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Notícies :: antifeixisme
Protest Italian right-wing mis-use of Indigenous peoples
29 jun 2008
It has come to our attention that the right-wing/fascist forces in Italy have come out with an anti-immigrant campaign, making use of (without permission) of an image of indigenous peoples/american indian/first nations/aboriginal person by misusing the analogy of what happened to native peoples with european settlement in the Americas.
While it is true that the indigenous peoples of the Americas were negatively impacted by the European colonization, it was not because they were "foreigners", it was because they came to subjagate us who had welcomed them initially with open arms.
We identify with all those oppressed by colonialism/imperialism; and a major reason for immigration to Europe and North America is because the capitalist-imperialist powers (EU, US. et. al) have exploited and oppressed both the peoples and the countries of the third world.
Those who immigrate to Europe and North America simply are trying to survive; a basic universal human right, and should not be attacked for it, but should be allied with, to end capitalist-imperialist oppression.

Yes to Indigenous Sovereignty, Yes to Immigrant Rights
No Human Being Is Illegal; To end poverty, end capitalist-imperialist oppression.

This work is in the public domain
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