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Anàlisi :: guerra
US: Martial Law & Mad Max on our Horizon?
12 jul 2004
In the United States, Homeland Security Secretary Tom Ridge's department has asked the Justice Department's Office of Legal Counsel, to analyze what legal steps would be needed, to permit the postponement of the election were an attack to take place...Martial Law maybe ?
US: Martial Law & Mad Max on our Horizon?

FPF-The Netherlands, July 12th 2004 - As the American weekly 'Newsweek' points out in it's coming 19 July report:

American counter terrorism officials, citing what they call 'alarming' intelligence about a possible al Qaeda strike inside the United States this fall, are reviewing a proposal that could allow for the postponement of the November presidential election in the event of such an attack

In the United States, Homeland Security Secretary Tom Ridge's department has asked the Justice Department's Office of Legal Counsel, to analyze what legal steps would be needed, to permit the postponement of the election were an attack to take place...Martial Law maybe ?

Somehow it feels very foreboding and bad, when so many 'American-Israeli' media similar to Newsweek and CNN* ( concerning multinational owners and their affiliation to the 'zionist cabal' in Washington and New York ) - started 'massaging' and 'preparing public opinion' for postponed elections, possible 'False Flag'-attacks - [ http://tinyurl.con/3teuk ] - and than following an omnipotent martial law.

"My feeling is, and has been for some time, that no matter what happens in November, George W. Bush has no intention of leaving the White House any time soon." the FPF-correspondent in France noted today. Also pointing out, that electronic voting - without a paper trail - may lead to more 'Bush-misery'.

It seems perfectly clear that "the fight for the last bottle of Perrier mineral water" is getting closer, especially after last February eying the following:

Secret report on 'Armageddon':

A secret report, suppressed by US defense chiefs and obtained by 'The Observer' warns that major European cities will be sunk beneath rising seas, as Britain is plunged into a 'Siberian' climate by 2020.

Nuclear conflict, mega-droughts, famine and widespread rioting will erupt across the world.
[Url. - report: http://tinyurl.con/34otx]

Taking into account the present development, and the United States-Wolfowitz Junta - with it's Neo-conmen outlawing everybody and everything for their own power and profit, we strongly suggest to prepare for a kind of "Mad Max World.

Because, it looks like that may be in store for most of us. Unless we act, this can be on our horizon:

Mad Max-excerpt: "Every day, a procession of what is left of humanity, with goods to trade, parades into Bartertown. The streets, with their mud and ramshackle buildings, are teeming with people, trading, meeting, getting a head shave, or enjoying a drink at the outdoor bar of the Atomic Cafe.

The people look like a mélange of leftovers; they wear ragged costumes that hint of early and mid twentieth century Europe, ancient Rome, China, and other cultures, with tools and machinery that also seem to be mostly junk from what was left after a nuclear war*.

Amid them are the city's soldiers, with wild hairdos and head-dresses that look like something a punk rocker might dream up on a bad drug trip".[*]


The well known american journalist and economist - Robert Chapman - writes in his very informative newsletter "the Forecaster" about our future:

"The elitists want to implement a world currency, and destroy gold and silver as a monetary metal forever. We have the Euro, next is to be the 'North American Currency Unit' and then the 'Asian Currency Unit'.

Ultimately the 'World Currency Unit' that will finally deprive us of our freedom and sovereignty. Then that will be followed by political and economic union and then world government, which will further eliminate borders and sovereignty.

Once the world is unified, there is no escape. The power of the one world government will be absolute and because man remains sinful and corruptible, our new world order will be tyrannical. Any world currency system means
enslavement." [end quote Chapman*]

You see, we need to know...

How else can we defend ourselves?

Henk Ruyssenaars

* CNN Lead story today - Officials discuss how to delay Election Day - Talks stem from recent fears of terror attack timed to vote: Url.: http://tinyurl.con/25suu

* a Nuclear disaster you won't forget: http://tinyurl.con/3grth

*Mad Max - background to the future: http://tinyurl.con/4cdgj

*International_forecaster ARROBA
(Robert Chapman-corresp.)

WASHINGTON - Newsweek reported: Url.:

Editor : Henk Ruyssenaars
The Netherlands

The Dutch author worked for 4 decades for international media as foreign correspondent, of which 10 years - also during Gulf War I - in the Arab World and the Middle East.

Seeing that every bullet and every bomb breeds more terrorism !

Evil triumphs when good men, women and journalists remain silent

Help the troops come home: we need them to fight our 'governments'.

Mira també:

This work is in the public domain


Re: US: Martial Law & Mad Max on our Horizon?
12 jul 2004
you need to get out more.
salir mas.
sortir mes.
12 jul 2004
Chiste Aleman ?

I've been out working as a journalist in other countries and living there for more than 40 years, what about you ? :-)


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