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Como los sionistas trabajaron junto con los nazis
19 gen 2005
Este trabajo es imprescindible para conocer la verdadera cara del sionismo , este autor estuvo trabajando años para juntar este material .
La verdadera cara del sionismo , que no dudaron en pactar con los nazis , para sus fines acosta de miles de judios muertos en los campos de concentracion .Asi no es de sorprenderse lo que dijo el primer presidente del estado de Israel ,Ben-Gurion ,por lo que estavan haciendo los nazis a los judios en Alemania , "Si yo supiera que un barco que fuese de Alemania a Inglaterra se salvarian todos los niños judios pero el mismo barco en vez de Inglaterra fuese a Israel pero solo se salvasen la mitad de esos niños , yo elegeria la segunda opcion ".

Zionism in the Age of Dictators

sionismo aurka !!

gora palestina askatuta !!
Mira també:

This work is in the public domain


Re: Como los sionistas trabajaron junto con los nazis
19 gen 2005
ni sionistes ni revisionistes nazis!

pretendre negar l'holocaust és com justificar els assassinats dels sicaris de Sharon

això de l'AARGH sembla fet pel LePen i els seus colegues neonazis

Le Web ou quand Hugo apprend à réfléchir sur celui-ci !
Puisque de plus en plus d'élèves ont accès à Internet pour leurs travaux de recherche, il est essentiel qu'ils apprennent à valider l'information en ligne ainsi recueillie. Car, après tout, n'est-ce pas sur Internet qu'on peut trouver la « preuve » à l'égard de tous les systèmes idéologiques qu'on puisse imaginer ? Et malheureusement pour encore trop d'élèves :

Si c'est sur Internet, c'est forcément vrai.
L'histoire suivante est également véridique

Hugo vient de se voir « confier » une recherche sur un sujet historique qui doit être original, unique. À 14 ans, il en connaît déjà un bout sur Internet et il sait que c'est une source précieuse de renseignements. Aussi, quand il trouve une page Web de l'Association des Anciens Amateurs de Récits de Guerres et d'Holocaustes (AAARGH) traitant précisément de l'Holocauste, tout cela lui semble sérieux ; il croit qu'il tient là une source fiable. Le sujet lui semble original puisqu'il s'agit de révisionnisme et de l'Holocauste. Et comme il n'a jamais entendu parler de tout cela avant, il décide d'intituler son travail « Comment l'Holocauste n'est jamais arrivé ».

Hugo a trouvé cette « information » à l'adresse Web suivante : < >. L'AAARGH propose donc divers thèmes du style : histoire et révisionnisme, l'Holocauste comme fraude historique, études révisionnistes diverses, documents d'archives.

Au fil des pages, sous un emballage scientifique et soi-disant documenté avec tout plein de citations, le site se présente à Hugo comme le chantre de la liberté d'expression puisqu'on retrouve en exergue l'article 19 de la Déclaration des droits de l'homme à propos de la liberté d'opinion et d'expression. Hugo peut y lire des phrases comme :

« Auschwitz n'a reçu qu'un nombre insignifiant de déportés juifs. »

« Six millions de morts le sont-ils réellement ? »
Qui plus est, le site AAARGH renvoie vers des « sommités » du révisionnisme comme les Rassinier, Faurisson ou Roques qui débitent leurs mensonges en s'abritant derrière leur titre de professeur comme le fait Robert Faurisson.

Démêler le vrai du faux dans le discours de pseudo-historiens, ce n'est pas une mince tâche pour un adolescent de 14 ans. Imaginez-le en train de lire des propos du genre :

« L'auteur croit avoir réuni, dans les chapitres qui vont suivre, les preuves irréfutables que le fait de prétendre qu'il y eut – pendant la Deuxième Guerre mondiale – six millions de Juifs qui périrent, victimes d'une politique d'extermination officielle des autorités allemandes, constitue une accusation absolument dénuée de fondement. Cette conclusion sera très mal accueillie, l'auteur s'en rend bien compte ; elle est pourtant le résultat d'une recherche qui a commencé sans idées préconçues, à part une idée générale que la possibilité statistique d'un nombre de victimes aussi énorme était peut-être sujette à caution. Je me rendais également compte du fait que les implications de cette atrocité qui aurait été commise sont exploitées politiquement. Cependant les nombreuses recherches soigneuses que j'ai faites pour élucider cette question m'ont convaincu maintenant définitivement que cette allégation est non seulement une exagération, mais aussi une invention de la propagande d'après-guerre. »
On vérifie

Selon vous, quelles méthodes Hugo aurait-il pu utiliser pour évaluer de manière critique l'information qu'il a trouvée sur la page du site de l'AAARGH ? Quels indices auraient pu, toujours selon vous, démontrer que cette page Web n'était pas la source fiable d'information qu'elle semblait être ?

Vérifiez vos réponses

Lisez Apprendre à Hugo à réfléchir sur ce qu'il peut trouver sur le Net pour obtenir diverses suggestions qui aideront Hugo à vérifier la véracité d'une information trouvée sur le Net.

