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Hort Comunitari Gracia radio documnetals + articulo in ingles
10 mar 2009
Hay 3 documentals de audio con nuevo articulo a IMC-IRLANDA sobre un fin de semana aqui en BCN con accion y vida en nuestra nuevo huerto comunitari en Gracia, el fin de semana de muralismo.
imc-ie bcn feature2-final.JPG
Audios en ingles:
The Gracia community garden radio documentary trilogy and accompanying article

1 - Entering, Breaking ground, dreams of a greener barrio.
2 - Murals and kids
3 - Lauras garden tour

1 -
2 -
3 -

peli del hort:

articulo en ingles:

Bold, Beautiful, Blooming Barcelona asks: What would it mean to win?

(The Gracia community garden radio documentary trilogy and accompanying article)

Springtime in Europe and the Earth's life cycle is in bloom again. The 3 parts of the radio documentary capture magical moments in the recent history of one of the most exciting projects in Barcelona at present, our community garden in Gracia. This article was written after a lovely Valentine's weekend of much open, shared and participative activity; the highlight of which was our collective mural day in the garden. It is hoped that some of the life, current ideas, projects, tools, spaces, bargains, oddities, dreams, passions and goings on of the city and her peoples are communicated here-in.

Friday… Thinking about winning
Saturday… Painting pictures and feeling like we are winning
Sunday… Sharing passions, playing and doing, remembering the South



Viva los horter@s
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