exchange, India
Dear Sirs:
In my position as educator, in the interest of preserving human diversity and popular culture, I must express the concern of this organization at the defenseless situation of some families in the low-income housing district neighborhood of Casas Baratas de Bon Pastor, Sant Andreu district, in the face of the growing pressure on them to abandon their houses and move into newly-built flats.
The complete demolition of the 748 houses in this low- income housing district recalls equally drastic "solutions" that, at other historical moments, other types of government have adopted to evade their responsibilities towards the less fortunate sectors of society.
We now address ourselves to the authorities of a city that has on more than one occasion declared its support for an urban development that is based on values such as human sustainability and respect for its cultural heritage. The historical heritage that the low-income houses represent in the memories of the working class of Barcelona, is a cultural element worthy of respect and conservation.
Therefore, we express our support for the residents and their neighbors who are affected by the demolition, and ask the relevant authorities to come to a solution that respects not only the basic rights of the residents of the district, but also the unquestionable architectural and
social value that the low-income houses represent in themselves.
Prof. Dr. Berndt Ostendorf
Amerika Institut
Ludwig Maximilians Universität
Schellingstr. 3
D 80799 München
Berndt Ostendorf
Amerika Institut
Ludwig Maximilians Universität
Schellingstr. 3
D 80799 München
Tel: 089 5428522
Gentile signore,
da articoli di stampa e contatti personali, siamo venuti a conoscenza della situazione delle famiglie che vivono nelle "casas baratas" del barrio del Bon Pastor a Barcellona. Conosciamo bene la storia di questo quartiere, luogo importante della cultura popolare e della memoria storica democratica di Barcellona, e quindi dell'Europa stessa. La nostra associazione, ubicata presso la Casa della Memoria e della Storia del Comune di Roma, si dedica appunto alla conoscenza e alla presenza critica e alternativa delle culture popolari e della memoria storica. Per questa ragione, esprimiamo la nostra solidarietà alle famiglie che rappresentano oggi la continuità di una tradizione civile di cui, internazionalmente, ci sentiamo parte. Da parte nostra, quindi, ci impegniamo affinché questa vicenda venga a conoscenza del maggior numero possibile di persone e di istituzioni, in Italia e altrove. Vi preghiamo perciò di esplorare tutte le
possibilità per dare a questa vicenda una soluzione confacente con la giustizia e con la dignità delle persone coinvolte.
Con i migliori saluti,
Avv. Rino Arbia
Circolo Gianni Bosio
Estimados señores,
como ciudadano interesado en la salvaguarda de la diversidad humana y de la cultura popular, manifiesto mi preocupación al conocer la situación de indefensión que están sufriendo algunas familias del barrio de Casas Baratas de Bon Pastor (distrito de Sant Andreu) delante de las crecientes presiones para abandonar sus viviendas y trasladarse a pisos de nueva construcción.
El derribo integral del barrio de casas baratas nos recuerda soluciones igualmente drásticas que en otros momentos históricos, otros tipos de
gobierno han tenido que adoptar para eludir sus responsabilidades hacia los sectores menos favorecidos de la sociedad.
Nos dirigimos a las autoridades de una ciudad que en más de una ocasión ha declarado apostar por un desarrollo basado en valores como la sostenibilidad humana y el respeto por el patrimonio cultural.
El patrimonio histórico que las casas baratas implican para la memoria de las clases populares de Barcelona, es un elemento digno de respeto y
Por lo tanto, expreso todo mi apoyo a los vecinos y vecinas afectadas, y pido a las autoridades competentes de elaborar una solución que respete no sólo los derechos básicos de los habitantes del barrio, sino también el valor inqüestionable, arquitectónico y social, que las casas baratas representan en sí mismas.
Les saluda atentamente
Manuel Adelantado
DNI 37.655.964-L
Dear Sirs:
As a prospective visitor to Barcelona, and in the interest of preserving human diversity and popular culture, I must express my concern about the defenseless situation of some families in the low-income housing neighborhood of Casas Baratas de Bon Pastor, Sant Andreu district, in the face of the growing pressure on them to abandon their houses and move into newly-built flats.
The complete demolition of the 748 houses in this low-income housing district recalls equally drastic "solutions" that, in the past, other types of government have adopted to evade their responsibilities towards the less fortunate sectors of society.
The authorities of Barcelona have on more than one occasion declared their support for an urban development based on values such as human sustainability and respect for its cultural heritage. The cultural and historical heritage that the low-income houses represent in the memories of the working class of Barcelona is worthy of respect and conservation.
I therefore express support for the residents and their neighbors who are affected by the demolition, and ask the authorities to achieve a solution that respects not only the basic rights of the residents of the district but also the important architectural and social value that the low-income houses represent in themselves.
Ruth Misheloff
New York City |
This work is in the public domain |
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