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Mataro Contra G8 : local infopoint for alternative media 6 -8 June
30 mai 2007
As the International mobilisation against the G8 is starting to happen, in Mataro an local infopoint has been set up as a focal point for info dissemenation, films, live radio, G8 TV, discussions.... Mataro contra G8
In conjunction to the alternative media material that has already started coming out of Germany about whats going on, We want to encourage the setting up of a network of nodal infopoints outside of the protest area for people in their local area to be able to go to and find out first hand whats going on. In Mataro, 30 minutes outside BCN, CSOA La Fibra is setting up as such an infopoint : Mataro contra G8 WIKI set up for radio infopoints outside Demonstration area G8 ... indymedia needs YOU!: Is the main IMC wiki page on all things related to G8 media activism and coverage, the who, what, where, when, how... Latest news : Dissent | Indymedia international | Indymedia Germany Alternative Media from Germany

G8 Radio 2007 and Tv

Radio during the G8

Flash Radio: interview teams will cover the alternative summit, blockades, actions and workshops, but will also deliver audible portraits of groups and individuals who have come to campaign and work for change. daily half hour podcast summarys will go out at 10pm CET.

Other sites to find stuff: | amarc | Public Mobile Radio (PMR) | movinG8 Radio Forum

TV during the G8

g8-tv is already transmitting from Germany

Global network of local infopoints and convergence spaces

Convergence Space Berlin | Mataro contra G8 | Sao Paulo Brasil

Mira també:

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BROKEN LINKS IN ABOVE : fixed here + Brasil update
30 mai 2007
Mataro contra G8 :


Sao Paulo Brasil

great news from Brasil:

in jun7 we are organizing a activity in Sao Paulo (Brazil) at an building that has been occupied ("invaded", by corporate midia words) by homeless people (so it's a kind of european "squats"). The building "Prestes Maia" is the biggest vertical territory occupied by social movements of the Latin America. (and soon will be descontinued because the government promissed offer home to homeless)

How it envolves social fight, we think it is linked to anti-G8 anyway. Artistic interventions will be done in this territory, calling many university students: ESP, PUC-sp, Mackenzie, USP (this one, USP, is actually in TV news, because students occupied the administration's hall, protesting against privatization interests in the university)

about 270 papers inviting the students (anti-G8_Brazil_SaoPaulo.jpg) already had been ditributed in Puc-sp. And we posted the news in Indymedia ( . Then, more good news! People in another city, Porto Alegre (also in Brazil, but more than 1000 km far), posted that they be do something in june 6 and 7!

[pt] Boas novas! Para encorajar outros!

em 7jun estamos organizando uma atividade em Sao Paulo (Brasil) num predio que foi ocupado ("invadido" pelas palavras a midia corporativa) pelos sem-teto (entao \351 parecido com "squats" europeus) . O predio "Prestes Maia" e o maior territorio vertical ocupado por movimentois sociais da America Latina. (e logo sera descontinuado pois o governo prometeu oferecer teto aos sem-teto).

Como envolve luta social, nos pensamos que se liga ao anti-G8 de qualquer forma. Intervencoes artisticas serao feitas no territorio, chamando muitos estudantes universitarios: ESP, PUC-sp, Mackenzie, USP (este, USP, tem aparecido nas noticias da TV, pois os estudantes ocuparam a sala de administracao, protestando contra os interesses da privatizacao na universidade).

Por volta de 270 papeis convidando os estudantes (anti-G8_Brazil_SaoPaulo.jpg) ja foram distribuidos na PUC-sp. E postamos a noticia no Indymedia ( . Entao, mais boas noticias! Pessoas de outra cidade, Porto Alegre (tambem no Brasil, mas mais de 1000kn distante), postaram que farao algo em 6 e 7 de junho!
post on imc-de
30 mai 2007
G8; Call for global infopoint network
we are everywhere
07 jun 2007
here in mataro, we had our first day of infopoint : mataro contra g8 ( ) , people came to CSOA La Fibra, social centre, watched live g8 tv ( ) listened to live radio g8 ( ), recorded stuff in spanish ( ), watched films relating to g8 and related issues and had some interesting discussions.

"As seven world leaders touched down in Rostock yesterday afternoon, over 10,000 protesters succeeded in blocking access by road to the Baltic coast resort of Heiligendamm and forced organisers to bring in delegates by sea and air."
from times:
more info about this on imc-de

Decentralized Actions Blockade G8 Summit in G
...Some 10,000 activists succeeded in blockading the G8 summit on Wednesday, June 6, relying on cunning and massive numbers to overcome an overwhelming police presence. ...

