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Reunió social
expose fbi/cia
Data: | Diumenge 03 Abril, 2011, 01:00 - 05:00 | Organitzador*: | geral sosbee | Correu-e de l'organitzador: | gsosbee@gmail.com | Descripció: | The fbi/cia Turn Civil Society Into A Sesspool Of Sinister Assassins
Throughout my *websites I identify by name in some instances (or by general description or photo in other cases) the individual doctors, dentists, lawyers, laymen and others who assist the fbi and the cia in the calumny, torture and attempted murder of Geral Sosbee. In all scenarios which I chronicle, the police, courts and legislators in all jurisdictions also unlawfully turn their backs on reports of crimes committed against my person. Many of the individual citizens who assist the fbi thugs in their heinous criminal offenses against me pretend to live otherwise respectable lives in their communities; their patients and fellow church and synagogue members are almost certainly not aware of the criminal (and nazi type) minds lurking beneath the phony smiles and false façades of the perpetrators whom I describe because many of them are doctors of medicine and dentistry who are greedy and self centered misanthropes lacking any true sense of human decency (or respect for the rights of others) and seeking fbi /cia approval. Thus these dangerous and evil individuals assist the **fbi/cia on queue in the criminal assaults on the unsuspecting victim (in this report, moi).
The government's use of members of the general population (sometimes referred to as gang stalking) to attack the target of the fbi/cia neutralization campaign is now a crime wave of epic proportions and no end to the madness is in sight.
Further, the convolution of sentiment of the general population from civility to barbarity now spreads across the earth (like an artificially synthesized disease) under the authority of and in concert with USA sponsored wars which are vehemently pursued by the fbi/cia, et al. The result of the program to turn ordinary individuals into occasional government assassins and torturers is a world in chaos because the individual’s will power is often undermined by corrupt and murderous government agents and provocateurs. The world is become in a sense a battlefield for all inhabitants, not just those wearing military uniforms; the inimical animosity spreading across our global village portends ill for the future of mankind due to the willingness of the citizens to join in the fbi/cia's ever growing sesspool of assassins.
Thank you.
**The duty to investigate gross violations of the United States Constitution rests with the federal bureau of investigation; the assassins of the fbi are delighted to read that many victims of gang stalking (and the police involvement therein) do not comprehend the nature of the iron hand that has fallen upon them.
The thugs in blue know this and the fbi/cia fully exploit the confusion of the Targets, the fear of the general population, and the corruption of the cops whose leaders are trained at the fbi national academy.
On a positive note: the world now benefits from the revelations that we, the Mind Warriors, enunciate and we are at once fortunate and honored to lead the assault on the most thoroughly evil and homicidal humans ever to live on the planet.
Thank you.
geral | Lloc: | harlingen,texas 78551 | Adreça: | po box 3374
harlingen,texas 78551 | Mira també: | www.sosbeevfbi.com |