Source : La version originale de ce document a été écrite par Alan November pour l'édition de septembre 1998 du magazine High School Principal. La version en ligne de cet article, « The Web — Teaching Zack to Think », peut être lue sur le site Web de Educational Renaissance Planners. Adaptation autorisée.
Nazis i revisionistes ... al servei de l'antisionisme ( Pacte Stalin/Hitler do you remeber ?)
19 gen 2005
Sobren les paraules amb post revisionistes i negacionistes ... de fet avui l'antisionisme no és més que la cara d'esquerrres de la judeiofobia clàssica. fan escarafalls al negacionisme però ja els va bé
Palestina Vencerà
19 gen 2005
La LLuita Palestina és totalment legítima, ja sigui per mitjà de les armes o per la via política. Vosaltres sou els que sobreu a Palestina, no pas ells.

Palestina solament pot vèncer si acaba amb el terrorisme
19 gen 2005
l'antisionisme no és més que la rabieta d'stalin a la negativa d'Israel a ser el seu titella. Avui l'esquerra pro árab ( el 99% de l'esquerra en general) no és més que un residu de la barbarie nazi
Re: Como los sionistas trabajaron junto con los nazis
19 gen 2005
Ja hi tornem... Sempre la Mateixa defensa que si Antisemitisme, que si els Jueus son les víctimes del Conflicte. A mi no me la Col.areu Cabrons Assassins , Ningú nega el que va haver de patir el Poble jueu durant el Nazisme, però justament per aquesta raó fot fàstic i vergonya que vosaltres feu el mateix amb el POble Palestí.... Encara recordo l'imatge del Noi tocant el Violí en un Control de l'exèrcit, que trist....
La persona que escrivio esta historia no es ningun revisionista
19 gen 2005
Lenni Brenner ,es un judio y troskista .

Igualdad ante el derecho al retorno

Mas sobre sionismo escrito por judios

Todavia sige esa union de nazis y sionismo , como por ejemplo en Francia .
Do you remember ?
19 gen 2005
ladran luego cabalgamos .... Quan han de denirar el poble jueu és que han perdut els arguments. El que els hi dol és que ara ja no els val matar-los a Europa , amb Israel existint ja no és possible
Re: Como los sionistas trabajaron junto con los nazis
19 gen 2005
ELs nens/nenes de los Fotos creixent Odiant a L'invasor, T'asseguro que no cal molta feina dels Grups Armats Palestins perquè aquets nens estiguin disposats a matar. Si no els DEixen Sobreviure no tenen moltes Altres Sortides.
Violinistes i escuts humans
19 gen 2005
el noi tocant el violí al punt de frontera

la veritat dels fets, no el que els palesnazis van inventar , l'enllaç al títol /Violin-palestino.htm
Re: Como los sionistas trabajaron junto con los nazis
19 gen 2005
En nuevorden hablan precisamente de la alianza de los palestinos con los nazis.
Re: Como los sionistas trabajaron junto con los nazis
19 gen 2005
lo dels pobres nens palestinets desesperats que decideixen matar-se per Alà i la patria no cola... no es mata cap dels fills dels jefes de les bandes terroristes i molt menys els jefes
Re: Como los sionistas trabajaron junto con los nazis
19 gen 2005
para el terrorista
19 gen 2005
la pagina web de tus queridos terroristas y el armamento que tienen .
Re: Como los sionistas trabajaron junto con los nazis
19 gen 2005
ja Veig que la Pàgina és Objectiva.....
Merda Propaganda Sionista !!
Demano per Favor al Moderador D'indymedia que Expulsi a qualsevol personatge que legitimi l'extermini del poble palestí per Part d'ISrael.

Els jefes dels grups Armats no cal que es matin per Alà, els helicòpters de l'exercit ja s'encarreguen de revcentar-los a Ells i a tots els que estiguin aprop del Cotxe.... M Sembla que li diuen selectiu.....
Re: Como los sionistas trabajaron junto con los nazis
19 gen 2005
para ,06:04:30
19 gen 2005
Como soy antifascista , por eso soy antisionista !!
nacido para matar
19 gen 2005
Lo que lleva escrito este soldado israeli ,nacido para matar .Israeli soldier and settler boy (Photo: Kawther Salam/Gush Shalom)
Re: Como los sionistas trabajaron junto con los nazis
19 gen 2005
per aqui es junten suposats "antiterroristes" que son sionistes feixistes i "antisionistes" que son nazis camuflats, com el lumbrera que ha penjat lo dels nazis de AARGH
para ,un
19 gen 2005
nazi sera tu padre ,por sino saves el trabajo que hizo Lenni Brenner ,esta boikoteado en muchos sitios , como en paginas web , AARGH sera una pagina revisionista ,pero te has llegado a preguntar porque este trabajo esta solo en este sitio ? ,haz una prueba , vete a Google y intenta buscar este trabajo tal come esta en AARGH ,te digo que no lon vas a encontrar .O esque tu nunca has buscado informacion en otros sitios que no sean de paginas "oficiales" de izquierda , por ponerte un caso ,yo , que el periodico El Mundo , que para mi es un bafofia tanto quando habla de Euskal Herria como de otros temas ,hace algunos años por lo del GAL ,asta el Egin cogia informacion de alli .Yo con esta noticia lo que pretendia es , que la gente se diera quenta que es el sionismo ,luego podras criticar de donde estava estava informacion ,pero lo que no podras decir ni que es mentira y que Lenni Brenner es un antisemita .
Palestina Vencerà
19 gen 2005
Repressió a Palestina.jpg
Una Pregunta Antiterrorista, perquè els fanàtics dels grups armats Palestins son terroristes i els fanatics Jueus ( Sionistes ) no ho son ? Vols que et posi unes fotos d'un camp de colons Jueus en Territori Palestí ? tenen mes armes ells que tot HAMAS.
Re: Como los sionistas trabajaron junto con los nazis
19 gen 2005
Posa el que vulguis , la diferencia sempre serà una. Un faanàtic coló est`pa sotmès a la llei i se l'empresona si incumpleix la llei ... el terrorista de Hamás fanatitza nens i adem´s se'l premia des de les dictadures del costat
Re: Como los sionistas trabajaron junto con los nazis
19 gen 2005
La ley de Israel la describe su bandera. Dos franjas azules, el Nilo y el Eufrates, ¿paradigma de lo que ansían conquistar en un futuro próximo?

