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Notícies :: @rtivisme : un altre món és aquí : ecologia : educació i societat : especulació i okupació
HuertaHorta; cso El Barco´s new community garden in Horta + greenway/eco corridor plan for Barcelona
25 feb 2007
Emergency: present way of life unsustainable, alternatives needed QUICK....

Monday 19th Febuary ground was broken in an unused field in Horta and potatos were planted.This work was carried out by the gardening crew from El Barco, the new social centre in Horta. The potatos have been watered and yesterday a lovely picnic was had by the crew of El Barco and other pirata types. Plans are underway to attempt to create a greenway for the city also, see photo attached. This is an idea for a CPUL which is an idea being worked on by an eco city group that arrived to Barcelona from Bosnia to Ireland to here. It is a alternative method to present oil dependant unsustainable systems of food production.
barcelona greenway.Jpg
previous material from the Irish experience:

the botanic spine : dublin greenway
Dublin : first Greenway cycle of 2006
Dolphins barn community garden

In regard climate chaos and Ireland, it is an emergency and far more action needs to be taken. Criticising the state is one thing but offering practical solutions that are easy for people to also do or participate in and that are attractive to people not already aware of these "eco" methods makes sense.

In a previous post (1) I directed people to an excellent essay I read recently, THE SIGNIFICANCE OF THE GLOBAL ECOVILLAGE MOVEMENT by Ted Trainer (2), which outlines what a future eco and sustainable society would/will look like: economics, less production, more decentralised self organisation, fixing stuff, less roads and more food production, permaculture.......

Its short enough, about 5 minutes to read and the main points are the following:

- I have no hesitation in claiming that the fate of the planet depends on those who are pioneering the transition to The Simpler Way.

- put most of our energy into developing and demonstrating alternative lifestyles, settlements and systems, so that when consumer society runs into really serious problems people will be able to see that there is another way, one that is more sane, workable, attractive, just and ecologically sustainable.

- We are too relaxed and we are too polite!

Also there I posted how in Ireland there was a eco project to attempt to move Dublin to being a more sustainable city with an 18 km eco corridor for Dublin city, food production gardens, bike ways and more...... (3)

Anyway the garden project is still on and will soon be creating a new garden in Dolphins Barn in Dublin 8, so if you would like to take some practical action and to help the collective that have been quietly making a small little bit of action to counter climate chaos, give them a shout dolphinsbarngarden ARROBA

(1) Can we win? What sort of world will that look like?
from : Whatever Happened to Anti-Capitalism?

Ted Trainer, University of N.S.W., Australia.

(3) the botanic spine : dublin greenway
Dublin : first Greenway cycle of 2006

Dolphins barn community garden
Dolphin's Barn community garden under threat
-Ruth gives a history of the garden 8mins -
-Mixing the muck 7.5 mins -

The bigger picture:
Although on the global scale the garden has not changed the world, it has been an attempt to turn a simple idea into a reality. For 12 months now our garden has existed, grown and taken on a life of its own, from a small number of rain soaked beginners clambering around a fence to stick a few hazel trees into the ground there are now a large and ever widening crew who have shared their workload, stories, food, skills, jokes, dreams, time together. For many it has already been a beautiful experience. In today’s age we are fast approaching a peak oil crisis, resource wars are already happening as our demand for consumption escalates with the result of ruthless pirating for oil like we have seen in Iraq for the last few years. One major pull on oil reserves is the energy needed to transport the food you eat on your table from where it was grown; food miles.

Related links:
Bringing Nature To Mans Domain -
Its gardening Jim, but not as we know it (Ireland from below, November 2005, page 5) -
new community garden up and running in Phibsboro -
CPULS – continuous productive urban landscapes -
That eco idea is beginning to kick off in china -
Greening the city Dublin -
City farmer’s urban agricultural forum -
What will we eat as the oil runs out? -
Convergence 7- feedback :building healthy communities, inspiring culture, redefining progress -

opening doors and making gardens in horta

CSO EL BARCO : new social centre and community garden in horta
is the website of what we are, it is being edited

A helpfull tool for communication techniques is the NVDA (non violent direct action) toolbox, heres the link:

call us at 662 347 902 for info

how to find us

metro line blue to HORTA, lisboa exit, turn head 180 degress on street level and you will see CSO EL BARCO

email us : nc-mio (at)

opening doors and making gardens in horta

el barco
Mira també:

This work is in the public domain


some broken links above, heres fixed and where from
25 feb 2007
green corridors in cities

Ireland and Climate Chaos

Ted Trainer, University of N.S.W., Australia.

