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Anunci :: guerra
Stop The Bombs International Peace Walk
04 nov 2004
The Stop The Bombs International Peace Walk is being organized by members of the International Coalition For A Nuclear Free Future.
This walk will take place from March 12th, 2005 to May 2nd 2005.

The walk will start at the Y12 National Security Complex in Oak Ridge Tennessee. This complex is currently producing components for the life extension upgrade of the W76(Trident) warhead under the Stockpile Life Extension Program. W76 warheads are being dismantled, aging parts are replaced or refurbished, and the reassembled warhead is certified to be reliable of 100-120 years.

Last year, Y12 completed life extension upgrades on every W87(MX missle) warhead in the US arsenal. When the W76 work is finished Y12 will begin upgrading the B61 bomb. Y12 makes the thermnuclear part of the bomb. Clearly, upgrading our nuclear arsenal to extend the life of warheads for 100 years violates the US obligation, under Article 6 of the Non-Proliferation Treaty, to pursue complete disarmament "at an early date".

The walk will end at the United Nations Headquarters in New York where the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty talks are being held. It is our stated purpose to bring public awareness to this Treaty and illustrate to those in charge that a vast population of this world wants complete nuclear disarmament.

Those interested in joining this project should contact us at ffpindy ARROBA for further information.
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This work is in the public domain


Walk For World Peace
04 nov 2004
The Most Venerable Nichidatsu Fujii engaged in the practice of a walking Peace Pilgrimage as one way to cultivate compassion and to defeat the forces that lead to war, In this spirit the Buddhist monks of Nipponzan Myohoji-Atlanta Dojo initiated an annual Peace Walk to the School of Americas(now called the Western Hemisphere Institute for Security Cooperation) in 1999 to support the mass movement to CLOSE THE SOA. The SOA, a school for Latin American officers run by the U.S. Army, is internationally notorious for traning assassins, torturers, and human rights abusers. We cannot live at peace with our neighbors to the south so long as this school exists. Nor can we live at peace in this world so long as our society requires world economic domination to sustain itself. Step by step we seek to move toward a social life that never allows for murder, destruction or exploitation to sustain itself.

We invite people of faith and peace to join for all or any part of this 100-plus mile pilgrimage.

For Peace Pilgrimage Information:
Sister Denise or Brother Utsumi
Nipponzna Myohoji-Atlanta Dojo
1127 Glenwood Ave.
Atlanta, GA 30316
Email: atlantadojo ARROBA
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FootPrints For Peace - SOAW Run
04 nov 2004
Every year individuals give up their freedom to cross the line at the Western Hemisphere Institute for Security Cooperation the new name for the School of Americas (SOA). We consider them Prisoners Of Conscience. The reason that they make this great sacrifice is clear. Over it's 56 years, the SOA has trained over 60,000 Latin American soldiers in counterinsurgency techniques, sniper training, commando and psychological warfare, military intelligence and interrogation tactics. These graduates have consistently used their skills to wage a war of terror against their own people.

This year FootPrints For Peace will run from the Crisp County Jail located in Cordele Georgia starting on the 19th of November and end the run at Fort Benning GA on the 20th of November. We chose this starting location because this jail is the place where many of those arrested for civil disobedience at Fort Benning are sent either to serve their term or be distributed to other prisons around the country. We will be joining up with the Walk For World Peace organized by Brother Utsumi and Sister Denise from the Nipponzan Myohoji Atlanta Dojo. Their group will be walking from Atlanta to Fort Benning at the same time we are running from the Crisp County Jail.

On the 21st we will all join the thousands of other people in the vigil and funeral procession to the front gates of Fort Benning, home of the SOA.

This year we are also proud to anounce a contingent from Earlham College in Richmond Indiana organized by Mark Porter-Webb will be joining us for the run.

Please contact us via email at ffpindy ARROBA for details on how you can participate.

For information concerning our last event, Prisoners Of Conscience Run, please visit
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¿What about the beheadings?
04 nov 2004
Those bombs have not killed anyone yet. Why not a walk against the beheading of civilians instead?

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