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Smash the Leftist-Islamofascist Axis of Evil
12 mar 2004
which bombed Madrid yesterday
It was like a parallel universe, not the one we are familiar with.
The "activists" and "militants" were suddenly referred to as
"terrorists". Even CNN and the BBC discovered the "T" word. The
governments of Europe, which ordinarily spend their days insisting that
Israel deal with terrorists through capitulation, were suddenly enraged,
expressing their disgust. It was suddenly not a legitimate form of
protest against occupation to mass murder civilians. The newspapers did
not not issue special editions documenting the abuses of human rights by
Spain, nor bemoan the "grievances" of those angry at Spain. Not a single
Euro-politician made a speech denouncing the illegal Spanish occupations
of Ceuta and Mellila. The World Court in the Hague did not begin an
indictment of Spain for the conditions of its occupation of the Basques
region, Galicia, and Catalonia. Museum and convention hall exhibits were
not opened documenting the social and economic inequalities that prevail
in Spain, which obviously are what really drive the bombers.
And the world did not demand that the Spanish re-examine their own
behaviro, to discover which manifestation of their arrogance provoked the
Al-Qaida savages. The networks were not full of messages about how
Moslems regard Andalusia as their own holy lands and that only their
liberation can bring peace. For almost a full day, no politicians
declared Islam the religion of peace. The US did not dock from aid to
Spain the costs of security fences the Spanish were considering building.
No one declared that the walls around Ceuta and Melilla made Spain an
apartheid country and were forcing North Africans into Warsaw Ghettos
because the walls are on Magreb soil. The European parliament did not
send millions of Euros to fund politicial organizations in Spain devoted
to encouraging Spanish soldiers to refuse orders and to desert and refure
to serve in the army.
There were no protests against Spanish plans to implement "profiling"
at its airports and train stations. The Scandinavians did not demand that
the Spanish open up dialogue with the bombers, and Spanish leftists did
not lecture their countrymen about how there are no police nor military
problems to the challenges of terrorism. Human rights groups did not
demand that any captured terrorists be treated as prisoners of war with
full Geneva Convention privileges and good lawyers.
And unlike Israel, Spanish leftist professors did not march in
solidarity with the bombers and demand that the world establish a boycott
of Spain and Spanish universities. Spanish poets did not sing the praises
of the bombers. Students on Spanish campuses did not march with al-Qaida
banners and posters of Saddam, nor did they chant, "In Blood and Fire we
will redeem thee Andalusia." Spanish schools did not begin teaching the
poetry composed by al-Qaida poets, nor did the Opposition in the
Spanish and EU parliaments
demand that the Spanish national anthem change its words to make Moslems
feel more welcome and less alienated in Spain. Spanish citizens who
engage in espionage for al-Qaida are not declared candidates for a Nobel
Peace Price, nor have their posters carried in peace marches.
The State Department in Washington did not threaten trade sanctions
against Spain if it took military action against the bombers. No one
demanded that Toledo and Granada be restored to their rightful Moslem
owners. Not a single newscast referred to Cordoba as a settlement. The
Spanish Left did not send reps to Geneva and Oslo to negotiate secretly
with the bombers. French politicians did not puff themselves up and
lecture the Spanish about their cruelty and insensitivity. Kofi Annan did
not demand that talks begin. The International Solidarity Movement failed
to send crews to protect al-Qaida facilities in Syria and in North Africa.
Spanish churches were not torched around the world. Yale students did not
announce a campaign to divest from Spain. Tikkun magazine did not devote a
special issue to the suffering and pain of the bombers. Special teach-ins
on human rights abuses by Spain were not held at Berkeley, nor did the
students re-enact street theater in which cruel Spanish policemen bully
poor Arab passengers getting on to trains with large suitcases. The press
did not count the Taliban and al-Qaida members killed the same week in
Afghanistan as part of this week's Spanish death toll. Jimmy Carter did
not offer to serve as liaison between the government of Madrid and the
We will know when the world reverts to normality when it discovers
that the Madrid bombings were all somehow the fault of the Jews.


Re: Smash the Leftist-Islamofascist Axis of Evil
12 mar 2004
I've seldom read so much shite in such a small space.
You are an utter wanker.
Re: Smash the Leftist-Islamofascist Axis of Evil
12 mar 2004
però què diu aquest patan?
Re: Smash the Leftist-Islamofascist Axis of Evil
12 mar 2004
però què diu aquest patan?
Sindicato Sindicat