G8 - The Blockades Are Working! Block-G8

for up to date breaking news see
G8 Protests Timeline

latest update:

16:45 ( Blockades )
The situation at the west gate: Police is blocking the street with water cannons +++ a car with G8 delegates had to wait for 45 minutes and was then sent back +++ 2000 people are spread throughout the fields directly at the fence and are repeatedly trying to get on the streets +++ the mood amongst the activists is great

15:30 ( Blockades )
West gate: Police reinforcements were brought in by helicopters, blockaders have slowly retreated and spread along the fence. 1000 are sitting at the fence, another 3000 are moving through the fields next to the fence.
East gate area: Hundreds of people are walking along the fence.

West Gate: a naked block of 40 people arrived and started running towards the helicopter parked in the field next to the gate.

On wednesday June 6, 500 G8-protesters gathered in Copenhagen.

saturday will be a day of action in barceloana in solidarity with those in germany protesting the g8

we are everywhere, rosstock, rossport, dublin, mataro.......
Blocking G8 : good photo essay
series of shorts
07 jun 2007
one demonstration will change the course of earths history

G8 2007 Protest-Trailer
4.44 the end of the old world...for those who are killing our planet

Protest G8 - 2007
3.40 vid and audio montage, punky music + carmina burama

fuck G8
US hip hop -- cop brutality, genoa, US, beyond...

stop G8
gentle with rem music

german antifa visits nazi hangout, cops out with guns between the 2

G8 -Rave against the Machine
hedonist international invites you to rave to shut down g8
1 min

G8 riot in Rostock, Germany, June 2007
cranberries music, 4 mins, varied scenes

G8 Rostock - police hunting black front
half min

BBC - Riots break out at German rally

carlo giuliani
2.30 includes murder of carlo, punk

Polizist schlägt Frau (Rostock G8)
cops hit clowns, and threathen, you, the viewer with pepper spray

G8 Rostock - Polizei schlägt friedliche Demonstranten !
cops shown very clearly punching a man and woman

extra3-Durchschnittsfamilie: Familienausflug zum G8 Gipfel
2 min cartoon

Send in the Clowns:
2 mins - edinbutrgh

G8 cops run off.Clown Army...
3 mins, edinburgh
series of shorts
07 jun 2007
one demonstration will change the course of earths history

G8 2007 Protest-Trailer
4.44 the end of the old world...for those who are killing our planet

Protest G8 - 2007
3.40 vid and audio montage, punky music + carmina burama

fuck G8
US hip hop -- cop brutality, genoa, US, beyond...

stop G8
gentle with rem music

german antifa visits nazi hangout, cops out with guns between the 2

G8 -Rave against the Machine
hedonist international invites you to rave to shut down g8
1 min

G8 riot in Rostock, Germany, June 2007
cranberries music, 4 mins, varied scenes

G8 Rostock - police hunting black front
half min

BBC - Riots break out at German rally

carlo giuliani
2.30 includes murder of carlo, punk

Polizist schlägt Frau (Rostock G8)
cops hit clowns, and threathen, you, the viewer with pepper spray

G8 Rostock - Polizei schlägt friedliche Demonstranten !
cops shown very clearly punching a man and woman

extra3-Durchschnittsfamilie: Familienausflug zum G8 Gipfel
2 min cartoon

Send in the Clowns:
2 mins - edinbutrgh

G8 cops run off.Clown Army...
3 mins, edinburgh
series of shorts
07 jun 2007
one demonstration will change the course of earths history

G8 2007 Protest-Trailer
4.44 the end of the old world...for those who are killing our planet

Protest G8 - 2007
3.40 vid and audio montage, punky music + carmina burama

fuck G8
US hip hop -- cop brutality, genoa, US, beyond...

stop G8
gentle with rem music

german antifa visits nazi hangout, cops out with guns between the 2

G8 -Rave against the Machine
hedonist international invites you to rave to shut down g8
1 min

G8 riot in Rostock, Germany, June 2007
cranberries music, 4 mins, varied scenes

G8 Rostock - police hunting black front
half min

BBC - Riots break out at German rally

carlo giuliani
2.30 includes murder of carlo, punk

Polizist schlägt Frau (Rostock G8)
cops hit clowns, and threathen, you, the viewer with pepper spray

G8 Rostock - Polizei schlägt friedliche Demonstranten !
cops shown very clearly punching a man and woman

extra3-Durchschnittsfamilie: Familienausflug zum G8 Gipfel
2 min cartoon

Send in the Clowns:
2 mins - edinbutrgh

G8 cops run off.Clown Army...
3 mins, edinburgh
series of shorts
07 jun 2007
one demonstration will change the course of earths history

G8 2007 Protest-Trailer
4.44 the end of the old world...for those who are killing our planet

Protest G8 - 2007
3.40 vid and audio montage, punky music + carmina burama

fuck G8
US hip hop -- cop brutality, genoa, US, beyond...

