collective of South-west Tuesday December 12, 2006, by South-western Collective Prisoners of direct Action: a forgotten history?
Currently, Jean-Marc Rouillan, Nathalie Ménigon, George Cipriani and Régis Schleicher are still held for facts having taken place there is a score of years. Falling under the line of the revolutionary movements of the years 1970, their organization asserted many actions anticapitalists and anti-impérialistes. And it is within this framework that these militants acted. Governed Schleicher, stopped in March 1984, condemned for complicity in the business of the street Trudaine, whereas other accused in the same file are in freedom after having purged their sorrow. George Cipriani, Nathalie Ménigon, Joelle Aubron and Jean-Marc Rouillan were stopped in February 1987 and were condemned to the life imprisonment by a made up special court magistrates, without sworn popular. That by the retroactive application of the law known as antiterrorist of 1986 which created this special jurisdiction. They knew particularly difficult conditions of imprisonment: . several years of total insulation, . mails censured, regularly blocked, communication with outside blocked, . licences of visit delivered with the dropper and that with the only family during years. It was a question of insulating them, to abstract them from any social context, to block to the maximum their bonds with outside. Each conquered space was it by the fight (several very long hunger strikes…). In April 2004, Joelle Aubron has faintnesses. Reached of a brain tumour, it will be hospitalized and operated without its family being able to meet it, and will be menottée permanently on its bed of hospital. In front of the gravity of its disease, it could, in June 2004, to profit from a suspension of sorrow for medical reason (law Kouchner of March 4, 2002). However, once again, it had been seen allotting a particular mode since it is the first nobody profiting from this law with which one prohibited any displacement out of its department of lodging. Until its hospitalization in a distant medical establishment, which had to be negotiated. Restricted mobility and high monitoring. In January 2006 the Minister for Justice declared: “When I hear that former terrorists not repented make their races on the markets, whereas they were, said one, with the article death… that is unbearable for me. The patients, even reached of a serious affection but who are not with the “threshold of death�, do not have to profit from this law.� Joelle died on March 1, 2006… George, Nathalie and Jean-Marc finished since February 2005 the sorrow of 18 years safety which accompanied their judgment with the prison with perpetuity; Governed since 7 years. They could thus claim with a release on parole. Their requests all were rejected. Victim of two cerebral vascular accidents in prison, Nathalie profited forever from the care required by its health and suffers from serious after-effects (disorders of balance, of motricity, losses of memory). The risk of repetition is known, the vital forecast is clearly committed. The law Kouchner should thus be applied to him. Its request was rejected with three recoveries. In fact, in June 2005, at the time of its passage in committee, the magistrates questioned his capacity to be worked within sight of its precarious health. Not enough sick to benefit from a release for medical reasons, too much to leave into conditional and to fulfill the requirements of work which this measurement requires… George, as for him, goes back several stays in psychiatric hospital which took place during its imprisonment. The too long periods of insulation weakened it psychiquement. However, it will still remain in prison. Examined before by the jurisdiction of the place of imprisonment, the requests for release on parole and suspension of sorrow for medical reason of condemned for “acts of terrorism� must be it from now on in Paris. Nathalie Ménigon made the experiment of this new device which centralizes closest being able it the decisions concerning the sorrows to the political prisoners: on October 9, 2006, it was only in Bapaume vis-a-vis a camera, constraint with being the spectator of a new parody of justice; to 150 km from there, its lawyer assisted it vis-a-vis judge Bernard Lugan, remained in Paris, with range of voice of the ministry. It was impossible for him to only discuss with only with its defender, as in the usual jurisdictions. On October 24, its request for suspension of sorrow for medical reason was rejected by this court of application of the sorrows of Paris “in load of the terrorist infringements�. Behind these refusal successive to release them the ceaseless question of their repentance is put. As long as they will not be