Incumplir esa ley de Israel, esto es desertar del Ejército, supone la cárcel, en efecto.
Re: Como los sionistas trabajaron junto con los nazis
19 gen 2005
Se l'empresonA ? No m facis Riure. Si haguessin Empressonat tots els Soldats que han assassinat nens , dones , avis l'exèrcit d'israel no tindria efectius.
Contra la hipocrisidad
19 gen 2005
Modificat: 20 gen 2005
Contra todo tipo de fascismos y manipulaciones . La historia nos enseña , que un pueblo a podido ser en epocas de su historia tanto persegid@s como persegidor@s .Que con esto no pretendo generalizar de meter a tod@s en el mismo saco ,pero las mallorias de organizaciones judias que tanto protestan por el holocausto,(que me parece bien que lo hagan),no critiquen la masacre cotidiana contra el pueblo palestino .

Por una sola Palestina , en la que puedan convivir ateos ,judios ,mulsumanes ,catolicos ,.... pero tod@s con los mismos derechos !!
Re: Como los sionistas trabajaron junto con los nazis
19 gen 2005
Si s'hagués matat tot el que dieu no quedarien palestins , i resulta que n'hi ha més de 3,8 milions suposadament als territoris .
Re: Como los sionistas trabajaron junto con los nazis
20 gen 2005
Haj Amin al-Husseini



Appointed Mufti of Jerusalem by the British in 1921, Haj Amin al-Husseini was the most prominent Arab figure in Palestine during the Mandatory period. Al-Husseini was born in Jerusalem in 1893, and went on to serve in the Ottoman Army during World War I. Anti-British and anti-Jewish, the mufti was the key nationalist figure among Muslims in Palestine. Fearful that increased Jewish immigration to Palestine would damage Arab standing in the area, the mufti engineered the bloody riots against Jewish settlement in 1929 and 1936.

Al-Husseini's appointment as mufti was itself the subject of much controversy. The decision to grant al-Husseini the position was made by Herbert Samuel, the first high commissioner of Palestine. It was odd that Samuel, a British Jew, would appoint a man who would be responsible for so much unrest within the Mandatory area. Al-Husseini in fact had been sentenced to ten years in prison by the British for inciting riots in 1920. None of that sentence was served, as al-Husseini had fled to Transjordan, and was soon after amnestied by Samuel himself.

For his part, al-Husseini had used his influence to quiet additional disturbances in 1921. He assured Samuel that he would continue to maintain order, and it was with this understanding that the high commissioner granted him the position of mufti. In the following year, he was also appointed to lead the Supreme Muslim Council, expanding his already significant powers. Known later as the Grand Mufti, al-Husseini was able to establish himself as the preeminent Arab power in Palestine.

One of the mufti's most successful projects was the restoration of the Dome of the Rock and the al-Aqsa mosque. With funds collected from India and various Arab states, the Dome was plated in gold. The impressive looks of the Dome greatly enhanced the status of Jerusalem in the eyes of Muslims throughout the world. Similarly, al-Husseini's own status as Mufti of Jerusalem increased his standing as an influential Arab leader.

The mufti was dismissed from his position following the riots of 1936. No longer able to stay in Palestine, he continued his extremist activities from abroad. During World War II, the mufti was involved in the mobilization of support for Germany among Muslims. In November 1941 the Mufti met with Hitler. Although he continued to be involved in politics, al-Husseini's influence gradually declined after the defeat of the Arab armies in 1948.

Arab Riots of the 1920’s
By Jacqueline Shields


At the end of World War I, discussions commenced on the future of the Middle East, including the disposition of Palestine. On April 19, 1920, the Allies, Britain, France, Italy and Greece, Japan and Belgium, convened in San Remo, Italy to discuss a peace treaty with Turkey. The Allies decided to assign Great Britain the mandate over Palestine on both sides of the Jordan River, and the responsibility for putting the Balfour Declaration into effect. Arab nationalists were unsure how best to react to British authority. The two preeminent Jerusalem clans, the el-Husseinis and the Nashashibis, battled for influence throughout the mandate, as they had for decades before. The former was very anti-British, whereas the latter favored a more conciliatory policy.

