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Acomiadats 14 treballadors per organitzar sindicat
02 jul 2005
Demanar salaris i condicions de feina decents, així com organitzar un sindicat, ha estat prou per acomiadar 14 treballadors a la empresa Neusiedler SCP Ruzomberok. Molts altres treballadors pateixen intimidacions i amenaces cada día. Aixó esta passant a Eslovàquia, a una empresa austríaca, és així com es construeix Europa? Anant enrera, retallant conquestes socials?

Perque el rebuig de reconèixer el nou sindicat i l'acomiadament dels treballadors és totalment segons les lleis eslovaques pero, fins ara, ningú ha condemnat l'empresa? No diuen que les lleis són iguals per tothom?

Es aquesta la nova Europa competitiva de la que parlen en Zapatero, Berlusconi, Chirac i d'altres?

Signa pels seus drets, pels nostres drets, per l'Europa social i democratica. Contra la Europa del capital i la precarietat. Pots fer-ho a

Globalitzem la lluita social!!
Workers in Neusiedler SCP Ruzomberok, Slovakia are calling

On fellow workers in Neusiedler companies around the world, international trade union and workers activists

Dear colleagues,

we are in the situation, where basic workers rights at the company are violated, some of us were sacked for demanding decent wage conditions and organizing new trade union when old organization distanced from our demands and signed our dismissal notices. Others are threatened and intimidated in the company every day.

At the Monday 8th November rally of 120 workers we unanimously adopted resolution demanding immediately:

·official recognition of ZOO Papier
·reinstatement of 14 sacked members from recent weeks and of 5 members of factory committee, originally petition committee
·freeze on all sackings
·immediate start of negotiations on demands from original petition and social program which new union wants to put forward

Management was given time until Tuesday 9th November 8 p.m. to answer and start negotiations, otherwise we are prepared to go on with another pressure actions, including strike. On Tuesday the management informed the media that they accept our new trade union. They stopped the collective bargaining with the official trade union. This was a first victory resulting from the meeting and its positive coverage in the media! Management promised to start negotiations with us. As it is still without any details and we have no official document in hands, we call on you to go on with pressure on the company untill all our demands are met:

·inform all the workforce about our struggle in Ruzomberok
·organizing and sending protest letters and petitions supporting our demands
·in case of our colleagues in Neusiedler, part of Mondi and Anglo-American plc., we urge you to express effective solidarity, including preparedness solidarity strike – attack on one of us is attack on all of us!

Please contact us at e-mail address sativa ARROBA, noveodbory ARROBA
Please send protests to the company at hovorca ARROBA and at company officials in your country or international headquarters (see

The ZOOP has already spent all its money. If you want to support financially the costs for the trade union actions (newsletters, leaflets, telephone, etc.), please send a donation to the following bank account: 10006-13219052/4900 (Istrobanka).

Factory committee ZOO Papier
at Neusiedler SCP a.s.,

Jozef Krncan, chairman
Jozef Danis, vice-chairman

This work is in the public domain


Re: Acomiadats 14 treballadors per organitzar sindicat
02 jul 2005

·"They want to starve us out"
Petr Jindra, CWI Czech Republic, Ružomberok, Slovakia. Monday 23 May 2005.

Half a year ago Mondi BP, the Austrian paper producing multinational formerly known as Neusiedler, sacked 14 workers from their paper mill in Ružomberok, Slovakia.

They were made redundant for launching a petition in the factory demanding higher wages after the official trade union, ZO OZ Drevo, continued to ignore the demands of the majority of the workers at the plant. The workers from Mondi BP decided to form a new trade union, ZOO Papier, so that there struggle could be officially recognised.

Neusiedler management responded to these developments by sacking all the workers it suspected of being involved with the attempts to launch the new trade union. It also started several court cases against the ZOO Papier leaders.

·Waiting game

Half a year later, none of the court cases is even near to reaching a conclusion. Mondi management refuses to recognise the new union even though it is obliged to do so by Slovakian law.

They are hoping that now the sacked workers have lost their entitlement to unemployment benefit (as a result of the fierce neo-liberal ‘counter-reform’ of the Slovak government) they will have to give up their struggle.

These workers have gone through hard time supporting their family on poverty benefits, barely enough to pay the rent, send children to school and feed their families.

The international solidarity campaign set up by ZOO Papier leaders, which the CWI is involved in, has succeeded in putting tremendous pressure on the management of Mondi BP but is only just beginning to collect money to sustain the struggle.