disavowed, they will not leave, and will remain with the round of applause of the company: it is the message delivered by the various jurisdictions. The State wants to make them pay their political engagement. Nathalie, Jean-Marc and George will find themselves soon in front of this court for requests for release on parole. Governed, which thought of leaving quickly, has just seen itself notifying that it will not be able to present of request before 2009, that is to say 25 years after its arrest!!. Called upon reason: an escape bid in 2003 for which it was condemned recently to 5 years of prison; thus, it can pose the conditional one only with semi-sorrow, after… the judgment! (What is not the rule on the matter, the judgement on the basis of the date of the facts in “normal� procedure.) Special jurisdictions… until the end! Since January 23, 2006, of new provisions govern the request handling of parole of the comrades of direct Action: an article of the law promulgated on this date institutes a new special jurisdiction indeed, under pretext of fight against terrorism. After the measurements taken for the police custody during their arrest, the particular conditions applied at the time of detention, the institution of course of special bases (only made up magistrates) for their lawsuits, it is now a centralized structure which is charged to examine their requests for release on parole. Until the end, the French State sets up special jurisdictions in its war against the revolutionary militants. Eight texts in ten years and three texts recent: the concept of “terrorism� involves a true inflation of penal provisions which go always further in the installation of special jurisdictions, without same speech of the arsenal gradually set up in the European Union. There is not only in the United States which one assists with the progressive disappearance of the last parapets likely to oppose the absolute power of the State. In January 2006 was promulgated the “law relating to the fight against terrorism and bearing various provisions relating to safety and frontier controls�. Among the decisions, applicable to the imprisoned revolutionary militants, article 14 relates to the requests for setting in parole. This one indicates: “Notwithstanding the provisions of article 712-10 [of the code of penal procedure], are only qualified the judge of the application of the sorrows of the Court of Bankruptcy of Paris, the court of the application of the sorrows of Paris and the room of the application of the sorrows of the Court of Appeal of Paris to make the decisions concerning the people condemned for an infringement entering the field of application of article 706-16, whatever the place of detention or residence of condemned. � “These decisions are made after opinion of the qualified judge of the application of the sorrows pursuant to article 712-10. � “For the exercise of their attributions, the magistrates of the jurisdictions mentioned with the first subparagraph can move on the whole of the own territory, without damage of the application of the provisions of article 706-71 on the use of means of telecommunication. � This article states clearly that it is about a particular provision taken for only one category of prisoners and that, henceforth, all the decisions are centralized in Paris. That as well concerns Nathalie, Jean-Marc that George (whereas, until now, these was the jurisdictions whose their place of detention depended which was qualified). If this law gave place to some mobilizations (concerning the monitoring of access Internet and the electronic communications, for example), this article did not draw particularly the attention. It is that it relates to a very restricted number of prisoners, that one agitates the red rag of terrorism - international insinuation - to make it pass and that, in any event, the prison mobilizes still too little. And yet, it is well there the last link of a frightening chain which completes the special provisions. And perhaps most frightening, since it allows the maintenance in detention AD vitam æternam, while giving between the hands of a particular jurisdiction the possibility normally existing for each prisoner to obtain a release. It is this same procedure that on October 2 the Basque militant Filipe Bidart had inaugurated, in prison since nearly 19 years. Its request for release on parole was refused on October 17, in spite of the favourable opinions of the head warden of Clairvaux, of the prosecutor of the court of Troyes and the judge of application of the sorrows of Troyes. It indeed met all the conditions to profit from it (work, housing, compensation for the victims…). Like affirmed it its lawyer, who denounced this political decision equipped in a hypocritical