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John McCain Bill Clinton Candidates of Changing Partners
21 feb 2008
The deja vu is striking.
In a scene directly from Walter Peyton Place John McCain and Bill Clinton have given the saying “Love your neighbor� new meaning. In a recent interview in Time Magazine Al Gore said, “When I was in the Snow and Ice Data Center receiving a full briefing on the polar ice caps, afterwards I would turn on my TV and there were two networks with the bulletin: Britney Spears loses custody of her children. We’re living in a madhouse if our priorities focus on the embalming of Anna Nicole Smith, or the trial of O.J. Simpson, while we ignore the greatest crisis this nation has ever faced.�

With all due respect to the Nobel Matador, we didn’t exactly see him or his boss ratifying Kyoto in 1998 when they had the opportunity. Instead of leading the world to safety Bill Clinton was preoccupied with sliming the Oval Office with his seed and his lies. All we need is another philanderer in the Red House leading us into a one hundred year war against 1.3 billion innocent men, women and children because they happen to call God the Father Allah in Arabic.

Jesus Christ the Jewish born Rabbi and Messiah of Christianity and Islam (Koran Sura Chapter 3:40-43) carved in stone, “Do not murder (1.3 billion Muslims), Do not steal (1 trillion barrels of Muslim Oil), Do not sing lies about your neighbor (“the greatest threat to the world is Islamofascism� as you plagiarize the Beach Boys tune “Barbara Ann�, and substitute the words “Bomb Bomb Bomb Bomb Bomb Iran�, and Do not commit Adultery, otherwise I will punish you, your children, your grandchildren and your great grandchildren.� What is John McCain doing with that Kleenex in the video? Who was the brainwashed plant asking John McCain the question?

Imagine there’s no heaven. Imagine there’s no countries. It’s easy if you try. Nothing to kill or die for. A brotherhood of man. Imagine all the people, living life in peace. Imagine Vladimir Putin threatening to aim his nuclear arsenal at the Ukraine, Poland, the Czech Republic, Europe and over the North Pole at the United States. 20,000 100 megaton nuclear bombs which break into 8 in midair. It isn’t like shooting one of your own yellow school buses out of the sky with two weeks to do it at a cost of a trillion dollars. Now imagine Vladimir Putin standing on a stage in Moscow singing in a Russian accent, “Bomb Bomb Bomb Bomb Bomb San.� Antonio.

It isn’t that John McCain is lying when he says that he was faithful to his second wife, who is so proud of the United States of America. He forgot – to take his Alzheimer’s medication. Now that George Bush has taken away all of our liberties, remember habeus corpus in the land of the rendition free, and put all power in the Presidency, doesn’t it frighten you just a little bit to think of a senile warmongering demented President waking up in the middle of the night and sneaking into the Oval Office, barricading the doors, reaching for his Viagra and pushing every button, in the middle of a vengeful temper tantrum Alzheimer’s hallucination? John McCain will make Brigadier General Jack D. Ripper look like Cindy Sheehan.

David Shuster was banished to Siberia for saying that Hillary Clinton was pimping out Chelsea to the super delegates. John McCain actually said that “the reason that Chelsea Clinton is so ugly is because her father is Janet Reno.� When Gennifer Flowers, the wife of Finis D. Shelnutt came forward during Slick Willie’s Presidential campain in 1992 and said that she had a 12 year relationship with Bill Clinton, backed up by two of Bill’s police bodyguards and a smoking tape of Gennifer and Bill cooing “Honey� to each other, the naïve or stupid or liar Hillary Clinton told every newspaper and TV station that Gennifer was a liar, and Bill Clinton was a faithful husband, and everyone in Arkansas called everyone else “Honey�, and she was proud of the United States of America.

This collective American gullibility led to a year long soap opera in the American media over Lewinskygate, and Hillary Clinton destroying the American economy by marching in lock step with George Bush and John McCain into Iraq. These NeoCon murderers of 1 million innocent Iraqi men, women and children, 5 million Iraqi refugees who have fled their homes to Jordan and Syria and other parts of Iraq, and John McCain is trumpeting that the surge is working. Now that Baghdad has been ethnically cleansed of Sunnis, the Americans cut and ran from Sunni territory and armed the Sunnis and paid them huge reparations and Shiite cleric Muqtada al Sadr decided to play possum, John McCain claims that the surge is working. Where’s the oil? John McCain is riding to victory on the claim that unlike George Bush, when he takes control and invades Iran it will be no more Mr. Nice Guy. Why is it murder to kill one person but not a billion?

Lets finally talk turkey. Behind all the winks and nudges the American people know John McCain’s plan. John McCain plans to kill two birds with one stone. He may have inspired more confidence if he hadn’t stood 812th out of 830 in his class at the Naval Academy. John McCain’s father and grandfather were Admirals. Like George Bush John McCain will try to upstage his father. John McCain is going to use nuclear, biological and chemical weapons to conquer the Middle East oil fields to fix the American economy. Every single American knows this. A vote for John McCain is a vote for this plan. So far the American Republicans have bought this plan. The American Republicans are suffering from delusions of Clampethood, with Vicki Iseman starring as Ellie May Clampett, sister of Bobby.

Russia and China backed the tiny banana republic of North Vietnam to victory over the United States. In the process they captured John McCain and esconced him in the Hanoi Hilton. We are talking about a lying, corrupt, Stockholm Syndrome, warmongering deteriorating Alzheimer’s patient in absolute control of the button. Russia, flush with oil, has formed a strategic military partnership with China and Iran. Admiral Mike Mullen says that the U.S. military today is so battered, stretched so thin, that it couldn’t capture the Alberta oil sands. While the Americans have two cars per family, China, with oil projects in Iran, has only 6 cars per thousand people, and is thirsting for oil. Russia, with its nuclear plant in Bushehr, has now armed Iran with its latest surface to air missiles which can hit a flying condom at 500 miles away. Furthermore, Muqtada al Sadr is now coming out of the penalty box. Vladimir Putin and Hu Jintao have the home field advantage and will now deliver the coup de gras to the U.S. unless the Messiah comes to rescue us all from ourselves.

1900 years ago a Greek blogger named John Patmos wrote the book of Revelations, the playbook for the U.S. In the fairy tale, Prince Jesus Christ comes flying down from Heaven on his flying horse and slays the snake, goat, lion Beast. Coincidentally, John Patmos’ Greek Grandfather wrote a Greek Myth in which Prince Bellerophon on his flying horse Pegasus defeats the snake, goat, lion Chimera. The United States of America is staking their existence on a plagiarism of a fairy tale. Don’t expect to hear about this plagiarized fairy tale from Rupert Murdoch, George Bush’s press secretary – he’s too busy holding fundraisers for Bill and Hillary Clinton and entertaining John McCain and Aphrodite on his Lear Jet named Pegasus.
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