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Notícies :: amèrica llatina
Nicaragua Sugar, pesticides and CKD
17 des 2011
Important news media recently published an extensive report on chronic renal insufficiency (CRI), a disease suffered by peasants living in the Pacific region of Central America. The cause of this disease has not been scientifically proven, which could give rise to confusion in the management of this disturbing public health issue.
Newspaper articles speculate that an alleged contamination with pesticides and herbicides is one of the causes of chronic kidney disease (CKD) affecting cane cutters, among others, and brand the sugar industry as indolent for not providing protection to operators who apply agrochemicals.

To deepen knowledge of this issue, it is interesting to know that Ingenio San Antonio (ISA), owned by Nicaragua Sugar Estates Limited (NSEL), a member of Grupo Pellas, has almost entirely eliminated the use of pesticides through biological and mechanical pest control.

This company has invested nearly half a million dollars in the construction of high-tech facilities to produce living organisms that control pests. It has a laboratory that produces entomopathogenic fungi, which are used at ISA and marketed nationwide (other sugar mills and coffee growers) and internationally (El Salvador and Honduras).

The physical, mechanical and biological control used in this production system allows ISA to use minimum doses of low toxicity insecticides on very specific occasions and in very limited cultivated areas (between 2-3% of the total area).

The agrochemicals applied by Nicaragua Sugar in the production of sugar cane are approved for use at global level and the list can be consulted by any interested person with the company. The agrochemicals are also duly registered at the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry (MAGFOR), prior to the toxicological and eco-toxicological endorsement issued by the Ministry of Health and the Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources (MARENA). These products are also registered at the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).

This Nicaraguan sugar mill has mandatory personal protective equipment and safety measures of strict compliance in the application and use of agrochemicals. These personal protection practices are carried out in coordination with trade unions, making Nicaragua Sugar a worthy recipient of this year´s Excellence Award in Occupational Health and Safety granted by the National Council for Occupational Health and Safety, which is integrated by state institutions, business organizations and trade unions.

This work is in the public domain


Re: Nicaragua Sugar, pesticides and CKD
18 des 2011
Resulta sin dudo encomiable el esfuerzo que desempeña el Grupo Pellas (con vinculos a la Familia Somoza y con conexiones a lo mas grandado de la oligarquia nicaraguense) para intentar contrarrestar cualquier noticia negativa que sobre alguna de sus propiedades o productos aparece en la prensa, ya sea esta convencional o alternativa. Resaltar que la tendencia a publicar de forma compulsiva en todo portal de contrainformacion de publicacion abierta que les dejara colgar noticias sobre sus donaciones de utiles escolares, sus obras publicas caritativas en poblaciones aledaños a sus fabricas o ingenios se incio con la amenaza de boicot a su producto estrella para la exportacion, el Ron Flor de Caña.. producido en el ingenio San Antonio debido al evidente desgaste que la salud de sus trabajador@s sufria debido a las condiciones de trabajo a las que se veian sometid@s.

Interesante que sacan esta nota sin referencia alguna, sin otra confirmacion que la del supuesto autor y lo que es mas podemos verla repetida, verbatim en otras paginas y espacios de pbulicacion abierta.

He aqui la noticia aparecida en BBC Mundo
La misteriosa enfermedad que azota a Centroamérica
Una misteriosa enfermedad renal se está convirtiendo en una de las principales causas de muerte de hombres en América Central.

Y aqui algo de info sobre el boicot (complicado de encontrar porque el grupo Pellas compro todos los dominios con las palabras "boicot" "Pellas" "Flor de cañas" para difamara la principal organizacion que animaba el boicot la ANAIRC)

Boycott Flor de Caña in Support of Sugar Workers!

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