way with legal arguments: “The State wants to make him pay its political engagement. � We know well that any release - especially for the revolutionary prisoners - remains exceptional and arbitrary in any event. The figures, in France, reveal how much this release is more than discrétionnaire. Local or not, the jurisdictions always were clearly with the orders of the capacity. But a thing is the practice and the another institutionalization of this practice. Today, it is clear and Net that it is the State, via the Parisian jurisdiction, i.e. of a judge of application of the sorrows “antiterrorist� sitting in Paris, which will return the decisions. And it is that which falls under the law! The State requires revolutionary militants in prison that they “repent�, that they disavow their convictions. It is the criterion which underlies its decisions. Therefore, it is well for their ideas that one maintains them today in prison. CALL FOR the RELEASE OF the PRISONERS Of DIRECT ACTION “The prisoners of direct Action finished the sorrow of safety of their life sentence. For us, their sorrow is accomplished. No matter what we thought their activities passed, we ask for their release as soon as possible. � This petition already collected more than 5.000 signatures, among which: Elected officials and persons in charge associative, political and trade-union: AMARA Jean-Claude, Right spokesman In front!! ; AOUNIT Mouloud, regional adviser IdF; ASCHIERI Gerard, secretary FSU general; BAUPIN Denis, assistant mayor of Paris (Greens); BENHIBA Tarek, regional adviser IdF (Alternatives citizens); BENHAMIAS Jean-Luc, European deputy (Greens); BESANCENOT Olivier, spokesman LCR; BILLIARDS Martine, deputy (Greens); BORVO Nicole, sénatrice (PCF); BOUMEDIENE-THIERY Alima, sénatrice (Greens); BOVÉ Jose, country Confederation; BRAFMAN Jean, regional adviser IdF (PCF); BRET Robert, senator (PCF); CONTASSOT Yves, assistant mayor of Paris (Greens); COPPOLA Jean-Marc, regional adviser PACA (PCF); HALF-COMPARTMENT Annick, person in charge trade-union USI-Interdependent; Francoise DECAN, regional adviser the Limousin (PCF); DUBOIS Jean-Pierre, president LDH; DUTOIT Frederic, deputy and mayor Marseilles (PCF); ESPIGAT Marc, regional adviser the Midday-Pyrenees (PCF); FREMION Yves, writer, adviser general IdF (Greens); GAILLOT Jacques, Right copresident In front!! ; HAYOT Alain, vice-president regional council PACA (PCF); HOAREAU Charles, CGT unemployeds; JACQUART Albert, geneticist, Right copresident In front!! ; KRIVINE Alain, spokesman LCR; LAGUILLIER Arlette, spokesman Fights working; LEMAIRE Gilles, former spokesman of the Greens; LEVY Albert, cofounder of the MRAP; LIPIETZ Alain, economist, European deputy (Greens); MALBERG Henri, commission PCF justice; MAMÈRE Christmas, appointed (Greens); MANCERON Gilles, historian, vice-president LDH; MARZIANI Charles, vice-president area the Midday-Pyrenees (PCF); OCL; PEREZ Martine, regional adviser the Midday-Pyrenees (PCF); RAJSFUS Maurice, historian, president of the Observatory of public freedoms; REBERIOUX Vincent, secretary general LDH; SALESSE Yves and SIRE-MARIN Evelyne, copresidents Copernic Foundation; TUBIANA Michel, honorary president LDH; VIEU Marie-Pierre, regional adviser the Midday-Pyrenees (PCF). Culture, enseignement, justice, médias : ALLEG Henri, journaliste, écrivain ; AUBRAC Lucie et Raymond, anciens résistants ; BALIBAR Etienne , philosophe ; Bastid Jean-Pierre, écrivain, cinéaste ; BENASAYAG Miguel, écrivain ; BENSA�D Daniel, philosophe, universitaire ; BERURIERS NOIRS, groupe musical ; CABANES Claude, éditorialiste à L’Humanité ; CARLES Pierre, réalisateur ; COMOLLI Jean-Claude, cinéaste ; CQFD, mensuel ; DE FELICE Jean-Jacques, avocat ; EINAUDI Jean-Luc, écrivain ; ÉTELIN Christian, avocat ; GATTI Armand, dramaturge ; HALIMI Gisèle, avocate, ancien ministre ; HAZAN Eric, éditeur ; HIGELIN Jacques, chanteur ; JOLIE MOME, compagnie théâtrale ; LABICA Georges, philosophe ; LEVY Thierry, avocat ; LUZ, dessinateur ; MORDILLAT Gérard, cinéaste ; NASREEN Taslima, écrivaine bangladaise ; ONFRAY Michel, philosophe ; PERRAULT Gilles, écrivain ; QUADRUPPANI Serge, écrivain ; SAINATI Gilles, magistrat, syndicat de la magistrature ; SCALZONE Oreste, écrivain ; SINE, dessinateur ; STRICKER Jean-Marc, journaliste (France Inter) ; TARDI Jacques, dessinateur ; TERRAY Emmanuel, anthropologue ; TERREL Irène, avocate ; UTGE-ROYO Serge, chanteur ; WINCKLER Martin, écrivain. Adresses de retour de la pétition et contacts : Défense active, 80, rue de Ménilmontant, 75020 Paris Collectif NLPF c/o LPJ,58 rue Gay-Lussac, 75005 Paris : Adresses des militants d’Action directe incarcérés : - Georges Cipriani 4364/1239 MC Ensisheim 49, rue de la 1re-Armée, 68190 Ensisheim - Nathalie Ménigon 2173 