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Palestine Solidarity Conference in Gothenburg, Sweden
08 jul 2004
Meeting in Sweden
It’s a pleasure for us to present the "Palestine Solidarity conference", which will be organized by the Palestinian progressive Youth Union and RKU of Sweden and the Sports Club Proletären FF, in Sweden during the 7th to 11th of September 2004.

The conference was supposed to take place in Gaza in the summer of 2003 but was cancelled due to the Israeli army’s closure of Gaza. The Israelis can never stop the youth to meet and discuss their common interests, so now the conference is being held in Gothenburg, Sweden. In the conference we will among many things discuss these subjects:

Day one, Tuesday the 7th of September
Theme: Solidarity with Palestine
- Opening ceremony
- The right to fight occupation
- Resistance: definition and the range of Practice
- The Palestinian Issue and the International human Low
- The new Global Regime changes and the effect on supporting the nations resistance

Day two, Wednesday the 8th of September
Theme: The strategy for resistance
- The Palestinian resistance against the Zionist occupation
- The American double standards mixing between resistance and terrorism
- The youth movements role in facing the gradual global challenges.
- The popular and international solidarity with the Palestinian national struggle.

Day Three, Thursday the 9th of September
Theme: The fight against US-Imperialism
- The general fight against imperialism and the struggle for national independence.
- The resistance against US-imperialism in Iraq
- US policy in the Middle East
- The Apartheid wall: the stolen lands in the West Bank
(Visiting schools and universities in Gothenburg to inform about the situation)

Day four, Friday the 10th of September
Theme: Strategies for Solidarity with Palestine (Future action Plans )
- How to put pressure on the national governments to boycott Israel.
- International experiences in boycott actions against Israel.
- International experiences of world solidarity with the resistance against Apartheid in South Africa
- Towards building "youth solidarity network" with the Palestinian youth

Day five, Saturday the 11th of September
Theme: Peace Race festival and closing of the conference.
The last day’s activities will take place in a big park in central Gothenburg. During the day there will be speeches and discussions in big tents. During this day there will also be a cultural festival with both Palestinian and Swedish artists. The participants will participate in the Peace Race and during the whole day there will be food, music and cultural activities. The progressive sports club Proletären FF organizes the peace race and the theme for the race is anti-imperialism and solidarity. For many years the race had its focus on boycotting South Africa. Now solidarity with Palestine and boycott Israel has been the theme for many, many years. In the evening a big party will be arranged. (About 800-1000) people usually attend the race. This year this number will probably increase due to the planned activities.)

Day six, Sunday the 12th of September
The delegates leave Sweden.

Note: There will be an exhibition during the conference days in addition to films that shows the Palestinian people sufferings and Palestinian cultural nights.

The aim of the conference

The aim of the conference is to find ways to protect the Palestinian national struggle and strengthen the solidarity and the international relations between the youth and youth movements in facings the global challenges. We believe that this conference is important for us and for the palestina people. We hope that you can actively participate in this important conference to widen and renew the global solidarity network for Palestine.

Participants from:
- Youth organizations from Palestine, and different parts of the world.
- Academics and researchers in the fields of politics, law, economics, social science, and democracy
- International parties and institutes supporting Palestinian rights
- Swedish organizations and individuals which works with supporting the Palestinian cause
- Workers in global echoes

There will be simultaneous translation (Arabic- English and English-Arabic) during the conference.

More information and signing up for the conference

Guests from Europe and Sweden:
E-mail: rebell ARROBA +46 (0)31 - 24 44 17

Guests from Palestine and Middle East:
E-mail: Salahati2@hotmail
Mobile: 00972-59-702966 or 00972-59-482639
Telfax: 00972-8-2842388

• The Palestinian progressive youth union (PPYU) is a student, youth, public, and democratic organization in which the Palestinian youth believe in freedom justice and social prosperity. This youth looks for achieving the Palestinian youth goals, and their legitimate rights in freedom independence state, refugees return, and Jerusalem as capital of Palestine.
The PPYU aims to respect and fulfill the needs and rights of youth in all the fields, and it is an active member in the Palestinian youth and students movements, and works with local and international organization to serve just subjects such as humanity to reinforce solidarity with other nations, also to receive the union politically social and economically through out volunteer activities which held in Gaza and west bank we have more than 15,000 members in all Palestine.

• RKU of Sweden
RKU (Revolutionary communist youth) strives to become a mass organization for the school and working youth in Sweden. We aim to be a major force in the struggle against cut-downs, right-wing politics, US-imperialism and the European Union. RKU was founded in 1994 and has about fifty local branches all over Sweden – from the north to the south.

• The Sports Club Proletären FF has a very long experience of sports boycott. From the struggle against South Africa, Chile and Israel. The club is situated in a suburb to Gothenburg and every year the club organizes the Peace Race. The clubs slogan is sports for everyone, international solidarity and anti-imperialism.

This work is in the public domain


Re: Palestine Solidarity Conference in Gothenburg, Sweden
08 jul 2004
Re: Palestine Solidarity Conference in Gothenburg, Sweden
08 jul 2004
Els suecos al costat d'els palestins!¿Qui está al costat d'els nazi-sionistes?...Bush,Rumsfeld,Cheney...i algú fill de Jehová més!
Re: Palestine Solidarity Conference in Gothenburg, Sweden
08 jul 2004
Me habían dicho que esta web era judeofoba. Se quedaron en poco. Odia furibundamente a los judíos. Y se dicen solidarios.

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