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Soldado yankee torturado en Guantanamo
27 mai 2004
Me explico. Un soldado se ofrece como voluntario para hacer de "preso ilegal" de Guantanamo...
...y de la paliza se queda dañado del cerebro...

Parece ser que en Guantanamo hacen practicas de tortura con soldad@s "voluntarios" el atontado del articulo se ofrece, lo visten de naranja para darle mas jugo a la cosa... se lo llevan a ostias "simuladas" (je,je,je) lo tiran dentro de una celda, se le tiran encima mientras le siguen dando ostias "simuladas", e incluso llegan a estrangularlo, mientras el soldado, que ya se ha dado cuenta de LO REAL QUE EMPIEZA A SER LA COSA ( ) grita eso de ¡codigo rojo!, codigo Rojo¡ para que lo dejen en paz...Pero los tios siguen con las "PRACTICAS" Y le dan mas guantazos, patadas etc... Y entonces llega a gritar: SOY UN SOLDADO DE LOS USA...(JUUUUUAAAS)

O sea que ha probado la medicina que dan a los presos ilegales en Guantanamo...Si señor, pedazo de democratas anda por ahi sueltos...

Resultado, el soldado queda mas dañado del cerebro de lo que ya debia estar antes (por aquello de alistarse de entrada en el,je) y ahora el ejercito no quiere saber nada de su situacion y demas...

Os pongo la noticia y el link, es larga pero vale la pena leerlo...

Soldier left brain damaged after playing unruly prisoner at Guantánamo


A UNITED States soldier claims he was left brain damaged by a beating he received while posing as an un-cooperative prisoner at the Guantánamo Bay detention camp in Cuba.

Sean Baker said that military police taking part in an exercise at the notorious Camp Delta slammed his head on the ground repeatedly, causing a seizure disorder that led to him being medically discharged from the National Guard. The claim is bound to raise further concerns over the treatment of detainees at the prison camp.

Yesterday, the US army admitted that Mr Baker, 37, was injured in the January 2003 incident, which involved four reservists training with an internal reaction force responsible for subduing unruly detainees.

But it said an inquiry had determined that Mr Baker’s injuries were a "foreseeable consequence" of the exercise and that his discharge was not related to it.

"I just feel abandoned," said Mr Baker, who says he is still on medication and suffers flashbacks from the beating. "I want someone to say, ‘I’ll help you through this mess’, and say I’ll be OK."

Mr Baker was a former member of the Kentucky National Guard and of the 438th Military Police Company at the camp, which houses about 600 inmates that the US says are linked to terrorist organisations such as al-Qaeda or the ousted Taleban regime in Afghanistan.

He volunteered to play the role of an un-cooperative inmate for the exercise, and put on a prisoner’s orange jump-suit over his uniform before hiding under a bunk.

He said the reservists in riot gear burst into his cell, pulled him from beneath the bunk, began beating and choking him, and did not stop when he shouted the safe word, "Red". He said his legs were twisted, and one soldier jumped on his back and grabbed him by the throat, cutting off his airway.

"I kept yelling, ‘I’m a US soldier, I’m a US soldier’, but they carried on," Mr Baker said. He claimed another guard had ordered the team to "ease up" but that the beating stopped only when his jump-suit came apart and revealed his US military trousers underneath.

Sigue aki:

This work is in the public domain


Re: Soldado yankee torturado en Guantanamo
27 mai 2004
al link li falta un 4 al final! és
Re: Soldado yankee torturado en Guantanamo
27 mai 2004
Pues gracias... se habra borrado.

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