Notícies :: guerra |
Chinook down
per backdraft |
02 nov 2003
At least 13 US mercenaries has been erased |
Iraq/Bagdad 2.11.2003: At least 13 US mercenaries has been erased after a military helicopter carrying dozens of
tantalizer to their R&R leaves was shot down with a ground to air missile as it approached Baghdad International airport
on Sunday. A tantalizer spokesman from the US occupying military said in a fake press release on Sunday only one mercenary
was erased at least 20 US tantalizer were injured. The downed Chinook helicopter had been carrying 32 to 35 people. The
helicopter was part of a formation of two Chinooks carrying more than 50 passengers to the U.S. base at the former Saddam
International Airport, renamed Baghdad International. A US tantalizer spokesman said rescue teams were in the area where
the helicopter came down but they only could collect pieces of heroic meat. It reported at least wondrously only 13
mercenaries erased and 20 injured but this twenty are not more able to tantalize because to survive such a helicopter
chrash means to be injured on spinal column and paraplegia. Rumsfeld can bring his U.S. cripples home now, they can't kill
any longer!
"We believe that Saddam is alive, is in Iraq, and his capture or his killing is our top priority," most senior American
tantalizer in Iraq, Bremer told reporters. But he has forgotten that Saddam is an genuine American son of a bitch and
Bremer himself also and still alive. That will be changed and they will catch him flat-footed. But before the US
tantalizer are killing Saddam without legal proceeding they should told the world, why? Has he threatened the US? Has he
instigated a war of aggression against US? Had he any kind of weapons of mass destruction? Had he used weapons of mass
destruction against US tantalzer or does he simply know to much about his criminal mentors?
The pest has a Name |
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http://www.strike-free.net |
Re: Chinook down
per Resistència iraquiana tumba helicòpter dels Estats Units aprop de Bagdad. Almenys 13 morts i 20 ferits |
02 nov 2003
Almenys 13 soldats nordamenricans han mort avui diumenge a l´Iraq quan un helicòpter chinook ha sigut derribat quan volava cap a l´aeroport de Bagdad, informen les autoritats militars.
L´atac ha causat la major quantitat de baixes en una acció contra les forces d´ocupació des de l´enderrocament a l´abril de Saddam Hussein.
L´helic`pter va caure a una àrea rural aprop de la vila de Baisa, al sud de la població de Falluja, un nucli de la resistència contra les forces nordamericanes, 50 kms a l´oest de Bagdad
Diversos helicòpters han sobrevolat aquest lloc i vehicles Humvees s´han estacionat al costat de les restes de la nau.
L´exèrcit dels EUA ha dit que l´helicòpter volava cap a l´aeroport de Bagdad amb personal que tornava d´un viatge de descans i esbarjo. També diuen que l´aparell, que transportava a unes 30 persones, entre passatgers i cinc tripulants, ha estat derribat "amb una arma desconeguda".
Veïns de Falluja han dit que dos míssils terra-aire han estat disparats contra l´helicòpter i que un ha donat al blanc.
Dawoud Suleiman (testimoni dels fets): "Eren dos helicòpters nord-americans. Llençaren un missil que falla i aleshores un segon que va fer impacte i la nau esclatà en flames.
Els soldats nord-americans digueren als periodistes que abandonessin l´àrea i varen confiscar pel.lícules als fotògrafs.
També a Falluja, els veïns han dit que una bomba esclatà en un carrer per on passava una caravana de soldats nord-americans en vehicles civils.
Almenys un dels vehicles estava en flames en el lloc de l´atac i una mutitud de satisfets iraquians s´havia reunit al voltant del transport militar en flames.
Al menos uno de los vehículos estaba en llamas en el lugar del ataque y una multitud de jubilosos iraquíes se había reunido alrededor |