Imprès des de Indymedia Barcelona :
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Art i Cultura

MiniDebConf Barcelona 2014

Data:Dissabte 15 Març, 2014, Tot el dia
Organitzador*:debian women
Descripció: On the 15th and 16th of March, Barcelona will host a Mini DebConf with both talks and social events, to which everyone in Debian is invited but the speakers in the talks are all people who identify themselves as female. We consider this important to:

Encourage women who haven't yet given their first DebConf talk
Provide role models for women who are interested in contributing
Debunk the myth that there are not enough women who can give talks in DebConf

The idea behind the conference is not to talk about women in free software, or women in debian, but rather to make discussion about Debian subjects more inclusive for women.
Lloc:We are proud to announce that the event will be celebrated in Facultat de Matemàtiques of Universitat de Barcelona, an historical building in Barcelona center, sponsored by Càtedra de Programari Lliure.
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