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Espanya antisemita
22 mai 2007
"Una gran cantidad de europeos siguen estando infectados por actitudes antijudías, aferrándose a clásicas historias falsas antisemitas y teorías de conspiración,"
JERUSALEN (Reuters) - Un creciente número de europeos cree que los judíos son más leales a Israel que a sus países natales y que tienen demasiada influencia en el mundo financiero, dijo el lunes un grupo estadounidense que monitorea el antisemitismo.

"Una gran cantidad de europeos siguen estando infectados por actitudes antijudías, aferrándose a clásicas historias falsas antisemitas y teorías de conspiración," dijo a periodistas Abraham Foxman, director de la Liga Anti Difamación, con sede en Washington.

"Estas actitudes ayudan a legitimar el antisemitismo, incluyendo la violencia contra judíos y nos da gran preocupación," agregó.

Una encuesta realizada por la Liga Anti Difamación en Francia, España, Alemania, Polonia e Italia, en marzo y abril, encontró que los estereotipos negativos sobre los judíos han ganado terreno en esos países desde el 2005.

El estudio midió las respuestas a las siguientes afirmaciones: que los judíos son más leales a Israel que a su propio país, que tienen demasiado poder en el mundo empresarial y los mercados financieros, y que hablan demasiado acerca del Holocausto nazi de la Segunda Guerra Mundial.

En todos los países estudiados, a excepción de Italia, la encuesta encontró un incremento desde un sondeo del 2005 en el porcentaje de europeos que sienten que los judíos apoyan a Israel antes que a sus propios estados.

En Polonia y España, aproximadamente el 60 por ciento de los encuestados expresó ese sentimiento, un aumento desde el 50 por ciento que lo hizo hace dos años. En Alemania, la cifra fue del 51 por ciento, en Italia del 48 y en Francia del 39.

Foxman describió el alegato de lealtad como "una clásica falsedad del antisemitismo" y un principio de la ideología de Hitler, según la cual los judíos vendieron Alemania por sus propios intereses.

Una de cada cuatro de las 2.700 personas encuestadas dijeron que sus actitudes hacia los judíos "se ven afectadas por los acontecimientos en Oriente Medio," añadió Forman. De estos, el 52 por ciento dijo que, como resultado, tenía una peor opinión de los judíos.

Foxman habló de lo que describió como una aparición de "una relación significativa" entre el antisemitismo y los sentimientos anti israelitas o críticas. Pero dijo que era muy pronto como para trazar paralelos directos a partir de la encuesta.

El estudio no clasificó incidentes de violencia antisemita en Europa.

La Universidad de Tel Aviv en Israel dijo en un documento publicado en abril que el año pasado la cantidad de ataques contra judíos se duplicó en todo el mundo en comparación con el 2005.

La mayor parte del aumento de la violencia se registró en Australia, Canadá y el Reino Unido, señaló el estudio de Tel Aviv.

This work is in the public domain


ADL Survey in Five European Countries Finds Anti-Semitic Attitudes Rising
22 mai 2007
Strong Support For Sanctions Against Iran;
Opposition To Aid To Palestinians With Hamas In Government

Jerusalem, Israel, May 14, 2007 … A large number of Europeans continue to be infected with anti-Jewish attitudes, holding on to the classical anti-Semitic canards and conspiracy theories that have dogged Jews through the centuries, according to a new poll released by the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) today.

A survey of five European countries revealed that a plurality of Europeans believe Jews are more loyal to Israel than to their country and that they have too much power in business and finance. The opinion survey of 2,714 adults – slightly more than 500 in each of the five countries – found an increase in negative attitudes toward Jews, or in some instances no change, from its 2005 findings.

As to attitudes regarding Israel and the Middle East, the poll showed mixed findings. For example, sympathy for the Palestinians over Israel continue but strong attitudes against Iran and Hamas were evidenced.

