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Notícies :: antifeixisme
Anarchist People of Color conferencia en Octubre
14 jul 2003
Anarchist People of Color Conference Update for June 15, 2003


If you've submitted a query or proposal before, please resubmit with our new forms and site for the conference.


... Register to attend the APOC conference
... Submit a workshop proposal for the APOC conference
... Request rides or offer rides to the conference


WHAT: An organizers' conference of people in various communities of color who are sympathetic to the Anarchist movement.

WHEN: October 3-5, 2003 [please note change from previously announced August date!]

WHERE: Wayne State University, Detroit, Michigan, USA

WHY: to lay the foundations for an anti-authoritarian, grassroots movement of peoples of color that will organize in their communities against racism and repression.

WHO: This conference is for community activists, oppressed and Indigenous peoples, Anarchists and anti-authoritarians of color.

THIS IS A PEOPLE OF COLOR-ONLY EVENT. Local organizing committees are coming together to organize caravans from regions. Check the website for further information.

Please forward widely!
Sindicato Sindicat