One of the el-Husseinis, Haj Amin, who emerged as the leading figure in Palestinian politics during the mandate period, first began to organize small groups of suicide groups, fedayeen ("one who sacrifices himself"), to terrorize Jews in 1919 in the hope of duplicating the success of Kemal in Turkey and drive the Jews out of Palestine, just as the Turkish nationalists were driving the Greeks from Turkey. The first large Arab riots took place in Jerusalem in the intermediary days of Passover, April 1920. The Jewish community had anticipated the Arab reaction to the Allies' convention, and was ready to meet it. Jewish affairs in Palestine were then being administered from Jerusalem by the Vaad Hatzirim (Council of Delegates), appointed by the World Zionist Organization (WZO) (which became the Jewish Agency in 1929 ). The Vaad Hatzirim charged Ze'ev (Vladimir) Jabotinsky with the task of organizing Jewish self-defense. Jabotinsky was one of the founders of the Jewish battalions, which had served in the British Army during the First World War and had participated in the conquest of Palestine from the Turks. Acting under the auspices of the Vaad Hatzirim, Jabotinsky lead the Haganah (self-defense) organization in Jerusalem, which succeeded in repelling the Arab attack. Six Jews were killed and some 200 injured in Jerusalem in the course of the 1920 riots. Had it not been for the preliminary organization of Jewish defense, the number of victims would have undoubtedly been much greater.

After the riots, the British arrested both Arabs and Jews. Among those arrested was Jabotinsky, together with 19 of his associates, on a charge of illegal possession of weapons. Jabotinsky was sentenced to 15 years imprisonment with hard labor and deportation from the country after completion of his sentence. When the sentence became known, the Vaad Hatzirim made plans for widespread protests, including mass demonstrations and a national fast. Meanwhile, however, the mandate for Palestine had been assigned to Great Britain, and the jubilation of the Yishuv outweighed the desire to protest against the harsh sentence imposed on Jabotinsky and his comrades.

With the arrival in Jerusalem of the first High Commissioner, Sir Herbert Samuel, British military government was superseded by a civilian administration. As a gesture toward the civilian population, the High Commissioner proclaimed a general amnesty for both Jews and Arabs who had been involved in the April 1920 riots. Jabotinsky and his comrades were released from prison to an enthusiastic welcome by the Yishuv, but Jabotinsky insisted that the sentence passed against them be revoked entirely, arguing that the defender should not be placed on trial with the aggressor. After months of struggle, the British War Office finally revoked the sentences.

In 1921, Haj Amin el-Husseini began to organize larger scale fedayeen to terrorize Jews. Colonel Richard Meinertzhagen, former head of British military intelligence in Cairo, and later Chief Political Officer for Palestine and Syria, wrote in his diary that British officials "incline towards the exclusion of Zionism in Palestine." In fact, the British encouraged the Arabs to attack the Jews. According to Meinertzhagen, Col. Waters Taylor, financial adviser to the Military Administration in Palestine 1919-23, met with Haj Amin a few days before Easter, in 1920, and told him "he had a great opportunity at Easter to show the world...that Zionism was unpopular not only with the Palestine Administration but in Whitehall and if disturbances of sufficient violence occurred in Jerusalem at Easter, both General Bols [Chief Administrator in Palestine, 1919-20] and General Allenby [Commander of Egyptian Force, 1917-19, then High Commissioner of Egypt] would advocate the abandonment of the Jewish Home. Waters-Taylor explained that freedom could only be attained through violence."

Haj Amin took the Colonel's advice and instigated a riot. The British withdrew their troops and the Jewish police from Jerusalem, and the Arab mob attacked Jews and looted their shops. Due to Haj Amin's overt role in instigating the pogrom, the British arrested him. Yet, despite the arrest, Haj Amin escaped to Jordan, but he was sentenced to 10 years imprisonment in absentia. A year later, however, British Arabists convinced High Commissioner Herbert Samuel to pardon Haj Amin and to appoint him Mufti.

Samuel met with Haj Amin on April 11, 1921, and was assured "that the influences of his family and himself would be devoted to tranquility." Three weeks later, however, riots in Jaffa and Petah Tikvah, instigated by the Mufti, left 43 Jews dead. Following these riots England established the Haycraft Commission to evaluate the cause of these riots. The appendix of the report reads, "The fundamental cause of the Jaffa riots and the subsequent acts of violence was a feeling among the Arabs of discontent with, and hostility to, the Jews, due to political and economic causes, and connected with Jewish immigration, and with their conception of Zionist policy as derived from Jewish exponents . . . the Arab majority, who were generally the aggressors, inflicted most of the casualties."

Following these riots, Haj Amin consolidated his power and took control of all Muslim religious funds in Palestine. He used his authority to gain control over the mosques, the schools and the courts. No Arab could reach an influential position without being loyal to the Mufti. As the "Palestinian" spokesman, Haj Amin wrote to Colonial Secretary Winston Churchill in 1921, demanding that restrictions be placed on Jewish immigration and that Palestine be reunited with Syria and Transjordan. Churchill issued the White Paper of 1922, which tried to allay Arab fears about the Balfour Declaration. The White Paper acknowledged the need for Jewish immigaration to enable the Jewish community to grow, but placed the familiar limit of the country's absorptive capacity on immigration. Although not pleased with Churchill's diplomatic Paper, the Zionists accepted it; the Arabs, however, rejected it.

