Notícies :: antifeixisme : globalització neoliberal : amèrica llatina |
Miami : No al Alca, No a la represión fascista
per Kmlt |
23 nov 2003
Miami : No al Alca, No a la represión fascista |
Desde obreros de las maquiladoras en México y campesinos del Amazona hasta trabajadores y sindicalistas norteamericanos han unido sus voces en Miami para protestar contra el ALCA.
Los manifestantes fustigan que ese proyecto sólo responde a los intereses de las grandes corporaciones y advierten que generará más miseria y sufrimiento en las comunidades latinoamericanas.
"Las familias campesinas de todo el continente, desde el norte hasta el sur, no solo en Brasil, viven en crisis", denunció Maria de Fátima, una representante del Movimiento de Trabajadores Rurales sin Tierra de Brasil, que demanda una reforma agraria.
"En la medida que importamos alimentos baratos de baja calidad, las empresas multinacionales que invaden nuestros países llevan a la ruina a miles de campesinos".
Durante los últimos seis años, dos millones 400 mil trabajadores agrícolas han sido expulsados de sus tierras, fustigó Fátima, quien viajó a Miami para protestar contra el ALCA, proyecto que el Presidente George W. Bush abrazó como "una gran visión". |
Re: Miami : No al Alca, No a la represión fascista
per xarxa |
23 nov 2003
The A.N.S.W.E.R. Coalition calls on all those who have been involved in the anti-war movement to show their support for those in Miami protesting at the FTAA negotiations who are being brutalized and incarcerated in a coordinated police state action designed to stifle dissent in the United States.
Police have attacked protestors with tear gas, pepper spray, concussion grenades, stun guns and by shooting activists with rubber bullets. Medics have not been allowed in through the police lines to treat the injured.
Protestors have been grabbed, seemingly at random, and taken off the street in snatch operations conducted by police in unmarked vehicles. The police are also directly targeting the legal support for the demonstrators, including National Lawyers Guild Legal Observers. Many who have been taken away have been beaten.
Your urgent help is needed now. The National Lawyers Guild and the Miami Activist Defense are asking that you contact the Mayors, the City Attorney, Police Chief Timoney and the media. Below is contact information -- please call or email now and let them know their actions will not be tolerated.
The attack on the protestors gives lie to the claim that the U.S. is fighting for democracy abroad -- when people who participate in political dissent at home are subject to brutal systematic police abuse and government repression.
The U.S. government in pursuit of corporate globalization uses all methods in its arsenal - from invasion and bombing to economic sanctions and IMF imposed austerity plans. The FTAA (Free Trade Area of the Americas) is merely another mechanism to extend the exploitative reach of corporate domination over the people of the Americas.
Show your solidarity with the people in the streets of Miami. Miami Activist Defense asks that the following be contacted:
Mayor, Miami-Dade County
305-829-9336 home
305-375-5071 office
Mayor, City of Miami
mannydiaz ARROBA ci.miami.fl.us
Chief of police
City Attorney
law ARROBA ci.miami.fl.us
City Manager
jarriola ARROBA ci.miami.fl.us
Miami City Commissioner
305-858-7344 home
305-250-5333 office
Miami Dade County Commissioner
Local media has been grossly biased in their coverage. While this is somewhat to be expected the following are numbers that people could call.
CBS4: 305-639-4551, 305-639-4601, 305-639-4426
WPLG channel 10: 305-576-6397
WSUN Fox: 954-524-0388 (Rosh Lowe)
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