·Company terror

When I asked Jozef Krncan, one of the ZOO Papier leaders, whether support for the new trade union is still solid in the factory he does not hesitate: "You bet! Although the threat of redundancies, company terror in the workplace and legal uncertainty forces people to be careful about showing public support for ZOO Papier. Once we have fought our way back into the factory everything will be different. This is a fact Mondi and the old trade unions are aware of and why they want to prolong all legal proceedings as long as possible".

While we where talking one of the paper mill workers stops us to ask about the latest developments, and in doing so provide us with instant evidence of the support for the new trade union amongst the workers.

Broadening the struggle

"Groups of workers from other workplaces are asking us to help them with their problems. We are thinking about setting up a committee to prepare for the launch of a city-wide trade union organisation, so we can work with them," adds vice-chairman Jozef Danis.

None of the members of ZOO Papier can understand why a company like Mondi BP can openly break the labour law for half a year with attracting any attention from the courts or from the authorities. One of the workers offers us his explanation: "It is easy – when Neusiedler bought our paper mill they bought the whole city with it. Everything depends on them". What happened to Jozef Krncan recently proves the influence Mondi has in the region. After he was sacked in the Mondi paper mill for organising the petition he found a new job as a skilled worker in a local textile printing company only to be dismissed again, allegedly after pressure from the Mondi management on his new employers.

"We know that they will ensure that none of us will get job in this region. But we are intending to finish what we started" states a determined Krncan. "We have to thank to all our supporters who wrote protest letters and made sure attention was given to this case internationally. This has really annoyed the company management."

·Building links with Austrian workers

ZOO Papier members have tried to reach out to Austrian workers and their trade unions to support them in their struggle against Mondi management. With the help of SLP members, the CWI section in Austria, they visited the Mondi factory in Hausmening to talk and discuss with workers. The Austrian trade unions have links with the management friendly trade union in Slovakia and could put a lot of pressure on Mondi management if they would recognise ZOO Papier and force management to do the same

One of the workers expressed it like this: "People here do not understand why trade unions in other Mondi factories, especially in Western Europe, support the management friendly and corrupt Slovak trade union. Everybody can count: from the moment Mondi bought and modernized the paper factory in Ružomberok they challenged workers in Western Europe and particularly in Austria.

One day they will come to our Austrian colleagues and demand that they take a wage cut or see production moved to Slovakia. How will the Austrian trade unions think to fight back against Mondi management if they are linked with a corrupted and unrepresentative trade union leadership in their Slovakia? If the Austrian trade union leadership does not understand this, we have to make sure the Austrian workers do."

Just before I left Josef Krncan took me to aside to tell me that when he was in Hausmening he could see that the Austrian workers were worried about the big paper mill owned by Mondi in Slovakia. "You could read the fear for their jobs on their faces. They think that we are going to take their jobs. Let’s change that,"

·Support the ZOO Papier workers by sending text messages of protest and emails to

Otto Pichler, president:
otto.pichler ARROBA

Miloslav ÄŒurilla, CEO:
miloslav.curilla ARROBA
GSM: +421 905 555363

Milan Filo, co-owner:
milan.filo ARROBA
GSM: +421 907 802485
Re: Acomiadats 14 treballadors per organitzar sindicat
03 jul 2005

::“Volen matar-nos de gana�
Petr Jindra, CWI República Txeca, Ružomberok, Eslovàquia. Dilluns 23 de maig del 2005.

Fa un mig que Mondi BP, la multinacional austríaca productora de paper abans coneguda com Neusiedler, va acomiadar sobtadament 14 treballadors a Ružomberok, Eslovàquia.

Va ser al plantejar a la empresa d’augmentar els sous després que el sindicat oficial, ZO OZ Drevo, va ignorar sistemàticament les demandes de la majoría dels treballadors de la planta. Els treballadors de Mondi BP van decidir d’organitzar un nou sindicat, ZOO Papier, per aconseguir que la seva lluita obtinguès el reconeixement que li calía.

La direcció de Neusiedler va respondre a aquesta dinámica mobilitzadora acomiadant sobtadament els treballadors sospitosos de tenir relació amb l’establiment del nou sindicat. També va començar varis processos judicials contra els representants del ZOO Papier.

::Joc d’espera

Mig any després, cap dels processos judicials ha reeixit. Pero la direcció de Mondi rebutja encara de reconèixer el nou sindicat malgrat que ha de fer-ho segons les lleis eslovaques.

Ho fa esperant que als treballadors acomiadats se’ls esgotin els minsos subsidis d’atur [conseqüència d’una ferotge ofensiva neoliberal “contra-reformista� feta des del govern eslovac] i es vegin forçats a abandonar la seva lluita.

Aquests treballadors han passat per una situació molt dura sostenint les seves famílies amb sous i subsidis de misèria, gairebé amb el mínim just per pagar el lloguer, enviar els fills a l’institut i donar de menjar a les seves famílies.