Despite the disturbances in 1920-1921, the yishuv continued to develop in relative peace and security. The yishuv's main concern at that time was its financial difficulties; the economic crisis of 1926-1928 led many to believe that the Zionist enterprise would fail due to lack of funds. Zionist leaders attempted to rectify the situation by expanding the Jewish Agency to incorporate non-Zionists who were willing to contribute to the practical settlement of Palestine.

The prospects for renewed financial support for the yishuv upset Arab leaders who feared economic domination by the Zionists. Led by Haj Amin al-Husseini once again, rumors of a Jewish plot to seize control of Muslim holy places began to spread. Violence erupted soon after, causing extensive damage. Rioting and looting were rampant throughout Palestine. In Jerusalem, Muslims provoked the violence and tensions by building and praying on or near the holiest place in the world for Jews, the Western Wall. By late August, the Arabs, in well organized formation, attacked Jewish settlements near Jerusalem. The disturbances spread to Hebron and Tsfat, including many settlements in between, and on the Kfar Dorom kibbutz in the Gaza Strip. After six days of rioting, the British finally brought in troops to quell the disturbance. Despite the fact that Jews had been living in Gaza and Hebron for centuries, following these riots, the British forced Jews to leave their homes and prohibited Jews from living in the Gaza strip and Hebron in an attempt to appease Arabs and quell violence. By the end of the rioting, 135 Jews were killed, with more than 300 wounded.

Like the riots earlier in the decade, afterward the British appointed Sir William Shaw to head an inquiry into the causes of the riots. The Shaw Commission found that the violence occurred due to "racial animosity on the part of the Arabs, consequent upon the disappointment of their political and national aspirations and fear for their economic future." The report claimed that the Arabs feared economic domination by a group who seemed to have, from their perspective, unlimited funding from abroad. The Commission reported that the conflict stemmed from different interpretations of British promises to both Arabs and Jews. The Commission acknowledged the ambiguity of former British statements and recommended that the government clearly define its intentions for Palestine. It also recommended that the issue of further Jewish immigration be more carefully considered to avoid "a repetition of the excessive immigration of 1925 and 1926." The issue of land tenure would only be eligible for review if new methods of cultivation stimulated considerable growth of the agricultural sector. The Shaw Commission frustrated Zionists, but the two subsequent reports issued on the future of Palestine were more disturbing. The Hope Simpson report of 1930 painted an unrealistic picture of the economic capacity of the country. It cast doubt on the prospect of industrialization and incorrectly asserted that no more than 20,000 families could be accomodated by the land. The Hope Simpson report was overshadowed, however, by the simultaneous release of the Passfield White Paper, which reflected colonial Secretary Passfield's deep-seated animus toward Zionism. This report asserted that Britain's obligations to the Arabs were very weighty and should not be overlooked to satisfy Jewish interests. Many argued that the Passfield Paper overturned the Balfour Declaration, essentialy saying that Britain should not plan to establish a Jewish state. The Passfield Paper greatly upset Jews, and interestingly, also the labor and conservative parties in the British Parliament. The result of this widespread outcry to the Secretary's report was a letter from British Prime Minister MacDonald to Dr. Chaim Weizmann, reaffirming the commitment to create a Jewish homeland.

The Arabs found rioting to be a very effective political tool becasue the British attitude toward violence against Jews, and their response to the riots, encouraged more outbreaks of violence. In each riot, the British would make little or no effort to prevent the Arabs from attacking the Jews. After each incident, a commission of inquiry would try to establish the cause of the riot. The conclusions were always the same: the Arabs were afraid of being displaced by Jewish immigrants. To stop the disturbances, the commissions routinely recommended that restrictions be made on Jewish immigration. Thus, the Arabs came to recognize that they could always stop Jewish immigration by staging a riot. Despite the restrictions placed on its growth, the Jewish population increased to more than 160,000 by the 1930's, and the community became solidly entrenched in Palestine. Unfortunately, as the Jewish presence grew stronger, so did the Arab opposition. The riots brought recognition from the international Jewish community to the struggle of the settlers in Palestine, and more than $600,000 was raised for an emergency fund that was used to finance the cost of restoring destroyed or damaged homes, establish schools, and build nurseries.


Sources: Mitchell Bard, The Complete Idiot's Guide to Middle East Conflict. 2nd Edition. NY: Alpha Books, 2003.

Ahron Bregman, A History of Israel, Palgrave MacMillan; New York, 2002.

The Mufti's Mayhem
By Mitchell Bard


In 1921, Haj Amin el-Husseini first began to organize small groups of suicide squads — fedayeen — to terrorize Jews. Haj Amin hoped to duplicate the success of Kemal Atatürk in Turkey by driving the Jews out of Palestine just as Kemal had driven the invading Greeks from his country.1 Arab radicals were able to gain influence because the British Administration was unwilling to take effective action against them until they finally revolted against British rule.

