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Solidarity Action For Thessaloniki Prisoners and Eco-prisoner Marco(TURKEY)
19 nov 2003
viva solidaridat!
Solidarity Action For Thessaloniki Prisoners and For Eco-prisoner Marco

to see action pictures visit:

and for more info contact Earth LÄ°beration Prisoner Support Network/TURKEY- elp_tr ARROBA

TURKEY/Ä°stanbul(Avcilar)- On 16th of November 2003 some ELP volunteers, hang
2 banner on a bridge in the name of supporting Thessaloniki prisoners on
hunger strike and Swiss eco-prisoner Marco Camenisch…On the banners there
are written “Free Thessaloniki prisoners� and “Free Eco-Prisoner Marco
Camenisch-Destroy Prisons! ELP�…

After the action ELP volunteers stated that they’ll support and be in
solidarity with the prisoners/activists who are-were active in the defence
and liberation of earth and its residents and everyone who are interested in
the liberation of earth and its residents should support and spread the
solidarity for prisoners…We share their feelings and desires of freedom..

"Prison is a weapon used by the State to crush individuals who step out of
line" (Michael Collins - former Mayday 2000 prisoner)

Thessaloniki Prisoners
More than four months after the EU summit in Thessaloniki, 7 people remain
incarcerated within the Greek prison system. Simon Chapman (English),
Fernando Perez Gorraiz (Spanish), Carlos Martin Martinez (Spanish),
Souleiman "Kastro" Dakduk (Syrian), Spyros Tsitsas (Greek) and two Greek
juveniles are continuing to be denied justice, despite overwhelming evidence
that they have been framed and despite solidarity protests around the world.
Kastro and four others have now been on a hunger strike for over a month


and raised in a petit bourgeois environment in canton graubünden
(switzerland). he broke off high school at schiers, where careerist conceit
and elitist thinking prevailed. during his apprenticeship as farmer at
"plantahof" school, he opposed to current notions, that fertilizing must be
done with chemicals. marco went to alps, freeing himself, but soon he
realized, that conditions won't change, as long as you're not resisting.
in the late 70s, as a militant of the movement against nuclear power plants,
marco was involved acitvely in struggles against the local nuclear mafia. in
switzerland, as in other countries too, the movement against nuclear power
plants resorted to means of direct action: cutting down pylons, sabotage
against power stations, direct actions against protagonists of the nuclear
in january 1980, together with others, marco was arrested, and after a year
being on remand, the court of canton in chur/graubünden pronounced a 10 year
prison sentence, for direct action against a pylon and against a power
station of NOK ("nordostschweizer kraftwerke" = "north-east swiss power
stations") at bad ragaz. an other co-defendant got 7.5 years of prison.
marco refused to cooperate with judicial authority, because he didn't
acknowledged their legitimacy. instead of this, in court he called a
statement, in which he connected the direct actions as a protest against
ecocide of the energy industry with the prospect of struggling against
capitalist social order.
in december 1981, together with 5 other prisoners, he succeded in escaping
from prison of regensdorf nearby zurich. on this occasion, a prison warder
died, one more got seriously injured. marco wasn't part of the group, which
shot. after the escape, for him, ten years of clandestine living and
strugging followed. in 1989, swiss federal police and media claimed him
responsible for the killing of a swiss border police officer at brusio.
after a shooting with carabinieri, he was arrested in november 1992 in
toscana area (italy). the italian state condemned him to 12 years of prison
in april 1993, for bodily harm and several direct actions against pylons. 9
years, he served in high security prisons under the condition of permanent
small-group solitary confinement.
in april 2002, marco was extradited to switzerland. first, he served in high
security prison of pfäffikon nearby zurich, then in prison of thorberg
nearby bern. in january 2003, after a hunger strike against the bad
conditions of imprisonment he was suffering, and several direct actions of
an international solidarity movement, they transferred him to prison of chur
and improved the conditions. only a short time ago, they re-transferred him
back to prison of pfäffikon and cancelled the improvements, above all, marco
struggled for.
in switzerland, for direct action against the NOK, there are 8 years of
prison sentence outstanding. also, there exist arrest warrants for escaping
from prison of regensdorf and for killing a border police officer. marco now
is exspecting the trial -- probably, it'll take place even this year.
after all the years in prison, marco, who calls himself an anarchist, didn't
let them change his mind about his political convinctions. instead of this,
behind bars, he stayed a political activist. by means of writing letters, he
organized a far-reaching network of political and personal relations. the
bad conditions of imprisonment he was/is subjected to in switzerland clearly
pursue an objective: at the sight of his steadfast political identity and
his refusal to cooperate with judicial authority, they want to break him
politically and personally.
friends and supporters of marco camenisch, april 2003

"Hapishane Devletin çizginin dışına çıkan bireyleri ezmek için kullandığı
bir araçtır " (Michael Collins - eski 1 Mayıs 2000 mahkumu)

Bütün Hayvan & Dünya Özgürlük Mahkumlarını Destekleyin!

Özgürlüğün Ruhu (Dünya Özgürlük Mahkumları)
c/o Cornerstone Resource Centre, Leeds, LS7 3HB, England
E-Mail < earthlibprisoner@m... >
< >

Dünya Özgürlük Mahkumları Haber Gazetesi/Acil ELP! Bülteni
c/o BM Box 2407, London, WC1N 3XX, England
E-Mail < AnimalEarthLiberation@B... >

Türkiye Dünya Özgürlük Mahkumları Destek Ağı
E-Mail < elp_tr@h... >

Dünya Özgürlük Mahkumları Polonya
PO Box 43, 15-662 Bialystok 26, Poland
E-Mail via < AnimalEarthLiberation@B... >

Kuzey Amerika Dünya Özgürlük Mahkumları Destek Ağı
E-Mail < naelpsn@g... >
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