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Les Patents ja ens les estan imposant d'amagat, per nasos
19 mai 2004
Els manipuladors del aparell de govern europeu ja van aceptant patens de programari, d'esquena a qualsevol legalitat. Fent ús dels seus estatus de funcionaris, van tirant: Dia: 29/05/2004 Hora 12.00h Lugar: Plaza Llevant (es la conjunción de Rambla Prim con Avda.Diagonal, justo delante de la entrada del Forum) Como llegar: se ha contactado con los organizadores del Forum y han preparado esta página:

Patented European webshop

All of the elements and processes indicated in the graphic below are covered by granted (not just requested) European Patents. This kind of patents would be rendered enforceable by the Commission's and the JURI Committee's proposal, as has been shown elsewhere. The directive as voted by the European Parliament however, makes sure these patents remain what they are today: examples of the EPO's drift towards unlimited patentability, without any legal value whatsoever.

FFII will continue to fight for clear and useful limits on patentability, so that atrocities like those shown below will not make their debut in Europe. If you agree with these goals, please take a moment to sign the petition against European software patents and to sign our Call for Action II (

mail us if you want to be publicly listed there as company, scientist, professional, user group, ...). See this page for more things you can do to help.

A high quality A0 version of this image, as well as a French, German and Dutch version, are also available (see "patented webshop" link). For copyright notice, see bottom of this page.
  1. Webshop: Selling things over a network using a server, client and payment processor, or using a client and a server - EP803105 and EP738446
  2. Order by cell phone: Selling over a mobile phone network - EP1090494
  3. Shopping cart: Electronic shopping cart - EP807891 and EP784279
  4. [CDs] [Films] [Books]: Tabbed palettes - EP689133
  5. Picture link: Preview window - EP537100
  6. View/download film: Video data distribution through the web - EP933892
  7. View film: Video streaming ("segmented video on-demand") - EP633694
  8. MP3-format: Audio compression format, covered by numerous patents, e.g. EP287578
  9. Credit card: Pay using credit card via the Internet - EP820620 and EP779587
  10. Gift: Order a gift for someone via the Internet by providing his/her email address - EP927945 (note: the claims on the target page are less broad than the eventually granted claims in the B1 form of the patent)
  11. Request loan: Automated loan application - EP715740
  12. VISA: Digital signature in graphic to show that the shop is approved for receiving VISA payments - EP798657
  13. Send offers: Send offers in response to request - EP986016
  14. Send to vendor: Reroute incoming orders to a vendor - EP217308
  15. Support database: Network support system using databases - EP673135
  16. Preview chapters: Use of TV as metaphor for selecting different video fragments - EP670652
  17. Ladybug image: JPEG format - EP266049
  18. Related results: Show related results if customer likes the current ones - EP628919
  19. Rebate code: Allow rebate codes to be entered by customers - EP370847
  20. Burn at shop: Material reproduction of information stored at remote location - EP195098

Image copyright notices:

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons License. Ladybug photo ©, louse photo ©, kiosk photo ©, forest photo courtesy, VISA logo © and ®

This work licensed under a
Creative Commons license


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Re: Les Patents ja ens les estan imposant d'amagat, per nasos
19 mai 2004
Queda una mica cutre i se me traben els dits, però al grà:

lo de la web aquesta del EmForro 2004 i següents, es una merda, sento no haver-ho comprovat abans...

però el fet que el govern de la UE hagi aprobat en una sessió, abans de les eleccions del 13 de juny, en lo que anomenen "primera lectura" donar llum verda per tirar en devant amb el reconeixement de les patents de programari...

posa en evidencia com es troben els ànims i la determinació d'aquesta gent...

Davant la movilització generalitzada a europa contra les seues manipulacions, aposten per una ofensiva radicalitzada a l'espera dels resultats de les mateixes eleccions per rematar la feina en el nou parlament on és ferà "la segona lectura" condicionada d'entrada per ells mateixos.

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19 mai 2004
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