I think one of the great things about soy protein bars is that it allows the maximum muscle growth possible after your work out. I've often thought that sometimes people are limited by how much muscle they could have grown simply because they didn't have the right. I see people all too often only eating one source of protein, usually chicken breasts - and that simply isn't the right way to get all the protein you need.
On a basic gram for gram level then eating several chicken breasts a day will in theory provide all the protein you need for maximum muscle growth. In reality proteins are simply made up of lots of amino acids, and you need a wide variety of these for maximum muscle growth. This means that if you limit your protein intake to one source you're also limiting the variety of amino acids too.
This is why I think soy protein bars are so important for building muscle, not only do they have the high gram for gram amount of protein look for. The protein that they do contain is actually very different to that found in regular protein sources such as chicken. What the bar will usually contain is a wide array of these important substances, including most important essential amino acids.
Essential amino acids are that which the body needs to use for growth and repair, but which it cannot synthesize itself. This means they must come from a source outside from the body - i.e. the foods that we eat. This is one reason in which the body can be limited by the protein it receives, because the amino acids within the protein are such that they don't allow for maximum muscle building.
the muscle doesn´t need proteins at all to grow or to get stronger. if you don't understand this ask horses or bulls about it.
(are you selling this fucking bars?)