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Notícies :: criminalització i repressió
Segueix la croada contra la llibertat d'expressió als Estats Units
04 jun 2004
Un estudiant de l'Universitat de Boston, Massachussets, ha estat arrestat i acusat per protestar contra la situació dels presos iraquians davant d'una oficina de reclutament de l'exercit a la ciutat de Boston, als Estats Units. El fiscal demanava una fiança de 10.000 dòlars (uns 8.170 €).
L'estudiant de 21 anys Joe Previtera s'enfronta a càrrecs per un delicte menor de desordre públic i per un delicte criminal de falsa amenaça de bomba per participar en una acció no-violenta per protestar contra les tortures inflingides per soldats nord-americans a presoners iraquians.

Els fets van passar dimecres al matí quan un grup d'activistes es van reunir per fer una acció de teatre de carrer davant una oficina de reclutament de les Forces Armades nord-americanes a la ciutat de Boston. Previtera anava cobert amb una túnica i caputxa negres, sandàlies i dos cables penjant de les mans i s'estava dret damunt una caixa, volent simbolitzar algunes de les tortures aplicades als presoners iraquians.

Després de ser increpat i amenaçat diverses vegades pels treballadors de l'oficina de reclutament, va arribar una patrulla de la policia que durant 20 minuts es va limitar a mirar i esperar, sense desallotjar la zona ni mostrar-se excessivament preocupats. Però després de parlar amb el responsable de l'oficina van fer venir una patrulla d'artificiers i van procedir a arrestar el jove estudiant quan ja s'havia tret la disfressa i es disposava a abandonar la zona.

Els testimonis de gent que passava pel carer afirmen que era clar que es tractava de teatre de carrer i que en cap moment van sentir que hi hagués un perill real, però la policia justifica la seva acció dient que la caixa sobre la que estava Previtera i els cables que li penjaven de les mans feien témer que volgués fer un atemptat suicida amb bomba.

A la vista preliminar el Fiscal va demanar una fiança de 10.000 dòlars (uns 8.170 € per Previtera, tot i que finalment el jutge el va deixar en llibertat sota paraula. El jove serà jutjat per un delicte criminal de falsa amenaça de bomba i un delicte menor de desordre públic i podria anar a la presó.
Mira també:

This work is in the public domain


Re: Segueix la croada contra la llibertat d'expressió als Estats Units
04 jun 2004
Així les gasta el govern nord-americà contra les acions NO-VIOLENTES. Anem en compte que la nova constitució europea no segueixi l'exemple de la legislació nord-americana amb coses com la "Patriot Act", que als EUA ha convertit la Llibertat d'expressió en paper mullat i ha convertit tots els que discrepen del govern del fanàtic Bush en anti-patriotes i terroristes o col·laboradors dels terroristes
Re: Segueix la croada contra la llibertat d'expressió als Estats Units
04 jun 2004
I aquesta, la carta d'una noia que porta empressonada desde el passat més de gener per haver fet un acte de protesta pacifista en una zona militar: L'anomenada escola de les amèriques; el lloc d´instrucció militar per als qui després han exercit de torturadors al irak.

Per altra banda denuncia la multa que el Departament del Tresor federal vol imposar a l´ONG "Voices in the Wilderness" per haver portat medecines a Irak i haver violat per tant, les lleis que en dictaven l´embargament.

Avui mateix s'hi celebra el judici.



Pekin Federal Prison
Peoria, Illinois

On June 4, 2004, lawyers for Voices in the Wilderness will argue, in federal court, that a judge should allow further "discovery" to help establish why VitW travelers believed they had a duty to challenge economic sanctions against Iraq. The US Government charges us with the "crime" of delivering donated medicines to Iraq, without authorization. The US Treasury Department is attempting to collect $20,000 from VitW for violation of US sanctions against Iraq, sanctions which resulted in the deaths of hundreds of thousands of children in Iraq and effectively destroyed the civilian infrastructure. VitW is countersuing for reparations for the catastrophic effect of US led economic sanctions.

