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Bloqueo de EE.UU es un acto genocida, denuncia embajador cubano en Panamá
01 nov 2006
El bloqueo económico de Estados Unidos contra Cuba es un acto de genocidio, que ha causado pérdidas económicas por más de 86 mil millones de dólares
PANAMA, 31 de octubre de 2006. El bloqueo económico de Estados Unidos contra Cuba es un acto de genocidio, que ha causado pérdidas económicas por más de 86 mil millones de dólares, denunció el embajador de la isla en Panamá, Carlos García.

El asedio a Cuba es el más largo y cruel en la historia de la humanidad, señaló el diplomático en conferencia de prensa.

García destacó el marcado carácter extraterritorial de esa política, instrumentada mediante las leyes Torricelli y Helms-Burton, que se arrogan el derecho de sancionar a personas y empresas de terceros países.

Desde el triunfo de la Revolución, en 1959, hasta la fecha el bloqueo ha provocado pérdidas por valor de 86 mil 108 millones de dólares, sólo el pasado año alcanzaron los cuatro mil millones, precisó.

El embajador también se refirió a las nuevas medidas contra La Habana implementadas por la administración de George W. Bush.

Esas acciones forman parte de un plan elaborado por la Casa Blanca en 2004 y ampliado este año con el objetivo de destruir a la Revolución, lo cual nunca lograrán, aseguró.

Cuba podrá ser invadida pero nunca ocupada, ningún gobierno norteamericano podrá sostener el costo económico, político y en vidas humanas de una invasión a la isla, enfatizó.

Según denunció, el Plan Bush es un proyecto anexionista, que promueve la subversión y el recrudecimiento del bloqueo y en última instancia intenta acabar con los logros sociales de su país.

Al respecto, precisó que prevé privatizar los sistemas de salud y de educación cubanos, reconocidos en el mundo por su calidad.

Como parte de la estrategia de Washington, comentó, el pasado año 487 ciudadanos o residentes en Estados Unidos fueron multados por viajar a la isla.

El funcionario adelantó que el próximo 8 de noviembre se presentará ante la Asamblea General de la ONU una resolución que condena el bloqueo.

Recordó que en 1992 por primera ocasión se aprobó esa iniciativa con el apoyo de 59 países.

Desde entonces todos los años ha obtenido cada vez más respaldo en la ONU, hasta llegar a la cifra récord de 182 naciones, en 2005, precisó. ( Cubaminrex – PL ).

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Acto Nacional Contra el Bloqueo y la Anexión
01 nov 2006
Cubavisión, Cubavisión Internacional, el Canal Educativo, Radio Rebelde y Radio Habana Cuba, transmitirán hoy, a partir de las 6 y 30 de la tarde, desde la Plaza de la Revolución de la ciudad de Pinar del Río, el Acto Nacional Contra el Bloqueo y la Anexión. Este acto, donde cinco mil pinareños, en representación de sus compatriotas de todo el país, expresarán su repudio a la criminal política norteamericana contra Cuba y al llamado Plan Bush, cierra las jornadas de reflexión que, con más de mil conferencias sobre ambos temas, han promovido el debate entre la población cubana. El Canal Educativo retransmitirá este acto al final de su programación y Radio Progreso lo hará a la una de la madrugada.
Cuban Civil Society Slams Blockade
01 nov 2006
The event was organized by the UN Cuban Association and attended by representatives from 138 non-governmental organizations that, in their final declarations, termed President George W. Bush s government genocidal.
About 10 panels deliberated and presented papers on several aspects of this issue, and there were speeches on the economic, trade and financial siege against Cuba.
Presbyterian Pablo Oden Marichal talked of the several attempts by the US Interest Office in Havana to manipulate religious organizations.
"Yoruba" Cultural Association president Antonio Castaneda accused Washington of abusing visa authorization to travel to Cuba.
Writer Enrique Ubieta criticized US rejection of Cuban humanitarian aid in other countries.
The panel and Tubal Paez, president of the Union of Journalists of Cuba, denounced illegal activities of those media used to violate the local radio-electronic space with subversive propaganda.
Others analyzed suffering and damage caused to Cuban women, while doctor Olga Miranda talked on the Bush Plan s intention of returning nationalized properties to transnational companies to satisfy the Florida-based counter-revolution.
Historian and writer Fabian Escalante, Union of Writers and Artists representative Jesus Arboleya and other panelists discussed the dangerous Bush Plan s secret annex and its real significance.
According to information and declassified documents, the CIA planned from 1958 to 2000 about 634 projects to assassinate Cuban President Fidel Castro.
Participants commented on how today it is evident they want to use the same strategy against Venezuelan statesman Hugo Chavez and Bolivia s Evo Morales. (Cubaminrex-PL).
Cuba Decries US Blockade Excuses
01 nov 2006
The General Assembly will vote on November 8, for the 15th consecutive year, the resolution "Necessity of put an end to the economic, commercial and financial blockade imposed by the United States against Cuba." Last year the resolution passed by the record figure of 182 votes in favor.
The press note, "US blockade against Cuba: massive and systematic violation of the Cuban people s human rights," points out there is no international law or regulation that justifies the use of blockade in peace time.
It recalls that since 1909, at the London Naval Conference, it was agreed as a principle of international law that "a blockade is an act of war and based on that, its execution is exclusively possible between belligerent nations." The Cuban Republic s Permanent Mission to the UN announced that the falsehood of the US excuses have been proven in US official documents declassified in 1991.
The press release further denounces that direct damage, caused to the Cuban people due to the implementation of the blockade, this year exceeded 86 billion dollars.
Since 2004, further measures have been taken to intensify the blockade and its impact on the enjoyment of human rights, and the note explains those new measures are in opposition to the fifth article of the UNESCO Declaration of Principles of cultural, international cooperation.
It notes that one such measure is the lessening of the already limited remittances a Cuban resident in the United States can send to his her relatives in Cuba.
Finally the document confirms that by intensifying its threat of military aggression, the US violates both countries (Cuba and the US) sacred right to peace.
US Blockade: Blind, Deaf and Mute
01 nov 2006
Havana, Nov 1 (Prensa Latina) While the United States radicalizes its blockade on Cuba, opposition and resistance to this measure grow on the island and world criticism mounts.
Although the economic, trade and financial siege is a failed policy, Washington insists on making it persist beyond 47 years with new laws like the recent "Bush Plan."
Initiated a few months after the revolutionary victory on January 1, 1959, the siege has cost over $86 billion to Cuba, but it has not fulfilled its aim of reverting the country's social process.
Although the Caribbean nation has carried out its social-economic development in a rocky field, it has been successful in health, education and sports, and today is world renowned in these areas.
But it is undeniable that the blockade is generating shortages and important needs in the daily life, and recently Cubans are holding meetings of reflection to examine the real impact of the US siege.
A recent event organized by the UN Cuban Association, attended by representatives from 138 non-governmental organizations, termed President George W. Bush's government genocidal.
In the closing ceremony of this event, Cuban Foreign Minister Felipe Perez Roque made a detailed analysis on the group of punitive measures applied by the northern nation to asphyxiate the country's economy and condition a subsequent armed invasion.
All this popular debate is generated by the island's report entitled "Need to end the US-imposed economic, trade and financial blockade on Cuba,"
to be discussed by the 61st UN General Assembly on November 8, as it has over the last 14 years.
In the 2005 voting, 182 states spoke out that US authorities must unconditionally lift the blockade, in a clear example of the most generated international rejection.
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