stop G8
gentle with rem music

german antifa visits nazi hangout, cops out with guns between the 2

G8 -Rave against the Machine
hedonist international invites you to rave to shut down g8
1 min

G8 riot in Rostock, Germany, June 2007
cranberries music, 4 mins, varied scenes

G8 Rostock - police hunting black front
half min

BBC - Riots break out at German rally

carlo giuliani
2.30 includes murder of carlo, punk

Polizist schlägt Frau (Rostock G8)
cops hit clowns, and threathen, you, the viewer with pepper spray

G8 Rostock - Polizei schlägt friedliche Demonstranten !
cops shown very clearly punching a man and woman

extra3-Durchschnittsfamilie: Familienausflug zum G8 Gipfel
2 min cartoon

Send in the Clowns:
2 mins - edinbutrgh

G8 cops run off.Clown Army...
3 mins, edinburgh
series of shorts
07 jun 2007
one demonstration will change the course of earths history

G8 2007 Protest-Trailer
4.44 the end of the old world...for those who are killing our planet

Protest G8 - 2007
3.40 vid and audio montage, punky music + carmina burama

fuck G8
US hip hop -- cop brutality, genoa, US, beyond...

stop G8
gentle with rem music

german antifa visits nazi hangout, cops out with guns between the 2

G8 -Rave against the Machine
hedonist international invites you to rave to shut down g8
1 min

G8 riot in Rostock, Germany, June 2007
cranberries music, 4 mins, varied scenes

G8 Rostock - police hunting black front
half min

BBC - Riots break out at German rally

carlo giuliani
2.30 includes murder of carlo, punk

Polizist schlägt Frau (Rostock G8)
cops hit clowns, and threathen, you, the viewer with pepper spray

G8 Rostock - Polizei schlägt friedliche Demonstranten !
cops shown very clearly punching a man and woman

extra3-Durchschnittsfamilie: Familienausflug zum G8 Gipfel
2 min cartoon

Send in the Clowns:
2 mins - edinbutrgh

G8 cops run off.Clown Army...
3 mins, edinburgh
g8 update
07 jun 2007
for more details see includes; One demonstration will change the course of earths history... boats against g8 + nazi's plans to attack convergence center + westgates beatings and water cannon Yes the delegates got in, only after some very heavy handed police and water cannon work to get some delegates in by road as a result of thousands of people blocking their way, saying they have no mandate from the people of this earth to destroy, exploit, kill and bring misery... As a result of peoples actions sea and air were the main means of entry. On the water front greenpeace did a brave action which resulted in 3 activists hurt: In scenes that resemble a James Bond movie: they took to the baltic sea in speed boats and played a game of cat and mouse with very high speed german cop / army speed boats untill their boat was hit and toppled into the water.. This evenings live transmission of g8-tv showed us the heavy handed stuff at the west gate. They also said hi to the screening of their live news.. a few in Germany, London and us @ Barcelona... perhaps revolt or imc-ie might pull a quick screening together for tomorow, the last day... see the vid of boat action from RTE, link under article: Activists make G8 protests on sea & land and on Greenpeace site: Greenpeace boats deliver the message: G8 Act Now! Also, could be a violent night at the convergence space... from the timeline # 20:00 The situation at the convergence center: At 7pm, around 50-70 nazis had gathered near the center +++ aware of the nazi's plans to confront the center, anti-g8 protesters had gathered at the center to protect it from a possible nazi attack +++ most the nazis were encircled and detained by police +++ at this moment, police are ammassing around the convergence center +++ negotiations between activists and police are taking place and currently the situation is calm and earlier reports from the situation at the west gate: # 18:25 ( Blockades Repression ) The demo medics have asked help to the police medics to treat a severely injured person from the demo # 17:50 ( Blockades Repression ) Police starts to disperse people from the west gate area. There is massive use of water cannons and police units are violently attacking the protesters. Several people have been injured. # 17:30 ( Blockades ) West Gate: Police is using water cannons against protesters +++ protesters are holding a plenary to discuss options for further activities +++ some G8 delegates are reported to be able to pass the gate, escorted by police # 16:45 ( Blockades ) The situation at the west gate: Police is blocking the street with water cannons +++ a car with G8 delegates had to wait for 45 minutes and was then sent back +++ 2000 people are spread throughout the fields directly at the fence and are repeatedly trying to get on the streets +++ the mood amongst the activists is great "One demonstration will change the course of earths history..." G8 2007 Protest-Trailer: and the latest communique on dissents site: Plan B has started already: join to the battle of joy
07 jun 2007

reports of mataro contra g8
14 jun 2007
reports of mataro contra g8

global infopoint network: audios from Mataro

Audio contra G8 : Mataro infopoint : castilliano

imc-bcn : inglais
Audio contra G8 : Mataro infopoint

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