Colonel Richard Meinertzhagen, former head of British military intelligence in Cairo, and later Chief Political Officer for Palestine and Syria, wrote in his diary that British officials “incline towards the exclusion of Zionism in Palestine.�

The British encouraged the Palestinians to attack the Jews. According to Meinertzhagen, Col. Waters Taylor (financial adviser to the Military Administration in Palestine 1919-23) met with Haj Amin a few days before Easter, in 1920, and told him “he had a great opportunity at Easter to show the world...that Zionism was unpopular not only with the Palestine Administration but in Whitehall and if disturbances of sufficient violence occurred in Jerusalem at Easter, both General Bols [Chief Administrator in Palestine, 1919-20] and General Allenby [Commander of Egyptian Force, 1917-19, then High Commissioner of Egypt] would advocate the abandonment of the Jewish Home. Waters-Taylor explained that freedom could only be attained through violence.�2

Haj Amin took the Colonel’s advice and instigated a riot. The British withdrew their troops and the Jewish police from Jerusalem, allowing the Arab mob to attack Jews and loot their shops. Because of his overt role in instigating the pogrom, the British decided to arrest him. Haj Amin escaped, however, and was sentenced to 10 years imprisonment in absentia. A year later, some British Arabists convinced High Commissioner Herbert Samuel to pardon Haj Amin and to appoint him Mufti. By contrast, Vladimir Jabotinsky and several of his followers, who had formed a Jewish defense organization during the unrest, were sentenced to 15 years’ imprisonment.3

Samuel met with Haj Amin on April 11, 1921, and was assured “that the influences of his family and himself would be devoted to tranquility.� Three weeks later, riots in Jaffa and elsewhere left 43 Jews dead.4

Haj Amin consolidated his power and took control of all Muslim religious funds in Palestine. He used his authority to gain control over the mosques, the schools and the courts. No Arab could reach an influential position without being loyal to the Mufti. His power was so absolute “no Muslim in Palestine could be born or die without being beholden to Haj Amin.�5 The Mufti’s henchmen also insured he would have no opposition by systematically killing Palestinians from rival clans who were discussing cooperation with the Jews.

As the spokesman for Palestinian Arabs, Haj Amin did not ask that Britain grant them independence. On the contrary, in a letter to Churchill in 1921, he demanded that Palestine be reunited with Syria and Transjordan.6

The Arabs found rioting to be an effective political tool because of the lax British attitude and response toward violence against Jews. In handling each riot, the British did everything in their power to prevent Jews from protecting themselves, but made little or no effort to prevent the Arabs from attacking them. After each outbreak, a commission of inquiry would try to establish the cause of the violence. The conclusion was always the same: the Arabs were afraid of being displaced by Jews. To stop the rioting, the commissions would recommend that restrictions be placed on Jewish immigration. Thus, the Arabs came to recognize that they could always stop the influx of Jews by staging a riot.

This cycle began after a series of riots in May 1921. After failing to protect the Jewish community from Arab mobs, the British appointed the Haycraft Commission to investigate the cause of the violence. Although the panel concluded the Arabs had been the aggressors, it rationalized the cause of the attack: “The fundamental cause of the riots was a feeling among the Arabs of discontent with, and hostility to, the Jews, due to political and economic causes, and connected with Jewish immigration, and with their conception of Zionist policy....�7 One consequence of the violence was the institution of a temporary ban on Jewish immigration.

The Arab fear of being “displaced� or “dominated� was used as an excuse for their merciless attacks on peaceful Jewish settlers. Note, too, that these riots were not inspired by nationalistic fervor — nationalists would have rebelled against their British overlords — they were motivated by racial strife and misunderstanding.

In 1929, Arab provocateurs succeeded in convincing the masses that the Jews had designs on the Temple Mount (a tactic that would be repeated on numerous occasions, the most recent of which was in 1990). A Jewish religious observance at the Western Wall, which forms a part of the Temple Mount, served as a catalyst for rioting by Arabs against Jews that spilled out of Jerusalem into other villages and towns, including Safed and Hebron.

Again, the British Administration made no effort to prevent the violence and, after it began, the British did nothing to protect the Jewish population. After six days of mayhem, the British finally brought troops in to quell the disturbance. By this time, virtually the entire Jewish population of Hebron had fled or been killed. In all, 133 Jews were killed and 399 wounded in the pogroms.8

After the riots were over, the British ordered an investigation, which resulted in the Passfield White Paper. It said the “immigration, land purchase and settlement policies of the Zionist Organization were already, or were likely to become, prejudicial to Arab interests It understood the Mandatory’s obligation to the non-Jewish community to mean that Palestine’s resources must be primarily reserved for the growing Arab economy....�9 This, of course, meant it was necessary to place restrictions not only on Jewish immigration but on land purchases.

The Mufti and the Führer

By Mitchell Bard


In 1941, Haj Amin al-Husseini fled to Germany and met with Adolf Hitler, Heinrich Himmler, Joachim Von Ribbentrop and other Nazi leaders. He wanted to persuade them to extend the Nazis’ anti-Jewish program to the Arab world.

