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Talleres con Rebel Clown Army @ BCN (7,8 Julio)
per CIRCA Correu-e: fuspey@yahoo.co.uk (no verificat!) |
29 jun 2007
2 dias con acitvidades en Can Masdeu : Sabado 7 y Domingo 8 de Julio 2007, 10:00-18h ambos dias. Limitado para 30 personas.Coste sugerido : 20E por ambos dias aprendiendo y entrenando. Quien no tiene no paga, para cubrir el gasto del viaje de los clown desde U.K. Lleva ropa comoda y lleva comida y agua para compartir. |
Clandestine Insurgent Rebel Clown Army @ BCN
Tu puedes formar parte de una fuerza armada de poderoso amor y completamente preparado en las antiguas artes del payasismo y la accion directa no violenta. Tu puedes aprender ingeniosamente estupidas tacticas para confundir los poderosos. Tu puedes discubrir tu clown interior y las subversiva manera de engañar.
Siga tu naríz y juntate con CIRCA
(Clandestine Insurgent Rebel Clown Army)
si quires participar, e-mail: fuspey (at) yahoo.co.uk
mas info: http://www.clownarmy.org/
Lloc: Can Masdeu http://www.canmasdeu.net/cat/contacte.php
Es un autro taller con el escola de payasos tambien, en c/ de les magdelenes, mas info:
mas infos y peliculas:
fotos d'una accion en Glasgow, 2005, contra G8
Operation Splish Splash Splosh
Making war with love: The Clandestine Insurgent Rebel
Clown Army — Kolonel Klepto
"One of the worst mistakes any revolution can make is to become boring. It leads to rituals as pposed to games, cults as opposed to communities and the denial of human rights as opposed to freedom"
Reclaim the Clowns: The art of Rebel Clowning
"Clowns always speak of the same thing, they speak of hunger; hunger for food, hunger for sex, but also hunger for dignity, hunger for identity, hunger for power. In fact, they introduce questions about who commands, who protests."
— Dario Fo (Italian playwright/fool)
CIRCA is not another excuse to dress up and bring colour and laughter to the grey ranks of protests. It isn't just a ragged bunch of activists sporting false noses, a smudge of grease paint, camouflage pants and bad wigs, but a highly disciplined army of immaculately trained clowns, a militia of authentic fools, a battalion of natural buffoons.
Within CIRCA we are developing a form of political activism that brings together the ancient practice of clowning and the more recent practice of Non-violent direct action. We aim to develop a methodology that transforms and sustains the inner
emotional life of the activists as well as being an effective technique for taking direct action. CIRCA sees both the soul and the street as sites of struggle, realising that a destructive tendency within many activist movements is forgetting the inner work of personal transformation and healing. And that innovative forms of creative street action are crucial for building and inspiring movements.
CIRCA is reclaiming the art of Rebel Clowning, it's combatants don't pretend to be clowns, they are clowns, real trained clowns. Clowns that have run away from the anaemic safety of the circus and escaped the banality of kids parties, Fools that have thrown away their sceptres and broken the chains that shackled them to the throne.
CIRCA aims to make clowning dangerous again, to bring it back to the street, restore its disobedience and give it back the social function it once had: its ability to disrupt, critique and heal society. Since the beginning of time tricksters (the mythological origin or all clowns) have embraced life's paradoxes, creating coherence through confusion - adding disorder to the world in order to expose its lies and speak the truth.
The rebel clowns that make up CIRCA embody life's
contradictions, they are both fearsome and innocent, wise and stupid, entertainers and dissenters, healers and laughing stocks, scapegoats and subversives.
Rebel Clowns are trained by CIRCA recruiting officers, using a variety of different exercises, training includes finding your inner clown, civil disobedience tactics, learning to be spontaneous and playful, practicing clown gaggle manoevers and last but not least marching and drilling.
CIRCA movies
CIRCA Recruitment Video
Glasgow section of Clandestine Insurgent Rebel Clown Army
G8 cops run off.Clown Army...
Quest for Ronald: Clowns visit McDonalds (G8-Helingdum 2007)
CIRCA also appear in a BBC 4 documentary covering the 2005 G8 called: Can you hear us?
Hasta pronto en Can Masdeu......
Y Luego en los carrers.......... |
Mira també:
http://www.clownarmy.org/ http://www.escoladeclown.eu/castellano/laescuela/rebel_clown_army.htm |
 This work is in the public domain |
Re: Talleres con Rebel Clown Army @ BCN (7,8 Julio)
per asdf |
08 jul 2007
el taller estubey mui bien ayer, @ 16 personnas
participar, mucho jugars, mucho dibertidos. Hoy, con el sol, el taller commencer a las 3.30 en can mesdau.
esperamos a ver videos de los accions antes de CIRCA antes el taller hoy para una media hora, a las 3.30
tambien, un el mundo de los payasos:
XII Festival Internacional de Clown de Madrid (Sala el
Montacargas )
CORAZONADAS (Impulsos que mueven a ejecutar algo
arriesgado y difícil, de corazón)
19. 20 y 21 de septiembre 2007
¿Dónde están los clowns? ¿Dónde se esconden?
¡ Sal de tu escondrijo! ¡Asómate y déjate ver!
Te hemos preparado una sorpresa gustosa.
Queremos sentirte (verte, oírte, olerte, saborearte,
¡Danos una oportunidad!
¡Apúntate al maratón de clown 2007!
Si tienes un boceto ó una idea es el momento de
transformarlo en un ¡Número de clown!
Y si es algo que brilla y tiene vida propia, mejor que
¡Un número de clown!
Un marco para dar a conocer el panorama actual de los
Amplia y diversa. Sensible y divertida. Dulce y
transgresora. Tierna e inquietante.
Números clownescos bien construidos, fragmentos de
espectáculos, bocetos no acabados, improvisaciones,
aberraciones, bizarreces etc. ¡Tu movida!
Solos. Dúos. Tríos. Bandas.
Todos los colores del clown.
Saca tu chispa. Enciéndete. Deslumbra. Encandila.
Y si tienes que fracasar, fracasa.
Duración máxima: 13 minutos y 14 segundos.
Inscripción hasta el 10 de Septiembre de 2007.
t: 91 533 15 65
Lugar: Sala El Montacargas (Madrid)
19, 20 y 21 de septiembre 2007 |