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Media Centers
This site
made manifest by
dadaIMC software

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Notícies :: xarxa i llibertat
manifestació on-line contra les patentes de software el 6 de juliol
29 jun 2005
Close your web site!

To get the maximum effect, please “close� your web site by replacing its start page by one of our index pages from

Just rename your index.html to index.orig.html, then take the webdemo index page in the appropriate language as your new index.html.

Like this, your web site will still be accessible through the link at the bottom of the webdemo page.

Once you are done, please Register! (
Text box

If you cannot “close� your web site entirely, maybe you can feature a text box with information about this web demo. Just copy one of the swpatbox pages to your web server, and use it as an iframe of the size that fits your page. (See the testbox pages for examples.)

After that, please Register. (

If you cannot use the options above, use a banner from to link to . Just copy it to your web server and include it with a tag like this:

<a href="";><img src="swpatbanner.en.png" width="480" height=60" alt="STOP Software Patents!" /></a>

Again: please Register!

This work is in the public domain

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