Asked about Iran's nuclear development, a majority believe Iran is developing a nuclear weapon and strongly support sanctions against Iran.

A majority identified Hamas as a terrorist organization and supports the European decision not to provide foreign aid to the Palestinian government until Hamas renounces terrorism, and agrees to recognize Israel and agreements signed by Israel and the Palestinian Authority.

Attitudes Toward Jews and the Middle East in Five European Countries is a survey of France, Italy, Germany, Spain, and Poland, conducted March 21–April 16, 2007 among the general public.

Respondents across the continent were asked a series of indicator questions representing the most pernicious notions of anti-Semitism and whether or not they thought the following four statements were "probably true" or "probably false."

Jews are more loyal to Israel than to this country.
Jews have too much power in the business world.
Jews have too much power in international financial markets.
Jews still talk too much about what happened to them in the Holocaust.
Respondents were also asked whether they agree or disagree with the following statement:

The Jews are responsible for the death of Christ; and
If their opinion of Jews was influenced by actions taken by the State of Israel and whether they believed the violence directed against European Jews was a result of anti-Jewish feelings or anti-Israel sentiment.
Findings Summary

• A majority of those surveyed across Europe, 51%, believe that Jews are more loyal to Israel than to their own country, with a majority of respondents in Spain, Poland and Germany saying they believe that this statement is "probably true."

• High levels of those surveyed still believe in the traditional anti-Jewish canard that "Jews have too much power in the business world." Overall, nearly 39% of all respondents believe this stereotype to be true.

• Similarly, respondents still adhere to the notion that "Jews have too much power in international financial markets." Overall, 44% cling to the traditional stereotype.

• Large portions of the European public continue to believe that Jews still talk too much about what happened to them in the Holocaust. Overall, 47% of those surveyed believe it is "probably true." In fact, a plurality of respondents in France, Germany, Italy, Poland, and Spain believe this notion to be true.

• Overall, 20% of those surveyed continue to blame Jews for the death of Jesus.

• Overall, 25% of those surveyed say that their opinion of Jews is influenced by the actions taken by the State of Israel. Of those respondents whose opinions are influenced, a majority, 52%, say that their opinion of Jews is worse as a result of the actions taken by Israel.

• Nearly half of all respondents agree with the notion that "American Jews control U.S. Middle Eastern policy;" in Spain - 53%; in Poland - 56%.

• Overall, 51% of respondents believe that Iran's nuclear program is being developed for military purposes, with an additional 16% believing it is both a weapons program and a nuclear energy program. Only 14% believe it is solely for nuclear energy.

Attitudes 'Legitimize Anti-Semitism'

"Millions of Europeans continue to accept a wide range of traditional anti-Semitic stereotypes and conspiracy theories, including the charge that Jews are more loyal to Israel than to their home country. These attitudes help incite and legitimize anti-Semitism, including violence against Jews, and give us great concern," said Abraham H. Foxman, ADL National Director.

"We are not surprised to find that a high percentage of the respondents in Spain and Poland hold negative views of Jews. Given each country's history of animus towards Jews, it appears that anti-Semitism is ingrained in the fabric of each society.

"Equally disturbing is the finding that nearly half of all respondents, and a majority in Spain and Poland, believe that American Jews control U.S. policy on the Middle East, and old canard that has been resurrected in mainstream America and bolsters existing European attitudes.

"The findings of this survey demonstrate that individual governments and the EU, who have condemned anti-Semitism and sought ways to counteract it, need to find methods and implement programs that will break down the old stereotypes that die hard, and take leadership to make anti-Semitism unacceptable in their societies."

