another world is here |
12 oct 2008
Creat: 12 oct 2008 |
A couple of years ago the climate change was denied, now
it's even old-fashioned for the much it has been told. A couple of months ago spanish economy was still bragging of its situation and now, they suddenly start talking us about crisis. Maybe we're not well informed? Don't forget to enter http://www.17-s.info/ on September 17 if you want to have the information that will let you to judge by yourselves.
[Sep 19] Friday Sept. 19 at 20h outside the Town Hall of your town or city. SAUCEPAN BANGING!!
related news ::: Total Crisis 2010 ::: Video denunciation about the global energetic crisis ::: You're surprised by the crisis?(article) ::: Imc Labour issues - Transport Strike ::: 10 days to Sept 17 ::: The capitalism crisis to debate in Ontinyent ::: Coming soon in your life: Energetic crisis
+info ::: Globalization :::: Decreixement :: Transportistes.org :: Temps de Re-Voltes :::: 17-S CRISI |