J CD Bapaume Chemin des Anzacs, 62451 Bapaume Cedex - Jean-Marc Rouillan 1829 MC Lannemezan 204, rue des Saligues, BP 166, 65300 Lannemezan. - Régis Schleicher 9484 QI CP Clairvaux 10910 Ville-sous-la-Ferté Leurs avocats : Jean-Louis Chalenset, Christian Etelin, Bernard Ripert. Livres de Jean-Marc Rouillan : Je hais les matins, 2001, Denoël Paul des Epinettes, 2002, Agnès Viénot Le roman du Gluck, 2003, L’Esprit frappeur Lettres à Jules, 2005, Agone La part des loups, 2005, Agone Le prolétaire précaire (avec J. Aubron, N. Ménigon, R. Schleicher), 2001, Acratie MANIFESTATIONS DE SOUTIEN À VENIR : Projection-débat de « NI VIEUX NI TRAÎTRES » à Utopia Toulouse le 1er février 2007 Clip audio-vidéo de 1 minute 36, pour cinés, TV ou radio (voir sur ?id_article=8301 ou ?id_article=73080) Concert de soutien le 9 février à Toulouse au « Mange-Disques » Manifestation devant la prison de Lannemezan le 24 février (rdv 14 heures devant la gare) Conférence de presse, meeting et remise des signatures en février au ministère de la Justice, à Paris, avec des personnalités signataires de l’appel. Collectif Sud-Ouest pour la libération des prisonniers d’Action directe contact : ARROBA
Freedom for Direct Action
Oct 24, 06 - Suspension of sorrow refused again for Nathalie Ménigon Wednesday October 25 06, by NLPF.
Today, October 24, 2006, the court of application of the sorrows of Paris “in load of the terrorist infringements� refused the application of suspension of sorrow for medical reason of Nathalie Ménigon, militant of Direct Action, imprisoned since nearly 20 years. Nathalie Ménigon, who suffers from serious after-effects (disorders of balance, of motricity, losses of memory…) following two proven cerebral vascular accidents which have occurred in prison, profited forever from the care required by its health. The risk of repetition is known (it ailleursprobablement underwent a third accident which was not even detected by the prison): the vital forecast is thus clearly committed. The law Kouchner of March 4, 2002 should thus be applied to him. The suspension of sorrow was however already refused to him with three recoveries, while at the same time certain medical experts decided in this direction. It had been granted to her comrade Joelle Aubron, a few times before it does not die of a cancer. Judged by an emergency court, imprisoned under the statute of held particularly announced (DPS), Nathalie Ménigon underwent during years of the very hard conditions of detention: placement with insulation, with right of access limited, restriction of the visiting rooms, the mail, the phone calls… The treatment of exception, applied in particular to militant of Direct Action, was still hardened this year: examined before by the jurisdiction of the place of imprisonment, the requests for release on parole and suspension of sorrow for medical reason of condemned for “acts of terrorism� must be it from now on in Paris (Art.14 of the chap. 4 of the law 2006-64 of January 23, 2006, specifying article 706-22 of the code of penal procedure, “notwithstanding the provisions of article 712-10�). Nathalie Ménigon made the experiment of this new exceptional device, which centralizes closest being able it the decisions concerning the sorrows to the political prisoners: on October 9, it was only in Bapaume vis-a-vis a camera, constraint with being the spectator of a new parody of justice; in 150 km from there, its lawyer assisted it vis-a-vis a remained judge in Paris, with range of voice of the ministry. It is this same procedure that on October 2 the Basque militant Filipe Bidart had inaugurated, in prison since nearly 19 years. Its request for release on parole was refused on October 17, in spite of the favourable opinions of the head warden of Clairvaux, of the prosecutor of the court of Troyes and the judge of application of the sorrows of Troyes. Like affirmed it its lawyer, who denounced this political decision equipped in a hypocritical way with legal arguments: “The State wants to make him pay its political engagement�. The returned decision this October 24 counters the militant Nathalie Ménigon thus does not surprise us. She reinforces us in our determination to continue the combat for her release and that of all the prisoners of Direct Action. We in addition make a point of recalling that in addition to the absence of adapted care, Nathalie Ménigon sees her mail arbitrarily censured by the new direction of CD of Bapaume while the files of request for visiting room with it “are lost� in the corridors of the prison authorities. Nathalie Ménigon deposited a request for release on parole, to which it has right since it finished the 18 years of prison of her sorrow of safety. The Collective “let us not let make! � October 24, 2006 |