Country by Country Findings

In responding "probably true" to the statement, "Jews are more loyal to Israel than their own country," the 2007 survey found: (view graph)

France – 39%, up from 29% in 2005
Germany – 51%, down from 55%
Italy – 48%, down from 57%
Spain - 60%, up from 51%
Poland – 59%, up from 52%
In responding "probably true" to the statement, "Jews have too much power in the business world," the 2007 survey found: (view graph)

France – 28%, up from 25% in 2005
Germany – 21%, up from 20%
Italy – 42%, up from 33%
Spain – 53%, up from 45%
Poland – 49%, up from 43%
In responding "probably true" to the statement "Jews have too much power in international financial markets," the 2007 survey found: (view graph)

France – 28%, up from 24% in 2005
Germany – 25%, up from 24%
Italy – 42%, up from 32%
Spain – 68%, up from 54%
Poland – 54%, up from 43%
In responding "probably true" to the statement "Jews still talk too much about what happened to them in the Holocaust," the 2007 survey found: (view graph)

France – 40%, up from 34% in 2005
Germany – 45%, down from 48%
Italy – 46%, down from 49%
Spain – 46%, no change
Poland – 58% up from 52%
ADL commissioned First International Resources to conduct the survey. Fielded in Europe by Taylor Nelson Sofres, the telephone interviews were conducted in the native language of each of the countries, among the general population. The margin of error for each country is +/-4 percent at 95% level of confidence.

The Anti-Defamation League, founded in 1913, is the world's leading organization fighting anti-Semitism through programs and services that counteract hatred, prejudice and bigotry.
Re: Espanya antisemita
22 mai 2007
Que España y qué curiosidad también Polonia es el estado más racista de Europa es algo que catalanes y vascos conocemos y sufrimos desde hace años.

Curioso que este racismo coincida con una gran influencia ultracatólica...
Estranyes coincidències
22 mai 2007
Es ben curiós que, tot coincidint amb una ofensiva de l'exercit israelià contra la franja de Gaza, aparegui una notícia sobre l'antisemitisme a Europa. Em sembla que una de grossa tornarà a passar, encara fa mal la cagada de la darrera aventureta del Tsáhal al Liban i ja estan el sionistes calentant motors.
Re: Espanya antisemita
22 mai 2007
Solidaridad con Hamás... No te quepa la menor duda, si ahora se llevan a Hamás luego irán a por ti... a por todos...

A todo el mundo que simpatiza con la resistencia heroica del pueblo palestino conviene recordarles que no es el momento de hacer distingos ni maquiavelismos con los grupos palestinos. Todo el pueblo palestino en su conjunto es victima de la mayor y más sangrientas de las represiones terroristas, y si ahora está siendo desesperadamente asesinada la gente que pertenece a Hamas es porque sin Hamas el pueblo palestino estaría diezmado para resistir y superar esta tragedia. Más adelante diré porque es tan importante HAMAS no solo para los palestinos sino también para la civilización, para la democracia y para la PAZ.

(NO dejes que te despisten con el victimismo, en antisemitismo y demás)
Re: Espanya antisemita, un punt per ecspanya
22 mai 2007
Jamás solidaridad con Israel
Israel es el 4º Reich
22 mai 2007
Israel es el 4º Rich (la teocrácia es su forma de gobierno)
Israel es el 4º Rich (la teocrácia es su forma de gobierno)
Israel es el 4º Rich (la teocrácia es su forma de gobierno)
Propaganda si*nista
23 mai 2007
Els primers missatges estan redactats per a justificar el colonialisme israelià de la manera més barroera. Les fonts són organitzacions racistes i de l'extrema dreta com ADL... Així que ja sabem...

El Poder estén els seus tentacles fins aquí...

Però creuen que la gent és idiota!
Re: Espanya antisemita
23 mai 2007
Los verdugos haciéndose las víctimas.Mientras bombardean,asesinan y torturan las zonas ocupadas (los guettos palestinos)siguen con su rollo victimariopara que sólo pensemos en un Holocausto del pasado y no veamos el Holocausto actual,presente y vivo del Pueblo Palestino.
Sionismo = nazismo del Siglo XXI
Sindicato Sindicat