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Pon tu bandera en el muro del Aparheid!!!
per International Palestinian Youth League Correu-e: polplanas@hotmail.com (no verificat!) Telèfon: 916168003 Adreça: http://www.flagsproject.tk/ |
05 des 2004
Deadline: 1th january 2005
The “Flags Project� is an initiative born this summer in one of the work camps organized in Palestine by the International Palestinian Youth League. During the weeks spent in Beidukku, a village close to Jerusalem, 22 volunteers coming from all around the world (France, United States, Spain, Italy, England, Japan, Scotland, Germany, …) decided to organize a symbolic protest against the construction of the apartheid wall in Palestine. They wanted both to show their solidarity to Palestinians and to give people living outside Palestine the opportunity of taking an active part in the protest against a wall that constitutes a grave violation of human rights and international law and causes deep suffering of Palestinian people.
To join the “Flag Project� is very easy: you and your friends just have to hand make a flag containing an expression of your contrariety to the wall. All the flags will then be collected, sticked and linked in order to create a huge, long flag that will be send to Palestine to wrap the wall. International media will cover the solidarity event, they already confirm their interest in giving world wide visibility to the initiative.
Many people from all around the globe already join the initiative and flags are on their way to the destination point… the big flag will probably be more than 1 kilometer long! Don’t you want to put YOUR OWN flag on the wall and to be part of this colorful solidarity net?
The making of a flag is very easy but all of them flag have to respect some basic characteristics because we want to stitch them together. Every flag have to:
1) measure 1 meter length and 85 cm height;
2) contain a clear and legible “NO WALL�
3) contain, under the written “NO WALL�, one or two sentences in your own language, that express your statement against the wall (flags arrived with the sentence “free palestine�, “end of the occupation�, …)
4) contain, at the bottom, the country of provenience of the flag, like “PEOPLE OF ITALY�, “PEOPLE FROM POLAND�, …
The more flags will be prepared, the best it will be, it depend on you too!
Join the project and share the initiative with organization and people you know
Sample of flag
Finished your flag, send it to:
YAP -Youth Action for Peace
Via Marco Dino
Rossi, 12/g
Roma 00173
Italy |
# |
Mira també:
http://www.flagsproject.tk |
![](https://barcelona.indymedia.org/images/licenses/norights.gif) This work is in the public domain |
Re: Pon tu bandera en el muro del Aparheid!!!
per pere |
05 des 2004
sorry?I can't understand |
Re: Pon tu bandera en el muro del Aparheid!!!
per Roselló |
05 des 2004
si et dius Pere per qué ho dius en anglés? |
Re: Pon tu bandera en el muro del Aparheid!!!
per c |
05 des 2004
porque le place señor juez |
Re: Pon tu bandera en el muro del Aparheid!!!
per meria |
05 des 2004
pues lo habrá puesto en inglés para que así lo ENTIENDA el que lo ha colgado, menuda pregunta |
Re: Pon tu bandera en el muro del Aparheid!!!
per Pongo mi bandera DE PAZ |
05 des 2004
Una bandera con la sangre de los niños palestinos muertos por voluntad de sus dirigentes y padres como mártires de una causa terrorista , cientos de manos que se agolpan en una valla antiterrorista que impedirá que los que no tienen cerebro para acabar con el el terrorismo almenos no lo puedan ejercitar por impedimento fÃsico.
Re: Pon tu bandera en el muro del Aparheid!!!
per un traductor |
05 des 2004
En resum molt resumit. Es tracta d'enviar pancartes que seran col.locades sobre el mur de la ignomínia (això és meu, no era al missatge) que construeix Israel a terres Palestines.
La idea és que aquestes pancartes seran cosides en una sola, que es tracta que sigui el més llarga possible. L'últim dia en què les pancartes poden arrivar sembla ser el primer de gener.
Cada pancarta ha de complir uns requisits:
1) Mesurar 1 metre d'ample per 85 cm d'alt
2) Contenir en lletres clares i llegibles les paraules "NO WALL" (en anglès)
3) Portar, a sota de les paraules anteriors, una o dues frases en la llengua de qui la enviï que expressin el rebuig contra l'esmentat mur. Com a exemples donen "llibertat per a Palestina", "Acabem amb l'ocupació".
4) Nomenar, al final, el país d'origen de la pancarta.
Les pancartes s'haurien d'enviar a:
Youth Action for Peace
Via Marco Dino Rossi, 12/g
Roma 00173
Ànim! |
Re: Pon tu bandera en el muro del Aparheid!!!
per sudando |
06 des 2004
de trolls |