Notícies :: globalització neoliberal |
desRealitat: Global revolution: Videos & Text:
per abu ali Correu-e: abu-ali ARROBA desorg.org (verificat) |
05 set 2011
Videos y Textos sobre la Global Revolution |
" la libertad nos une, la unión nos libera" _ " freedom unites us, unity frees us"_Ibn Arabi, Murcia SXII_
VIDEO: Fatal Facebook: 'UK on edge of civil war'
British police are cracking down on users of social media for allegedly encouraging mass uprising during a time ripe with riots. One message on Facebook even got two Brits four years behind bars.
VIDEO: Capitalism Is The Crisis [full movie]
TXT: Lawrence de Arabia y la (no) batalla de Sol
VIDEO: El Contrato..lo aceptas? _ Le Contrat...j'accepte _ ESPAÑOL _
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desRealitat trata de recoger visiones y pensamientos de las protestas
en el Agora Mediterránea: ayudar a reflexionar sobre la realidad que
a partir de ellas se abre....e iniciar desde este aquí y ahora un
disReality aims to compile views and thoughts on the contemporary
protests in the Mediterranean Agora, it aims to think from the reality
it's now being opened from these experiences. To begin a journey from
this here and now.
Estan ciegos sólo ven imágenes _ They are blind they only see images _ Shabistari. Persia XIV
............ |
Mira també:
http://desrealitat.org http://desorg.org |
This work is in the public domain |