La campanya de solidaritat internacional encetada pels representants de ZOO Papier, on esta inclosa la CWI txeca, ha reeixit en posar sota una gran pressió a la direcció de Mondi BP i només ara comença a recollir diners per mantindre la lluita.

::Terrorisme empresarial

Quan vaig preguntar-li a Jozef Krncan, un dels representants de ZOO Papier, si el suport al nou sindicat és encara tan massiu a la empresa no ho dubta:"Pots apostar-ho! Malgrat que les amenaces d’acomiadaments, amenaces al lloc de treball i a inseguretat legal forcen els companys a anar amb compte al expressar públicament el seu suport a ZOO Papier. Una vegada hagim aconseguit de retornar a l’empresa aixó canviarà. És un fet del que Mondi i els vells sindicats en són ben conscients i que explica perquè miren d’allargar el màxim possible els processos judicials".

Mentre parlavem un dels treballadors va interrompre’ns demanant-nos per la situació de la lluita enguany, palesant el recolzament al nou sindicat pels treballadors.

::Eixamplant la lluita

Grups de treballadors d’altres fabriques ens demanen d’ajudar-los amb els seus conflictes laborals. Ens estem plantejant d’organitzar un comitè per establir un sindicat que abasti tota la ciutat, per poder treballar-hi.� afegeix el vice-secretari Jozef Danis.

Cap dels membres de ZOO Papier entèn com una multinacional com Mondi BP pot violar la llei obertament al decurs de mig any, sense provocar la intervenció de la justícia o les autoritats. Un dels treballadors ens ho explica: “És fàcil, quan Neusiedler va comprar la nostra industria paperera van comprar alhora la ciutat sencera. Tot depèn d’ells� El que va succeir-li a Jozef Krncan prova el poder que Mondi té a la regió. Després de ser acomiadat per fer la demanda de millores laborals va trobar una nova feina com treballador qualificat a una empresa d’imprenta textil local només per ser acomiadat de seguida, degut a la pressió provada de la direcció de Mondi sobre els seus nous empleadors.

�Sabem que faràn el possible per impedir-nos que cap de nosaltres aconsegueixi trobar feina a la regió. Pero tenim la voluntat d’enllestir el que vam començar� declara un convençut Krncan. “Hem d’agraïr tothom que ens recolza que va escriure cartes de protesta assegurant-se que aquest conflicte assolís ressó internacional. Aixó ha neguitejat realment la direcció de l’empresa.�

::Bastint lligams amb els treballadors austríacs

Els membres de ZOO Papier han mirat de contactar amb els treballadors austríacs i els seus sindicats per recolzar-los en la seva lluita contra la direcció de Mondi. Amb l’ajut de membres del SLP, la secció del CWI a Austria, han visitat la fàbrica de Mondi a Hausmening per parlar i debatir amb els seus treballadors. Els sindicats austríacs tenen alhora lligams amb direccions d’empresa que tenen bones relacions amb els sindicats eslovacs i podríen posar sota molta més pressió la direcció de Mondi si reconeixessin el sindicat ZOO Papier forçant-la a fer el mateix.

Un dels treballadors ens ho va dir així: “La gent aquí no entèn perque els sindicats a d’altres fàbriques de Mondi, especialment a l’Europa de l’est, recolzen sindicats venuts a la direcció de l’empresa i corruptes. Tothom compta: des del moment en que Mondi va comprar la indústria paperera a Ružomberok van amenaçar els treballadors a l’Europa occidental i en concret a Austria.

Un dia aniràn als nostres companys austriacs exigint-los d’empassar-se baixades de sou o veure com s’emporten la producció a Eslovàquia. Com pensen combatre els sindicats austriacs contra la direcció de Mondi si estan lligats a sindicats corruptes i sense representativitat a Eslovàquia? Si els líders de sindicalisme austríac no entenen aixó, nosaltres farem segur que ho entenguin els treballadors austriacs en general."

Just abans de que m’anès en Josef Krncan va dir-me que estant a Hausmening va veure que els treballadors austriacs estaven neguitosos per la gran industria paperera propietat de Mondi a Eslovàquia. "Podía veure la por de perdre la feina a les seves cares. Creuen que nosaltres els volem prendre la feina. Hem de canviar aquesta percepció.�

·Dóna suport als treballadors de ZOO Papier adreçant sms i emails de protesta a

Otto Pichler, president:
otto.pichler (at)

Miloslav ÄŒurilla, CEO:
miloslav.curilla (at)
GSM: +421 905 555363

Milan Filo, co-owner:
milan.filo (at)
GSM: +421 907 802485
Sindicato Sindicat