The Mufti sent Hitler 15 drafts of declarations he wanted Germany and Italy to make concerning the Middle East. One called on the two countries to declare the illegality of the Jewish home in Palestine. Furthermore, “they accord to Palestine and to other Arab countries the right to solve the problem of the Jewish elements in Palestine and other Arab countries, in accordance with the interest of the Arabs and, by the same method, that the question is now being settled in the Axis countries.�1

In November 1941, the Mufti met with Hitler, who told him the Jews were his foremost enemy. The Nazi dictator rebuffed the Mufti's requests for a declaration in support of the Arabs, however, telling him the time was not right. The Mufti offered Hitler his “thanks for the sympathy which he had always shown for the Arab and especially Palestinian cause, and to which he had given clear expression in his public speeches....The Arabs were Germany's natural friends because they had the same enemies as had Germany, namely....the Jews....� Hitler replied:

Germany stood for uncompromising war against the Jews. That naturally included active opposition to the Jewish national home in Palestine....Germany would furnish positive and practical aid to the Arabs involved in the same struggle....Germany's objective [is]...solely the destruction of the Jewish element residing in the Arab sphere....In that hour the Mufti would be the most authoritative spokesman for the Arab world. The Mufti thanked Hitler profusely.2

In 1945, Yugoslavia sought to indict the Mufti as a war criminal for his role in recruiting 20,000 Muslim volunteers for the SS, who participated in the killing of Jews in Croatia and Hungary. He escaped from French detention in 1946, however, and continued his fight against the Jews from Cairo and later Beirut. He died in 1974.

The Husseini family continued to play a role in Palestinian affairs, with Faisal Husseini, whose father was the Mufti's nephew, regarded until his death in 2001 as one of their leading spokesmen in the territories.

Fueron los árabes los que estuvieron aliados con Hitler. El mufti de Jerusalén Husseini propuso al Führer aplicar en Palestina la solución final y pasó la guerra en Alemania reclutando árabes para los ejércitos de Hitler.

No tenéis vergüenza. Hay ahora menos judíos que antes de la segunda guerra mundial, mientras que los árabes se han multiplicado como conejos.

A ese ignorante que apoya a los terroristas árabes que están masacrando israelíes: verás cómo te vas a reír cuando te decapiten tus amigos o cuando un terrorista bomba de esos te haga picadillo, o vayas en un autobús y te lo vuelen.
Y no os creáis que los de la ETA os vais a librar. Sois los tontos útiles de los terroristas islámicos. Podéis traer a pasear por aquí a esos de Hamas, pero para ellos sois perros infieles a los que hay que exterminar.
Re: Como los sionistas trabajaron junto con los nazis
20 gen 2005
digues el que vulguis "gora palestina askatuta!", si la informació la treus de webs antisemites i de propaganda nazi (encara que diguin que son revisionistes d'esquerres i antisionistes) ets un nazi... no et comparis amb un diari que en un moment donat pot extreure dades d'un altre diari i presentar-les objectivament

l'"antiterrorista" i tu sou les dues cares d'una mateixa moneda o de la mateixa merda

ni nazis ni sionistes
Re: Como los sionistas trabajaron junto con los nazis
20 gen 2005
com si els de l'AARGH volen penjar textos del mateix Trotsky, no deixa de ser una web nazi...
para , 11:02:37
20 gen 2005
nazi tu padre ,seguro que tú ami , no me tendras que dar lecciones de antifascismo , mamon ,quando tú , te hayas movido la mitad de lo que yo , me he movido contra los fatxas , hablas .O esque tu te crees san dios para decir donde puedo mirar y donde no ? ,o esque es mas "objetivo" lo que escribe El Mundo , La vanguardia ,... lo vuestro son ganas de provocar ,o mejor dicho ,lo que pasa que estas cosas salgan a la luz .Y para los verdaderos antifas de Catalunya ,al loro con este tipo de personas , que por cierto yo l@s conozco bastante bien ,donde se meten ell@s ,joden toda la izquierda ,claro ese es su trabajo !!.

Aqui habla de una manifa en Alemania en solidaridad con el estado de Israel ,debajo esta una informacion que alguno hizo sobre el tipo de personas que son est@s .Que seguro que 11:02:37 , sera uno de ellos , pero que se disfraza de cordero .
Re: Como los sionistas trabajaron junto con los nazis
20 gen 2005
si si, ves parlant que tu mateix et retrates... per començar no saps ni llegir (i no diguem escriure) i dubto que coneguis massa bé a ningú, com tu afirmes "verdadero antifa de Barcelona" (que payaso)

lo bo/dolent de l'anonimat és que ni tu, ni jo, ni ningú, podem saber els anys i anys de militància de cadascú més enllà del que cadascú digui o s'inventi... a mi em sembles un ninyato, que vols que et digui, potser m'equivoco, si no ho ets, llavors ets un irresponsable fent propaganda de webs que amaguen propaganda nazi

fes-t'ho mirar
Re: Como los sionistas trabajaron junto con los nazis
20 gen 2005
trobareu + merda sobre el revisionisme a aquesta web (on es junten suposats marxistes amb nazis reconeguts com el Pedro Varela, el de la llibreria Europa)

s'ha de tenir vista!
para , 05:21:20
20 gen 2005
Pue ya seve que tu saves muy bien leer ,donde esta escrito "verdadero antifa de Barcelona" ,quando yo ni vivo en Catalunya ,lo vueve a decir , lo que a vosotr@s os jode es que esta informacion salga a la luz , y como ya lo he dicho arriba ,a Lenni Brenner lo boikotean en muchos lados , incluso en paginas web ,tu firmas mucho de "antisionista" ,y todavia no he visto nada tuyo , criticando al sionismo ,y quando dices propaganda nazi dejas bien claro de que vas tú , o esque Lenni Brenner es un nazi ,mira que cuasalidad , lo mismo que dicen de el las orgaizaziones sionistas como ADF ,(Anti-Defamation League) ell@s "luchando" contra el antisemitismo y luego dando premios a Berlusconi ,un represor que en su govierno tiene ministros fatxas como Fini , en sus tiempos mienbro del partido Fascista MSI ,la ultima del govierno de Berlusconi y que tanto aprecia la ADL ,

lo que es solo la ADF , es un lobby sionista que premia a l@s que hacen loas al govierno de Israel.

