Imprès des de Indymedia Barcelona :
Independent Media Center
10 set 2008
Creat: 10 set 2008

The people from this country do not abandon their wish for freedom

Someday the people from this country could rest from their efforts to recover the use of the language instead of being attacked for trying to let it survive. Someday, the people from this country could decide if they want symbols, tributes, flags, kings or prisonsinstead of having to live with this spanish impositions. Someday, the people from this country could celebrate their day of freedom insteod of having to remember that they are subjugated.

[11set] Barcelona: 10h. C. Ferran: Homage to Gustau Muñoz + 13h. al Born: Free prisoners for a Free Country + 17h. Urquinaona: Unitarian Demonstration + 19h. Politic Action al Fossar + 19.30h. P. Lluís Companys: Party for Freedom

La diada Everywhere: 11set al Camp: Reus Demonstration + Diada in Baix Llobregat + La diada in Sants + La diada in Gràcia + Party for Independence in Salt + Everywhere CAJEI + Torches in Vilanova i la Geltrú + Torches March in Anoia La diada a les corts + La diada in el Barcelonès + La diada in Vilafranca

related news: spanish nationalism brings out their artillery + Arrested for retiring a vexatius national symbol: "el toro del bruc" ::: "estelades" in Vilafranca ::: spanish nationalism is the most excludent ::: The countermanifesto: catalan, galician and basc writers defend their own language ::: La escuela moderna ::: anarquism, national liberation, books and debates::: Western Sahara: The Saharian verb to the present ::: A depreciation of the Language of the Power to the language of the Counterpower

+info : >>>peoples and cultures + >>>criminalisation and repression + black storms + +

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