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Euroflashmob at airports: nothing in bcn?
14 mai 2009
In many European airports there will be a flash mob to protest the ongoing expansion of them. This seems to be very relevant for barcelona as well, is nothing happening here?
Simultaneous flashmobs across Europe

Saturday 16th May 2009 – the day of the Eurovision Song Contest!

Join Heathrow Flashmobbers in a Europe-wide Flash Mob – taking place on the same day at 6 airports across Europe

12 noon – on the dot!

Flash your red t-shirt in the departures section of Heathrow Terminal 1

Flash Heathrow! Flash Paris! Flash Frankfurt! Flash Amsterdam! Flash Brussels! Flash Dublin!

Airport expansion plans across Europe threaten to undermine all our efforts to stop climate change. The aviation industry like to say “if we don’t expand Heathrow, then flights will just go to Frankfurt or Paris”. But that’s not true. Expansion plans all over Europe are opposed by millions of people and they cannot go ahead if we are to make the necessary cuts in emissions that scientists advise.

Join the first simultaneous flashmob across Europe to say no to noise, no to air pollution and no to climate change!

Each airport will sing their entry to the Eurovision Song Contest being held that evening in Moscow as well as other eurovision classics from the past (song-sheets provided!)

Join us! Bring your friends, wear a red t-shirt, bring instruments, download your favourite eurovision song onto your ipod or phone, wear a silly hat or wig, dust off your dancing shoes, let’s party!

Europe United Against Airport Expansion!

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