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Notícies :: sanitat : mitjans i manipulació : altres temes : guerra : sense clasificar
Ireland joins to growing list of international experts demanding an immediate suspension of COVID-19 modified mRNA vaccines
02 des 2024
On Monday 25th November an international group of politicians and leading medical and other professionals wrote to the heads of state of 10 European countries calling for a suspension of modified mRNA vaccines citing serious health concerns.
Press release

BREAKING NEWS – 28th November 2024 – 11 for 11 - Ireland joins NORTH

Growing list of international experts demand an immediate suspension of COVID-19 modified mRNA vaccines.

Éilíonn liosta méadaitheach de shaineolaithe idirnáisiúnta go gcuirfí vacsaíní mRNA modhnaithe COVID-19 ar fionraí láithreach.

On Monday 25th November an international group of politicians and leading medical and other professionals wrote to the heads of state of 10 European countries (Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Greenland, Iceland, Latvia, Lithuania, Norway, Sweden, and the United Kingdom) calling for a suspension of modified mRNA vaccines citing serious health concerns.

Ireland joined this initiative today, with support from experts including Professor Francis Boyle, author of the U.S. ‘Biological Weapons Anti-Terrorist Act of 1989’.

● Science has shown it was a lottery as to which batch a person received and the side effects – including death - they experienced.

● Vaccines were never tested for their ability to block transmission. Medical product regulators, as well as government agencies, misled the public when coercing them into accepting the products.

● Multiple independent analyses show that modified mRNA vaccines contain variable but alarmingly high levels of residual DNA. This raises extreme concerns about the risks to human health and the potential for genetic damage that were not accounted for scientifically in the authorization process.

The call has unprecedented international support and demands:

● An immediate halt to the use of modified mRNA vaccines.

● An independent and transparent investigation into their approval and use.

● Scientific evidence that shows that there is no risk of damage to human DNA.

Please share. MSM has declined sharing our press release due to editorial policy.

For further info:

NORTH Group Letter 2024/11/25

NORTH Group Summary 2024/11/25

NORTH Group Signatrues
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