Pero tu ya te as leido la pagina web que puse arriba , de Lenni Brenner ,seguro que nó !

Igualdad ante el derecho al retorno

Y para acabar , en lo unico que te doy la razon ,que con el anonimato alfinal uno no save de que va , pero por lo que has escrito tú , me vale para saver de que vas , y te lo vuelvo a decir , tu eres un lobo difrazado de codero .

Kampf den faschismus und sionismus !!
para , 05:21:20
20 gen 2005
Pue ya seve que tu saves muy bien leer ,donde esta escrito "verdadero antifa de Barcelona" ,quando yo ni vivo en Catalunya ,lo vueve a decir , lo que a vosotr@s os jode es que esta informacion salga a la luz , y como ya lo he dicho arriba ,a Lenni Brenner lo boikotean en muchos lados , incluso en paginas web ,tu firmas mucho de "antisionista" ,y todavia no he visto nada tuyo , criticando al sionismo ,y quando dices propaganda nazi dejas bien claro de que vas tú , o esque Lenni Brenner es un nazi ,mira que cuasalidad , lo mismo que dicen de el las orgaizaziones sionistas como ADF ,(Anti-Defamation League) ell@s "luchando" contra el antisemitismo y luego dando premios a Berlusconi ,un represor que en su govierno tiene ministros fatxas como Fini , en sus tiempos mienbro del partido Fascista MSI ,la ultima del govierno de Berlusconi y que tanto aprecia la ADL ,

lo que es solo la ADF , es un lobby sionista que premia a l@s que hacen loas al govierno de Israel.

Pero tu ya te as leido la pagina web que puse arriba , de Lenni Brenner ,seguro que nó !

Igualdad ante el derecho al retorno

Y para acabar , en lo unico que te doy la razon ,que con el anonimato alfinal uno no save de que va , pero por lo que has escrito tú , me vale para saver de que vas , y te lo vuelvo a decir , tu eres un lobo difrazado de codero .

Kampf den faschismus und sionismus !!
para , 05:21:20
20 gen 2005
Pue ya seve que tu saves muy bien leer ,donde esta escrito "verdadero antifa de Barcelona" ,quando yo ni vivo en Catalunya ,lo vueve a decir , lo que a vosotr@s os jode es que esta informacion salga a la luz , y como ya lo he dicho arriba ,a Lenni Brenner lo boikotean en muchos lados , incluso en paginas web ,tu firmas mucho de "antisionista" ,y todavia no he visto nada tuyo , criticando al sionismo ,y quando dices propaganda nazi dejas bien claro de que vas tú , o esque Lenni Brenner es un nazi ,mira que cuasalidad , lo mismo que dicen de el las orgaizaziones sionistas como ADF ,(Anti-Defamation League) ell@s "luchando" contra el antisemitismo y luego dando premios a Berlusconi ,un represor que en su govierno tiene ministros fatxas como Fini , en sus tiempos mienbro del partido Fascista MSI ,la ultima del govierno de Berlusconi y que tanto aprecia la ADL ,

lo que es solo la ADF , es un lobby sionista que premia a l@s que hacen loas al govierno de Israel.

Pero tu ya te as leido la pagina web que puse arriba , de Lenni Brenner ,seguro que nó !

Igualdad ante el derecho al retorno

Y para acabar , en lo unico que te doy la razon ,que con el anonimato alfinal uno no save de que va , pero por lo que has escrito tú , me vale para saver de que vas , y te lo vuelvo a decir , tu eres un lobo difrazado de codero .

Kampf den faschismus und sionismus !!
Re: Como los sionistas trabajaron junto con los nazis
21 gen 2005
que si, que si, tu ves fent titella de l'extrema dreta

i visca Palestina lliure! (ja sé que en euskera queda + guay i + radikal de la muerte, pero que hi farem)
Re: Como los sionistas trabajaron junto con los nazis
27 gen 2005
Hablais de los crímenes de los sionistas y de los crímenes de los nazis. ¡¡¡Qué pureza progre!!! Pero los crímenes de la izquierda, 100 millones de personas, ni aparecen en los post.

Si rechazais el nazismo por criminal, y el sionismo por colaborar con el nazismo y ser también racista, entonces, LAS MISMAS RAZONES os llevarían a condenar también todas las ideologías de izquierda, y especialmente el marxismo.

Es necesario romper con el pasado y comenzar desde cero. Todas las ideologías estan cubiertas de mierda hasta las orejas. Criticar una ideología desde otra ideología es un despropósito.
Re: Como los sionistas trabajaron junto con los nazis
22 mai 2005
bantai israel
hancurkan yahudi
islam merdeka
Re: Como los sionistas trabajaron junto con los nazis
23 mai 2005
"Criticar una ideología desde otra ideología es un despropósito"

doncs txaval, tu ho fas des del feixisme o sigui que aplica't el cuento, intoxicador!
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