The bigger picture
Dolphin's Barn community garden under threat

Convergence 7- feedback :building healthy communities, inspiring culture, redefining progress -
Re: HuertaHorta; cso El Barco´s new community garden in Horta + greenway/eco corridor plan for Barcelona
25 feb 2007
A la foto del planol no es veu gaire en algunes pantalles d´ordenador, l´adreça es a;

C/Pere pau. Metro Horta (al costat de la pl.Eivissa)
Re: HuertaHorta; cso El Barco´s new community garden in Horta + greenway/eco corridor plan for Barcelona
25 feb 2007
dir-li huerta a Horta és ja el grau màxim del patetisme. no volia entrar en discussions idiomàtiques habitualment estúpides i innecessàries, però és que això ja és lo últim.

és molt probable que amb aquests textos en anglès es guanyin als yayos del foment, de la plaça eivissa i de l'ateneu :)
Re: HuertaHorta; cso El Barco´s new community garden in Horta + greenway/eco corridor plan for Barcelona
25 feb 2007
amb aquestes patates no en teniu ni per començar!!!
M'intereseria tenir una direccio de correo, per comunicar amb la gent que esta realitzant l'ort.
Re: HuertaHorta; cso El Barco´s new community garden in Horta + greenway/eco corridor plan for Barcelona
26 feb 2007
Vale, ahora porfavor, que alguien traduzca el texto al catalan o espanyol, para los incultos y los que no han viajado por el mundo y no sabemos ingles, que tambien estamos interesaos.

A ver si alguein caritativo se apiade de nosotros.
Re: HuertaHorta; cso El Barco´s new community garden in Horta + greenway/eco corridor plan for Barcelona
26 feb 2007
al·lucino pepinillos. sóc prou vell com per haver vist les cases de Pere Pau amb gent i horts i etc. i ara tornen a estar ocupades. ...el problema és que realment el grau de frikisme anglòfon ja és la hòstia.
Re: HuertaHorta; cso El Barco´s new community garden in Horta + greenway/eco corridor plan for Barcelona
04 mar 2007
una traducció del primer paràgraf:

el dilluns 19 de febrer es va cavar la terra d'un camp no utilitzat a Horta i s'hi va plantar patates. La feina va ser feta per la tropa cultivadora de "El Barco", el nou centre social ocupat d'Horta. Ahir es van regar les patates i es va fer un picnic per la tropa de "El Barco" i altre tipus de pirates. Hi ha plans per intentar crear una autopista verda per a la ciutat, vegeu la fotografia adjunta. Aquesta és una idea per a CPUL la qual és una idea en la que estan treballant un grup per a l'eco ciutat que ha arribat a Barcelona des de Bosina sortint d'Irlanda. És un mètode alternatiu per denunciar la insostanibilitat del sistema actual de producció de menjar, el qual és totalment dependent del consum de petroli.

Després hi ha les fotos.

Més avall explica com i perquè va sorgir el moviment a Dublin, i com ha evolucionat: des de ser quatre gats fins a arribar a engrescar als veïns i arribar a recol·lectar els fruits del treball.

Després hi ha una declaració: el destí del planeta depèn d'aquells que són pioners en la transició cap al Mètode Simle.

I després ens convida a tots a participar del projecte
Re: HuertaHorta; cso El Barco´s new community garden in Horta + greenway/eco corridor plan for Barcelona
04 mar 2007
una traducció del primer paràgraf:

el dilluns 19 de febrer es va cavar la terra d'un camp no utilitzat a Horta i s'hi va plantar patates. La feina va ser feta per la tropa cultivadora de "El Barco", el nou centre social ocupat d'Horta. Ahir es van regar les patates i es va fer un picnic per la tropa de "El Barco" i altre tipus de pirates. Hi ha plans per intentar crear una autopista verda per a la ciutat, vegeu la fotografia adjunta. Aquesta és una idea per a CPUL la qual és una idea en la que estan treballant un grup per a l'eco ciutat que ha arribat a Barcelona des de Bosina sortint d'Irlanda. És un mètode alternatiu per denunciar la insostanibilitat del sistema actual de producció de menjar, el qual és totalment dependent del consum de petroli.

Després hi ha les fotos.

Més avall explica com i perquè va sorgir el moviment a Dublin, i com ha evolucionat: des de ser quatre gats fins a arribar a engrescar als veïns i arribar a recol·lectar els fruits del treball.

Després hi ha una declaració: el destí del planeta depèn d'aquells que són pioners en la transició cap al Mètode Simle.

I després ens convida a tots a participar del projecte
Re: HuertaHorta; cso El Barco´s new community garden in Horta + greenway/eco corridor plan for Barcelona
04 mar 2007
Flipo que la gent es foti amb el tema de la llengua. El tio que escriu no fa ni dos mesos que és per aquí, i, a banda d'estar duent a terme tot aquest tinglado està aprenent castellà i català a un ritme acollonant. Tan de bo jo tingués tantes capacitats per aprendre l'anglès i el gaèlic...

Realment sento vergonya aliena davant de cert tipus de comentaris... però bé, per això estem a on estem.
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