From 1996-2003, our resolve not to be bound by unjust UN/US led economic sanctions deepened, each time we personally witnessed innocent Iraqis being brutally and lethally punished by shortages of food and medicines, deteriorating infrastructure, contaminated water and disastrous breakdown in their health care systems.

Prosecuting lawyers will argue that our case should be resolved swiftly since we have already acknowledged delivering medicines to Iraq. Our attorney, Bill Quigley, professor of law at Loyola University, New Orleans, who traveled to Iraq prior to the US war counters, "The US government has no business punishing people for bringing medicine to Iraq, while its sanctions and occupation cause the daily deaths of Americans and Iraqis and continue to create a desperate need for medicine and basic goods for many Iraqis. This case is about justice, this hearing is an attempt to further criminalize dissent, and we will continue our civil resistance and actions regardless of the outcome of this case."

Only the lawyers will appear in the courtroom on June 4. But our role, in the wider court of public opinion, continues.

I can't directly participate in activity outside a courtroom, on June 4th -- a federal court has already imprisoned me for protest at a US military combat training school which has been graduating Latin American trainees who've later been implicated in torture, disappearance, assassination, and murder upon return to their home countries. But here in the Pekin Federal Prison Camp, between work shifts in the dish room, I have several hours each day to contemplate up further nonviolent resistance to US war making.

There is considerable press attention right now to the Abu Ghraib prisoner abuse and torture scandal. Here in the prison library, I've read numerous letters to the editor which insist that, even if ordered, US Military Police and prison guards should not have cooperated with degrading humiliation of Iraqi prisoners. Should VitW members have gone along with economic sanctions when we'd seen that Saddam Hussein didn't miss a meal while these sanctions were inflicting disease and death on Iraq's most vulnerable people? Should we have cooperated with one of the most egregious instances of child abuse in history?

Here is a tableau which communities across the country could set up outside of courtrooms as a demonstration of solidarity with VitW defendants.

Several friends could enact packing a duffel bag with antibiotics, aspirins, and vitamins, along with a few toys. One could hold a sign, saying:

"Yes, VitW traveled to Iraq, after learning that a million Iraqi children died as a direct result of economic sanctions"

"Yes, VitW brought medicine and toys to children's hospitals in Iraq"

"Yes, VitW developed friendships with Iraqis"


"Yes, VitW disobeyed a US law."

Efforts to extend a hand of friendship and build bonds of trust between people enhance our collective "social security". Treat other people well and you won't have to be afraid of them--this truism could liberate us from the trap of insecurity set for us by Bush's ongoing war against Iraq.

Imagine the frustration felt by mothers here in the prison when they can't directly influence situations affecting their children. Hampered by maddeningly limited phone time and long distances between themselves and their loved ones, women still do what they can, over the months and years, to help care for their children.

I hope they'll inspire me, beyond these confines, to use our freedoms creatively and constantly in hopes of shaping a more secure future for our children and next generations.

We can't wait for Mr. Bush or Mr. Kerry to improve our "social security". Exercising our right to free speech, let's join Dennis Kucinich, community and religious leaders and others worldwide who are calling for an end to the war against Iraq. Let's help people deliver a verdict against war and occupation. You might start with a choice making exercise in front of your local courthouse.

For documents regarding this case, please see
For further information call: Angela Garcia, 773-784-8065 or Danny Muller 917-217-6809 (on site in D.C.)

Kathy Kelly is a co-coordinator of Voices in the Wilderness. To learn more about how to become part of efforts to close the SOA, visit Kathy will also spend time in prison for crossing the line at Project ELF, a US Navy nuclear weapon facility in northern WI which helped fast-track Tomahawk Cruise missiles that attacked Iraq during the Shock and Awe campaign. To learn more about the campaign to shut down Project ELF, visit She can be reached at: Kathy ARROBA

Danny Muller (Chicago, NY, DC)
danny ARROBA
773 784 8065 voices office
917 217 6809- cell

Paul Chan (NY)
212 929 0698
Kathy Kelly's essay on life in prison
and a visit from the FBI (May 20, 2004)

Read the summons from the US dept of Treasury against VITW

Baghdad Snapshot Action (oldie but goodie)
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