Notícies :: globalització neoliberal : corrupció i poder : pobles i cultures vs poder i estats : especulació i okupació |
per imc-dc |
24 jul 2003
Jul 23 2003
McDonald's on 13th & NY Ave, Targeted for Closing Homeless Shelter
by Luke
Today at about 5:15, Mayday DC descended on the 13th
and NY Ave McDonald's whose complaints closed the
Franklin School shelter. A banner was hung from an
adjacent roof saying "We closed Franklin Shelter"
showing the golden arches, Ronald McDonald, and a
homeless person.
Between the banner, the signs and chants, and a
student service group joining up with us INSTEAD of
going in to eat, we cost them at least 3/4 of their
normal early dinner hour business. Normally, they're
packed this time of day-not today. Instead they were
almost empty, and we cost them hundreds in lost
business. more | Vigil to Keep Shelter in DC | Previous Feature
[ Business behind park bathroom closures!
| McDonald's Workers' Resistance
Mira també:
http://dc.indymedia.org/archive/features/2003/07/2003-07.html#3336 |