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[IndyUK]Un activista habla de un trabajo interno organizado por el "Stablishment
07 jul 2005
Like September 11th, this reeks of an inside job, right after Bush and Blair appeared before the media making trivial small talk and jokes. I'm afraid it's all so predictable.
As I predicted some time ago, if the Establishment conducted a "terrorist" outrage in Britain, the target would be London Underground. Sadly, today on the seventh day of the seventh month, I am in a position to say. "I told you so!"

At 8.49 am., news broke of exposions caused by a 'power surge' affecting several underground stations. It became clear this was a major incident with many walking wounded and the entire tube network was shut down. The National Grid deny there was a power surge.

Chaos ensued with a lack of co-ordination amongst emergency services and sparse information. Eyewitness reports from Liverpool St., Aldgate, Edgeware Road and Euston Stations all described "a flash and a bang" inconsistent with electrical failure.

However, at around 10.20 there were reports of a double decker tourist bus exploding in Tavistock Square. The top blew straight off and there are fatalities. Another two buses are rumoured to have experienced blasts and a bomb went off in the Liverpool Street area.

It was an hour before the word "attack" was uttered, but this series of explosions were evidently carefully timed and structured to cause maximum destruction during the rush hour. All this on the day the G8 summit officially opens in the UK.

It also comes the day after London's successful bid to host the 2012 Olympic games. The Olympics in London will demand a security crackdown, but in the light of this event, (our 9-11) retina scans and biometric I.D.'s will be made compulsory.

As of 10.30am, there has been no response from the Prime Minister at Gleneagles and 'al Qaeda' has not been mentioned... yet. I am videotaping the news bulletins, because if Canary Wharf blows, I want it recorded!

If this cleverly co-ordinated and executed attack is claimed to be the work of UK-based Muslim extremists, it beggars the question; why have they been wasting time messing about with ricin? I'll leave you to answer that question, but my money is on MI5... every time

This work is in the public domain


Re: [IndyUK]Un activista habla de un trabajo interno organizado por el "Stablishment
07 jul 2005
A veure podria semblar un conspiranoic, però el cert es que tc es tan descabellada, de ben segur q aprofitaran aquests atemptats per introduir-nos el xip, fer-nos scans de les empremptes digitals que haurem de contrastar amb el dni, o altres bestieses per l'estil!

O combatem el feixisme, o estarem millor morts que vius!
Re: [IndyUK]Un activista habla de un trabajo interno organizado por el "Stablishment
07 jul 2005
Tony Blair: "Es especialmente barbaro el atentado hoy cuando un grupo de personas se van a reunir para intentar solucionar los problemas de ´�frica."

Té collons la cosa.
Investigació d'Indymedia ja
07 jul 2005
Amb gamarusos com aquest, el que cal és investigar indymedia UK ja.
Acabem amb el terrorisme islàmic i els qui els donen cobertura o justificació
jaim pren-te la
07 jul 2005
Abans pero ens podries parlar de com el terrorisme cristia fa 10 anys va exterminar 10.000 persones a srebenibka. Ah, pero no eren els islamics els assassins de tothom?
Mort al terrorisme cristia!
Va, que t'estic ajudant, al final nomes es salvaran els jueus que son uns angelets.
Re: [IndyUK]Un activista habla de un trabajo interno organizado por el "Stablishment
07 jul 2005
Un tipus que diu que s'han d'investigar les diferents indymedies no hauria de tenir espai en cap d'elles, em sembla una qüestió de calaix.

Defensent-nos dels provocadors
Allau a la columna dreta de l'IMC
07 jul 2005
No sé perquè cal publicar un munt de "noves" notícies a la columna dreta en comptes de construïr continguts a partir de la primera.

Això fa que s'esvaeixin les notícies anteriorment publicades, i que es construeixi una columna de soroll: a veure qui aconsegueix més protagonisme amb el seu comentari.

L'allau que he vist fins ara: hauriem d'evitar el mateix atemptat mediàtic que practica la premsa burgesa?
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