especulacio |
22 set 2008
Creat: 22 set 2008 |
Another Hotel in Raval district? NO THANK YOU!
Rounded by a landscape of poverty and structural deficiencies, and located just in front of where the bourgeois "pistoleros" killed anarchist Salvador Seguí -now on the side of the new built offices of CCOO and UGT, the pro-gobernamental unions-, the new hotel is the symbol of the violent urbanistic, social and politic processes meant to suffocate all forms of popular life, autoorganization, anti-authoritarism in Raval district, in Barcelona, in Catalonia... with the purpose of making, of this all, the business for a few in spite of the poverty of many.
If you want to oppose to this constant teasing, join us on the hotel inauguration friday 26th at 7pm in Rambla del Raval
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