Notícies :: globalització neoliberal |
Targets that exist everywhere – a strategic proposal for building a common front against the profiteers of war and repression
per List |
19 jul 2021
Rapidly, time marches on; we are already in the 2nd year of the Covid-19 state of emergency and, knowing that no power will ever voluntarily relinquish its new mechanisms of control, anarchist and other libertarian movements all over the globe are looking for strategies and practical means against it. In some regions, social tensions have recently erupted into riots. Elsewhere, there are short-lived outbreaks known as Corona Riots. |
As anarchists, we are often surprised by the dynamics, sometimes finding ourselves in the crowd of the street battles or perplexed as spectators on the sidelines. Almost every state deals with us, small groups or individuals, sabotaging, agitating and roaming restless in the cities.
With the desire to finally cross the threshold from symbolic resistance to material damage to the enemy infrastructure and their tools of power. In addition to the direct confrontation with the pigs, it seems necessary to identify and disconcert the individual cogs of their machine. There is no other way to overcome the balance of power; metropolises, which in recent years have been more frequently devastated by social struggles, general strikes and riots, have relatively quickly recovered with their arrogance. But we are still too often sliding into randomness instead of tearing apart the weaker links in the chain of oppression and their profiteers.
Curfews, police killings, gentrification, ecological terrorism, war against the own population and against foreign countries - the system gives us daily occasions to look for targets whose continuous destruction may at some point be more than a figure in the balance sheet or a report in the press.
In many urban centers, traditional forms of action have emerged over the years which, beyond their local justification, could be evaluated from the point of view, how the new anarchist urban guerrilla can relate to each other in order to overcome the borders of capital, which capital has never been bound.
In Santiago, the buses of the transport companies burn for almost every occasion, in Athens it is ATMs, in the French banlieues almost all cars but also again and again those of certain companies. In Berlin, company cars or posh cars are torched for almost every occasion as well. Throughout Europe, antenna masts and relay stations of communications providers go up in flames.
What would be the impact if attacks on specific targets were intensified? We know the damage of destroyed data lines and burned cell towers, but such attacks cannot be repeated everywhere at will. Our enemies' vehicle fleets are also harder to access than we would like.
Some facilities are well secured in big cities but unguarded in small towns. Nevertheless, there are still enough known and less known targets standing around. And who actually supplies the equipment to the police and military? Who builds what? Who works with the supply companies or hides behind a consortium of companies? Who is guarding this all?
The market is constantly in motion, big companies swallow up their competitors, hide behind other names, outsource certain activities. They collect our data and face us with their logos everywhere in the city, which they consider to be their property.
Because it should not be enough for us to follow the waves of uprisings going around the world from a distance and to look for suitable solidarity actions for them each time anew, we propose to collect information about the enemies of freedom and to spread them in such a way that it becomes known everywhere. This means to use not only the publications of the militant scene but all means, such as graffiti, posters, video rallies and other accessible media to denounce these actors of capitalist barbarism.
In order to then attack them worldwide, whether in campaigns or out of the blue and without apparent cause. In this way, it could be tried out whether companies avoid certain regions or certain orders because the damage would be too great. This would be a strategic line already developed in Europe-wide acts of sabotage against the oil and gas company Shell in the late 1980s to mid-1990s, thereby showing solidarity with the resistance of the Ogoni in Nigeria, among others.
Or, if the need arises to do something against justice in a particular country and it is determined that appropriate institutions are difficult to hit, why not attack the private prison operator Sodexo, even where it hides behind the name GA Tec?
With an increased continuity of our interventions and a focus on global players, the response times of authorities and the delivery times of goods and information could be extended from a certain degree. Which will open up new spaces for other attacks. This proposal is not intended as a substitute for participation in or provocation of riots, and it does not oppose the spontaneous and chaotic attack on other targets.
This booklet contains responsibility claims of attacks that meet these criteria. In order to be able to intervene in any conflict in any place, they spread suggestions about targets and those responsible for dividing this world among themselves. Attached you will find an organizing proposal on revolutionary violence from Greece.
So then, fire at the enemies of freedom! |
Mira també:
https://list.noblogs.org/files/2021/07/FINALTARGETS-1.pdf https://list.noblogs.org/files/2021/07/FINALTARGETS-1.pdf |
 This work is in the public domain |