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Please support the 02/07/04 worldwide 9/11 Truth Protest

Please support the 02/07/04 worldwide 9/11 Truth Protest :)

Dear 9/11 Truthseekers, -Researchers and -Activists

You probably heard it already, since New Years Eve, 100s of new 9/11 activists started to organize weekly "Stop the 9/11 Cover-up"-protests or similar campaigns.

What succesfully began in early 2002 and 2003, ("Bush Knew"-protests, "QuestionW"-campaigns, 9/11 truth panels, 9/11 truth dots, 9/11 Truth Movement Film Events ect...) has turned into a worldwide and weekly truth demand.
Furthermore, many 9/11 Researchers started their own news portals or mailing lists and informed about the latest news and events.
It's not too late to participate, it's not too late to demand the truth and your freedom of speech.

The most succesful 9/11 protest campaigns in the U.S., are currently in Kansas City, New York, Portland or San Francisco, but also in Canada, Germany or France.

On Saturday February 7th, 2004 WE NEED YOUR SUPPORT, IN THE U.S. AND WORLDWIDE!

New York City is planning their first biggest 9/11 Truth March, starting at 2 PM from Union Square, with a regular warm-up campaign at GROUND ZERO at 12 PM.
Other cities will join us on the same day. Please become the next 9/11 truth city!

Currently, the NY 9/11 Truth Alliance is in touch with supporters from many different capitols of international countries, i.e:

New Zealand/Australia, Germany, England, France, Italy, Spaign, Greece, Ungary, Japan, Norway, Netherlands, Belgium, Canada, Iceland and many more.

These countries need your help!

All you need to do is, to hook up with 5 friends, local activists or 9/11 Researchers and meet in your city at a popular shopping mall and distribute promotional 9/11material, -flyers, -banners, -signs etc.. , especially what you think, is oppressed info about the Sep11th attacks.

Here are some informative links, which might help you for a supportive 9/11 truth campaign:

Please also get in touch with the following websites for further help or information:

New York, Kansas City, San Francisco and you are not alone!

We're also hoping to get support from the following US Areas:
Seattle, WA
Amherst, MA
Peoria, IL
Monterey, CA
Santa Fe, NM
Eugene, OR
Sunnyvale, CA
Kingston, NY
Redwood City, CA
Dover, NH
Santa Cruz, CA
Spokane, WA
Portland, OR
and many other, almost 400 cities worldwide, which already signed up at 9/11 Meetup.

If you're in touch with any of the 9/11 meetup members, try to support us with a 9/11 Visibility Project in your city on February 7th.

In case, you didn't sign up yet at the 9/11-meetups, please do so immediately, for more weekly protest campaigns and the next worldwide protest.

Please help us, stop the 9/11 Cover-up and whitewash of the 9/11 commission. It might be too late with the next election! This protest campaign is not about the next President! It is about a peaceful revolution of the truth.
We not only need a clear regime change NOW and before the election, we have to avoid a "regime rotation".
We also have to avoid martial law or another (staged?) attack!

In fact, the next President (DEM or REP, it doesn't matter!) might continue to cover-up the real story of the Sep11th attacks and increase the bogus war on terrorism and disable your rights.

Please support the international 9/11 Truth Movement and go to the streets!

Only 5 people can already create a 9/11meetup to search for new volunteers.

In case, you will organise a protest campaign on February 7th, please provide us with photo-, text- or videomaterial for a forthcoming story.

Please give us feedback- any presence on the street, for 1-2 hours, will help us to make our cause.


Nico Haupt aka ewing2001
NY 9/11 Truth Alliance

On Wednesday, February 4th, 9 AM, the NY 9/11 Truth Alliance, is invited for an interview with Keidi Obi Awadu of Lib Radio Network.

It will be a two hour web interview, live to over 20 countries and over 120 U.S. cities.

Speakers include Michael Kane (social sculptor, 9-11 Truth Musician), Nico Haupt aka ewing2001 (9-11 Researcher) and Les Jamieson (9-11 Truth & Social Justice Activist).

It will also include brandnew tracks by Michael Kane, from his forthcoming album.

Please also join us, on Friday, February 6th for a 9-11 Film Event with Panel Discussion to look into the underlying conditions that led to the attacks, and the issue of government deception.

Finally: 9/11 Truth goes U.S. Mainstream,1413,101~6267~1924328,00.html What we don't know about 9/11 As much time as 9/11 needs - Oregonian Trying to ignore 9 - 11's causes . . . - Wilmington Morning Star 9/11 and the Bush Administration - Is Ignorance Bliss? -
Ellen Mariani shows much courage in search for truth Portsmouth Herald, NH - Jan 25, 2004
Ellen Mariani Appearance on MSNBC TV's Scarborough
Give 9/11 Probe More Time - Hartford Courant (subscription)
Senators to Request Extension for 9/11 Panel
A 9/11 COVER UP?
9/11 Investigation -Truth be told
Setting the record straight on 9/11
Miami Herald "...The events of 9/11, like the attack on Pearl Harbor, changed the course of history. We deserve to know what happened, and why, and how to prevent a repetition. It would be unacceptable for historians to lament that the 9/11 panel couldn't finish the job because the clock ran out...."
Time Will Tell -"9-11 was manufactured terrorism"
Hack Attack The GOP journalist gunning for Bush in New Hampshire ...
(John Buchanan-the 9/11 Truth Candidate) OpEdNews - Jan 15, 2004
9/11 cover up
NYC 9-11 Truth Takes Back Ground Zero

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